WD 101 i;'J D _. r ~) \ 8001<3684 ,,^5E534 iJ~I>~~~~~~~~~~lm · WARRANTY DEED JtAPeO'S FORM R, E, A-~ F'APCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION I M (FROM CORPORATION) MIAMI 37, FLORIDA ~ ,.,\' ~ m~ JtUlt11lttn'. Made.wa Is t day of December, A. D. 195'2, I ~ BETWEEN . ~T., MORITZ HOTEL COMPANY , a ""'Poration I,.~. existing under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida and lawCully authorized to transact business in the State oC Florida, party oC the first part, and I CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of Florida ~ - I oif'~ C-IY 01 Dade' and S..ta of ;~!Ori~a . ',i I I ita~ of the.."""d p.... WITNESSETH,.. ~ ~ . That the oaid party of the first part, foo and m ....MeratioD of the ...... of rMl -':-Ten (llO.OQ)' Dollars & OtherValuableG{}nsiq.:e:rations--,,:, . ~ I to it in hand paid b1 the said p~ of the second i>art, the re<<:eipt' whereof is hereby aeknowledgedi hall granted, bargained and sold to the said part$-..- be the ~cond paI1, . .. . its I MC:'a ~gf~s forever, the following described lalld situate, lying and hei.i)g in the County of 1 Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: i ., That certain parcel of land situate, lying arid being in the City of six (56) of FTSHER'SFIRST SUBDIVISION OF' ALTON BEACH, according " to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 77 of the Pub- ' I lic Records of Dade County, Florida; thence run Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 10, Block 56, produced NortherlY,t.,.,a distance of 35.49 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being ~ at the intersection of the last mentioned course with the center lfjr line of Avenue "C" as shmvn by the above mentioned plat; thence r I~~ in an Easterly direction along said center line of Avenue "C" pro- M duced Easterly to the high water line of t~ Atlantic Ocean; thence run in a Southerly direction, meandering said high water line, a I distance of 35.49 feet, more or ~~ss, to the point of intersection. of the said high water line with the N2rtherly line of said Lot 10 :' Bloc,k 56 produced Easterly; thence run in a Westerly direction- . II' along the Northerly line of said Lot 10, Block 56 produced as ! ana s~atu ory rlparlan rlghts appurtenant thereto. . T~is ~~yance is made subject to restrictions of record and to I :'eM.+:a~h()l11n~. n1"rl"fI.l::mces and taxes for the year 19')2. I I::) 'Alitl"ftRt'da1U"'P'any ol"llienarpan toes hereby fully warrant the tiile to said' rand, and will defend ' . ~*"e)ll~ the lawflilcIilUns of all persons whomsoever. ~J "~r: .~;~.~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said p~y oC ~e !irstpart hu.caused these pree- ~""(C~orale ' ents to be sIgned m ItS name by Its proper officers, '-:t i-",~, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its f . ~... "t "..... eecretary, the day and year above written. . ~--./ ~.~,,:.;.;yM~~~'" . , 'l~i~~~LlIJ~~ . m......_.A~s.:1~ t,ant Secre.tt!ry q I ST. MORITZ HOTRL -COMPANY . ..:;. r. ",'d.i~ :]l~rl~i~,'};:' ~}:J~l " . ~_' ,"I: ~ ~~~-C'---'------ BOOK 3684 PAGE 535 ~TATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF DADE day of December d..3 :/::19 52 , m~ I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on thill . Is t .. beCone p-':.Ur .PP_~?J. · and ? ,c.. ~ ST. MORITZ HOTEL COMPANY tt04~;r. <", President and Secretaryre$peetively .f . A t a edrporation under the laws of the state oC Florida. t to me biown to be the: persons who signed the Coregoin! instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereaC to be their Cree act ana ~eed as such officers Cor the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the official .eal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the' act and deed ot. said corporation; WITNEss my signature and official. seal aL-.- in - th& ConntyoC . Dade the d..y and year last afor~id. ,lrI]','~nexpires: . .,' <( \ ,. t.-~t1;~. . .... S" ..",..ilto.,.. "4.,("'''''. ... ~ .....'... . .-;..... -I,'') \:,.'., . v... " '"'" -. ~~ -;. .. ""A~.. :,',;'-" : 0 i ct.' ~ ... :. : ~ . 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