WD 71L . , . ~ \ r. _d j~ ~ ~ ~ L~ l' ~ ~ I l~ , " '\ ~~ I " "\, STATE OF FLORIDA, } County of DAnA I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day penoaally appeared before me, an officer duly .mIaorised to ....inilter oatlls .nd take .cknowledgments, ESTHER MORRISON and MOHR IS MOHRTSON, wi f'A Rnn husband, to me well known to be the person..S..- described in and who executed the loresoing deed, and .cknowledsed before me that' the Y executed the same IreeI,. and volunt.rny lor the purposes therein expressed. . AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, Th.t the said Esther Morrison . known to me <::j;:~~ ; wH~'~'\.';"d M 0 rr isM 0 rr i son . on a ~par.te and private ~"'13, -" - ~,~ ',~..~,....,',.dl,''1.'.,.,a,.:.':;'';ft= ~~~~: :;~iJ.:.~~= c.....~.:u.hntN.~ .,~'""_ .eed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, eonstraint, apprehension or lear 01 or Irom ... '\ 0 T !'\'l...~....<i~ i i h : \.WITn'l:.~ a.~hand and oCEicialseal .t M am Beac , County of Dade ; '_,d' 1.st.te o~P1;i.r ',~ 111'- 20th d., ,. 0" . Jul~' . A. D. 1~ 51 ~."'UBt.\...,,~: ~. ~_n _ ., .., _, i'/,-;~.~...'" -cJ' " \- ~: . ...t{'1I ... <'}.' E', I .' ,. " . . . :';..t>,t';....~~;......~\...,.l Notary Public, State of Florida ~,~J~.Q~.\t;"'," M comml'OOl'on """1'-0 L~ ..... ~ "7-- .r:-",. .~A?ll'\..,~jr,',,;_'" , ,'.....,.-..".'. Y - -p.~, _ _ _ f:I I ~ATE.O~FI.QRlDA, .. } Cowaty of_.___, i _--...._._~_._.~~.:.-. I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this day penoaally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to .dminietel oath. and take .cknow1edpiilDb.' to me well known to be the penoD-- described in and who executed the foregoingJdeed, and acknowledged before me that executed the same freel,. and yoluntarUy lor the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and oHieial seal at . County of and State of Florida, thi. d.y of ~ iii Ii ~ IQ c..t ~ ~~ ~O =~ .......~ =0 ~t) ~O ~t. ~ II ~ .-c I I g, D. 194- - -..... ~.....:.;::'",..~"-"...-'".'-" ......._~" '.~""~f;.~~.'~-"~m > '~i.s~ ~l'iS] :' till "Cl ~ .e:l .l::l 0 .S ~ ~ to) I;,.) frl ~ ~ ..c ~-a:: ~ ~ ~ ofi.e . "Cf,., g'S iU'a"St-Z a~~5..cl_::S~1 ... cc t) M ~ 1 C) "Cl ..c 'a "Cl .. /l) to) , ~ M .... ~ ~ I "Cl f&l .. ~ =- 1: 9 iofi .; ~....o""~ ..._ ~llD .. C) ''''1>- C)~ ,., ~ ~ J ~ e ~ ~.~ ~ ~ == "Cl "Cl~ ~~::: "Cl~ ..... ~"Cl QP es a ... I 8 a ~tI)"Cl ~ ~ I ca :I == tI) a .s ~ ~~(~~ll~~l.s $. ~:s0\ 5~ =~;..cl'atl) \d ~1'~~~~~I:.s~S'~:a ,I t; 8 -< .Ell ~.s i 8 'a '"::) \\ \ H ~ ~ ~ H =a is: ! ril H :> ~ e3 ~ rI) ~ (J) ~ tl) 0 ~ i () 0 r-I p:j OJ ~ r-I .p 0 H G) l1) H ~ ~ ~ 'd ~ ~ z o l1) H ~ ~ o ~ (J) OJ P:: o ~ Iif o :>l 8 H o ~ 8 fJ) Pi! "lil Q t'O ("J a oCt .-......... ....J .0 0 l..:- e> ..... ~- .~ -' i..JJ ~ ;:...) ~.... :;.~ :...1.J uJ ,,~.... ..- .~."",;. ,. ,- 0.._... ,.., jr~ ,~J ,-<'-- \, '..~ t--~ -