WD 71 K BOO~ 3470 PAGE 89 WI) 7/1\ ~-' \.-~- ;~ Ilj ""'" L~ 00 :..c l' < < ~ ~ ~ ~,-~# } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That 0" this daY, penonally appeared before me, an orricer duly aadaoriJled to admiDiater oaths and take acknowledlPJleDu, John Frederick Marshall and Nancy Marshall, his wife, to me well known to be the perso~ described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the l8Dle freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the Baid Nancy Marshall I known to mil. 10 be the wile of the .aid John Frederick Marshall , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, llepantely and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she Blade herself a party 10 ..id deed for the purpose ofrenouncins, relinquishiBg and conveying all her right, title - interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that Ihe executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, appreh",sion or fear of or from her aaid husband. Co L ZJ w/IJ T t7~ ___ . .... . . . '. D WITNESS my' hand.. and oUi~al seal at 'Ru'O!lilO ~.~ PJ'OV"'.. n~"'''Hf' ...Qtl. tA.1'".i 0, .nf~~~;,vanaaa, . //~ day 0' .. .../C/ ,,:" \\.CA~~', ! .. , .....- STATE OF FLO}UDA, Notary Public, My commi88ion } eo.ua~ 0'-._..___;..-_________"__.__,__. I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this day penonally appeared oaths and take aebowledplen~, before me, an orricer duly authorized to administer to me well known to he the penoll..-- deserihed Ia and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me thlt exeeuted the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expre8sed. WITNESS my hand and official seal .t . County 0' and Stlte of Florida, th;- ~'Y of ~I r-I r-I CIS - .c: .s::: ~ tIl C) F-l CIS CIS Q) =~ ~ IX! .!ir:I or-! +-t~ C) ~ @ or-! =0 F-l or-! ~u Q) ~ ro 0 Q) ft-t ~ F-l 0 - Iii .a~ ~ O.r-! 1-;,;3: l""'\ (t"\ "'- _I .-, v-.,' ':;2 ".., , , ~.-o._'~.... ;;..-::. o c;: o ~ ""j ..... ::z t.:.; C::.. ....:;..::.:) -....~ (!~. ,P ....' (, ,:::;; j,j,.... I 1 I Q) ~ ~ or-! ~ :> ~ ~ e; Po. fIl r:i ~ ~ = at- D. 194- !.IJ - to... C2 loW . ~:i.s~ ~ 'i '6 i ~o~ r r pC 4) .!:l .!:l 0 ~ tuut.) . '" ..cl 4) &.&.I J g ;';4).s:3~ ..cflQd~....~t- 4) Q ::l..cl Q s:l .- ;..=Q -== .~ a:l .... U ~ Xl18 "E..cl QpC ~1Il oS g ~ .; ~ 4) I ~ ~ ;~J9 H j~~~~ ~ pC pC "'~l:: pC C( ~;! 1 ~ .: ~ ti: r__ a:l "; == ~ ~ .6 - "'pC Q~ 4) ~ ~O ~4)a:l=~"C..cl4) Q' d~~i ~"1i; I ~ ~. pof j4)i Sr: ;.'Q~ I ~ 8!Sc!~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ en <. a:ll... Ilu Q ~ Q .!ir:I C) . 0 s:: r-I 0 (:Q 'r! V) r-I ~ r-I or-! ro 4-' .g 0 H to a: II: o U ~ Z j: z ii: .. z 0( u ii: .. :IE 0( Z 0( a. .~,-_.-- .-..,-,.".- ~-----,-.~~.,- ~. . :\ ...