WD 78 Lot 3 Block 28 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTOAOK (BY CORP<'lPJI":"ION) PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 41 PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 32, "LORIOA I\nnm All 1JIen 1St! ijJ~ese 'resents: REAS u. S. HOLDING CORPORATION. a Florida cot.porat1o.n. WHE . by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 7th day of. septem~r 1 A.'D. 19~ and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and EM' the County oE nad e ,: State of Florida, in Mortgage Boole 2~A4 , Page 99 . gx.anted and conveyed unto The ~~nnecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co~any, a Connecticut Cor- pora on 1. 'Cs successors and ueigne. ilie premi8ee therein particularly deacrihed, to secure the payment of the sum oi Fortv-five Thousand and no/lOO-1j45.000.00) - - - - - - - - -nollF~ with interest as therein mentioned: 1-" '-\.: ;i .... <........ ..." '~-,1 ::. .: , U. S."'Holding Corporation has AND :WHE~ THE SAID requested tho wd . The ponnectidut 'Mutual Life Insurance~o:~':lhe pre~ . . hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien ind operation of laid Mort- pp: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That tile said Thfll COnnect icut Mutual Life In~uranc. Company as weD iD CODIideration of the premiaea as of the sum of . Ten lilO.OO) Dollars, to1t in hand paid by tho laid U.S. Hold1n~Co:il'porat1on at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do ...eA-remiee, release, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said U. S. Holding Corporation successor'! it 8 / ..... and a88igns, all that piece, parcel or.tract of land, being a part of the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to.wit: r.ot 'lth'rfllfIJI (~), "R1nc1c TlIeTlty-e1g'ht (26), OCEAN BEACH ADDITIO'i NO.2, accordl~ to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 2. at page 56, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD. the same, with 1.hf3 appurtenances, unto the said u. s. H~lding Corporatlon,1ts successors and auignalorever, freed, ell;ouorated .and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every pan thereof; ,Provided, 'dwa,. nevertheleu, that nothing therein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien 0'1' incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises,. Ilot; , hereby , released therefrom, or any of therlghts and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagee by its dulyauthcni,zedofficel'8, ha.. set it S hand-. and seal- t\,111 10th day oE May hereunto 19 51 Signed; I08ltJd. and deHvered iD the .-I!.N8ence of: UT THE GuNNECTIC ~_~e: . ---' 5n '~A "'?-'A__ ~ e. -#-.~ in ~':. !1~.' ~,\Vi I STATE OF COUNTY OF Connecticut Hartford I HEREBY CEIlTIFY~ that OIl thi. mOth day 01 May A. D.19~ before me personally appeare.d Fredari ck ~!Jb~~le ad Douglas A. Ble ase ~!Apectively~t $~in Charge of MO~~ga2e Loans aod.Asslsta~t SecretaI of 'l'fi'e t;onnectJ.cm:; Mutual. LJ.fe l.nsuran e Company. a corporation under the laws of theState of Connecticut , to me known to be the per8OD8deecribed in an,d who executed the foregoiDgconveyance to U. S. Holding Corpora t10p an~ ,~v~ally acbowletJg~d the execution thereof to be their free act and deed !l8 such officers, for the WIe8 ~d p~08e8 therein mentioned. and that they affixed' thereto the ofricial seal of laid corporation. and the said instrumenl it ~e act ~d deed ohaid corporation, WITNESS my signature and officialle8l at iDthe Countr of Hartford ".~~irtti~iJtla8t aforesaid, ,'". , .'''' "Jl\'~~ ", , >i ,'.l O:J~;~'{'r~ ) .' . C1;1 ~ I ,~~-- .' ....,.. 'j' rJ C.:, ~ ~:~~~-~ - ..--~_: -:-.:l-,~. r\~-t~r-~ ''''__ :_~:J-.r -~. . -c 1IMt,,"'f' .- ,"'-' .. c- ''''''-'''-- -"11' .,4> ....".~; .. .... 0 '-"IItf'....If.~ - ~.,,- 5;$,tt !D r,~-~}. r f{'pf ~:';" Hartford c~ :; ~ ---0' __ ,-"--'_, .__"..._~__ .... ~._ ._-~--. .-' _w--,7'_"'--- ~'---' -~. ,--~--- r., . : :P ~ Ei'. ~ ':3 \.\ Oll ~ 0 IN ~ lit c:r. .... ~ ~ p. . ~ lrJ II ::s. = . t. Q f Q \ r 0 'U ... Ii ~ > 5' ID 'U ~ 0( ~ 'd n i- n 0 0 fI) 0 i ~ ~ iii -f l :II , CS ... 0 '11 0 t :t !"t 0 ~ cT :II "'.~. ID .... :II .... 3: rrI ,.,., &. ~~ ~ ~ 0 ;II ~ (") 0 ~ 0 -- :::s J: ~ 0 c:l z .. lrJ < !" ; :::Q td .t:C ~ ! )a' (0',.' .~ Q fA Z <', t.:z:JL ~ 0 !" ~ ,.,., at g 'II ;ll:J . l ,. ~ -' C>> 0 -.,: ;lII r ;:;; t () ~ t:3 ~ I 0 e. Do l . . . t . . ... '- 11 1!. ~ . i ~ o!'J --... i:'~ ,... "' :-t.~ 0 t::t!; ...,( "'rJ l;:a: 0 17f!:: ::0 ~E !I ::0 m .,.,a: IS 0 ,... . . .,.. . 0 .. :::0 C