WD 79 WARRANTY DEED lTO CORPORATIONl FORM R. E. 34 PAN AllalCAN PRINTING CoRPORATION MIAIII. FLORIDA au,bi 3ltwfttturf. MadetMa A. D. 19-5l,BETWEEN 22nd day of May . ARTHUR L. WALTERS and LOUISE. B. WALTERS, his wif~, o( the County of Da.de and.State of Florida part.1.aaofthefintpart,and OIrry OF MTAMT Rw'AOH, A mnnirdrJIIl "l'JI . corporation existing 1ID.derthe laws o( the State of Fl n 1'" i n I!l , having ita principal place o( busll1e8s iD. the CountY ot TIlin tIl and State of Wl 01'"1 nl!! and lawfully authorized to transact buaineaa in the State of Florida, party of the second part.,' WITNESSETH: That the said part i ~ S of the first part, (or and in consideratioll" of the som Of T~n ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations ~ to them . '-.. in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof i8~b1 j~~~ ~ .,' ledged, hav~ .' gJ'anted, bargained and BOld to the said party of the second part,. ita 8DceeaIOrI and '-...... auigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade And State of Florida, to-wit: The northerly seven and on~""half (7i) feet of Lot Twenty-nine (29)', Block Three (3), FLAMINGO TERRACE SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 10 "Page 3, of' the Public Records of. Dade County, Florida, and also That portion of the said Lot Twenty-nine (29), bounded as follows: Commence at the northeasterly corner of said Lot Twenty-nine (29); thence run in a westerly direction .along the. northerly line of said Lot Twenty-nine (29) a distance of sixty-five (65) feet to a point; thence deflecting to the left ninety (900) degrees run in a southe~ly direction seven and one-half (7~) feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land herein described. From.. said point of beginning run in an easterly direction along a line parallel to the northerly line of said Lot Twenty-nine (29)for\,a distance of sixty-five (65) feet, more or less, to a point on~he easterly line of said Lot Twenty- nine (29); thence southerlY."along the easterly line of said Lot Twenty-nine (29) to a point, which is fifteen (15) feet southerly qf the northerly line of Lot Twenty-nine (29), measured at right ang.les to s aid northerly line of Lot Twenty-nine (29); thence westerly' along a line for a distance of sixty-five (65) feet, more or less, to th~ point of beginning; as said lot, block and subdivision are shown or). Plat recorded in plat Book 10, Page 3, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. : This conveyance is made subject to restrictions and limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; pending City of Miami Beach improvement liens; taxes for the year 1951. And the said parL...,1.e.SJf the fint part 00_ hereby fully warrant the tide to said land, and wi11 defend the same against the lawful claims of all per8Oll8 whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said p~ of the flrst part hand..!. and eeL the day and year above written. Signed, eealed and delivered in presence of us: 1 i=.~~) herennto eef 1: h ~ i 1'" O~~--"--4 f.. ~~~.(SeaI) ({ &JI ~~-<, ~ ~;.#:t4. (Seal) E't ~o~a4 70 ~~-- -~~~ ..... -~ ..::p -r '" ~... I u,- ,..,-. \..n (:.-1; .....