WD 101 B BeB1n at the Sou'theaaterl)" corner or Lot One (1) of Block F1fty-tive (55) ot PISBBR'S . FIRST SUBDIVISIOK OF AL!OH BlACH, according to the plat thereot recorded in Plat Book 2 a t Page 77 of the pub11c records ot Dade COuntYI Florida; thence run southerly along the Easterly line ot sa1d Lot 11 Block 55 produced Soather1y, a d1stance of 35.-9 teet, aore or 1essl to a po1nt, sa1d point beinS at the int.rsect10n ot the 1astt_nt10ned course with the center line ot Avenue nC" as shown by the above mentioned plat; thence run in an Baster1{ direct10n along said center 11ne of A venue C tt, produced easterly, to the high water line of the Atlantic Ocean; thence run in a Northerly direction, meandering said high water line, a d1stance of 35.-9 teet, more or 1e.., to the point of inters.etio."ot the .ald high vater line vlth the Souther1)' line of aaid Lot 1, Block 55, produced Ka8t- er1,.; thence run ln a Ve.ter1y directlon along the Southerly 11M of "8ald Lot 1, B1oclJ; 55, produce. a8 atore.aUI to the polnt ot beginning, together w1th &n7 riparian or 11ttora1 rlpt. appurtenant thereto. Thls conve7&rlce i8 _de subject to taxes tor tb8 year 1953, ~~~__~ C1t,. ot .1&111 Beach specla1 asses...nte tor public 1aprove_nts · ~. not yet due and payable, Cl t,. ot JI1aai Beach zon1ag ordinances eSS/ : .' .. BOOK 3738 PAG~ 359 ." , .. .. V.ABRA.ftY DUD THIS IJIDBHUREI Jlade this 29th 4&7 ot January 1953. BE'fVEEH JACQUELIn CAVALLIER HALL (vho acquired t1 t1e aa Jacque11ne L1Dmander delfleuvenhove) j01ned by her husband, CHARIBS F. HALL, parties ot the tirst part, and CITY OF' KIAKI BEACH, a F10rlda municlpa1 corporat1on, part,. ot the aecond part. {The address ot the part7 ot the second part 1s Clt7 '\; Ball, Rtaa1 Beach 39, Florlda. YIlfllBSSE!rH: That the parties ot the tirst part, tor and in conslderatlon ot the SWD ot DK DOLLARS, to them in hand paid b.r sald part7 ot the second part, the recelpt ot vhlch ls hereby aclmow1edged, bave granted, bargained and sold to the s&1d partY' ot tbe second part, its suce.ssor8';~~~a..igns, torever, the tolloving descr1bed land situate, l71ng and being in'the County ot Dade and State o~ F10ricla, to-w1t: ... ,. and restrlctions o~ record,1t &BJ'. ~?,~, ,;$'~; .' 1 I ? !J ....,;', t l,"-:'-''';'''~' fa/I'......... <.;''-.;'', iL-:'p (1;? (' (Iv ..1 y.-. J'./ //.,'0 ...,....,.. I , _ -1- C!I ,.I ,. ;.J<; I) l~ i ,".I~ W. ~ . t# , ts.' ~ , . BOOl< 3738 PAGE 360 .. . ~ *!,.. 'l... .. !he parties ot the tirst part II&lte no Npr.sentations or varranty a8 to right or title to r1parian or littoral rights or lands lying be1'0nd the h1gh Yater II&1'k ot the Atlantic Ocean; riparian and littoral rights have been 1ncluded in thi8 conve,..nce 80 tba t the 8a_ vi11 pa88 to the party or the second part here1n, it any ot such right8 exi8t vith respect to the land conveyed, and 1t 8uch rights have been heretotore acq,\l1re4 b1' the part1e8 or the tirst part. Except as above 11a1 te4 JACQUELID CAV.lLT.TRIl HALL 40.s hereby :tully Y&rl'ant the title to sa1d 1an4s, and vi11 derend the 8_ aga1nst the lavtu1 Cla1Ja8 ot all persons vhoasoever. D VI'fDSS 1fBBREOll', the 8a14 partie. ot the tir.t part have hereunto .et their hand8 and .e.1. the day and year above written. S1ped, seale4 and delivered ~...... - ..u.~: J . ~n.O~J :._~~BA.L) in fU--Lpresr.nce ot: . ~ -.". ~~. · po. l_V JLc.~, L{) t1l () ~SJW.l ~.............. , ~ M.... L> -=- STAB 011' lPLOllIDA. l 58 COlDlft OF DA11I I lIIlmBY CD!'IPY tbat on th18 da7 per8oaal17 appeared betore me, an otticer duly authorized to admin18ter oaths and take acknovledgJlents, CJlARIZS P. HALL and JACQULID CAVALL:nnt . . HALL, husband and vite, to .. known to be the per.ons vho signed the toregoing instruaent, and acmov1e4ged the execut10n hereot to be their tree act and d..d, 'fOr the uses and purposes therein _lit1oned. la~~~~!~t.~~t~e and otr1cial s.a1 at Jl1aJa1, in ~ countt.";Qt\_i~.;i~~ie ot lP1or1da, thi8 ') 1\1>>4&1' ot ~~"l~ .. '.........~. \""~-#' c;.. -:::.. ~ A.D. 19."_ (F~.:: (.\ ~ :% -,. "".. ""....1: ,," :." '. ~". ~\?: ~,;:: ':<. )\... . ,,\ ~-;. ... : "".it ~ . . f'''' .;;;:,~ ,;::.....r-... ....,"',\,\ ~,. /, .......... ..-..,~..:-, -;>,41 l. t. fl rt ,-\\"" r.~. .'.... ..'... ." 117 CO.m.sl't:oa:latt1rea: 7Ju.x-.1. I v r tv S-f/- ~. < Botar \l c, ;at. ot 11'~ at Large. State of Flbrida, County of Dad&. -~is instrument was filed for record the_~.z__day of.~ 1953 at.t_;L~.L!.M. and duly recorded in___~_~~ - Book.J2,S 8:...on page..&L.f. File No. CC...~L€J / .. .. Ui:ATHItRMAN Clerk Circuit Court By.~~~~~-A~