WD-100 - BOOK 3,659 PAGt 501 . . WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTtTRE, Made this 30th day of September, A. D. 1952, between TILLIE BELL PASS, a free dealer, (formerly Tillie Bell) and COTTAGES MIAlU BEACH, INC., a Florida Corporation, having its principal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida and law- f'ull:y authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, parties of the first part, and CITY OF HIAM! BEACH, a Florida 11unicip'al Corpora- tion of the County of Dade and state of Florida, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the s aid parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable considerations to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said ptr ty of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State '- ~ ....___ ".,;r.-...."::~ of Florida, to-wit: All that part of the North 132.0' of Section 10, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, described as follows: lion 'II; '''l',un i""J 0', "*' " 'iI,', i,/ " i~ I ;1' I I: \'\ --I i:/.: i' ~;~,\ ,,. /-://1 ~;I~:~~~I:C:"\ I 'rjl:"~':~f:\~r!':ilj iI. Beginning at a point on the northern boundary of said Section 10, which is intersected by the easterly _ boundary of Jefferson Avenue extended southerly across' Biscayne Street as a point or place of be ginning; thence southerly continuing the easterly boundary of Jefferson Avenue extended for a distance of 132.0' .",,-~.. to a point; thence westerly 208.1' more or less along O~~ a line parallel to and 132.0' southerly from the northern '-/ line of said Section 10 to Biscayne Bay; thence north- f' westerly meandering the Bay to the intersection of the . ,:? northern line of Section 10; thence easterly along the ' northern line of Section 10, 285.01 more or less to the point or place of 1:a ginning; (The northern boundary or said Section 10 being common with the southern boundary, of Bisc ayne Street); together wi th all common law and \ statutory riparian rights pertaining thereto; ~ ALSO DESC RIB ED AS: <t,; All of that part of the North 132.0' of Section 10, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, known as Tract A or the SIni th Company Bay Front Tract, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Bounded on the north by the northern line of said Section 10; bounded on the east by the east line of Jefferson Avenue extended; bounded on the south by a line parallel <to to and distant 132.0' south of the northern line of said . Section 10, and bounded on the west by Biscayne Bay; to- gether with all common law and statutory riparian rights pertaining thereto. OFFICE OF CITY ATrODE'!' - C ..... BOOK3659 PftGE 502 -- This conveyance is made subject to zoning ordinances of the Ci ty of Miami Beach, Florida, and to taxes for the year 1952. AND the said parties of the first pert do hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WBEREOF, the said Tillie Bell Pass has hereunto set her hand and seal and the said Cottages Miami Beach, Inc., has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its secretary, the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: jC - ~ E.IC-L ~AM~L~ ~ ~. (Seal) A free dealer. COTTAGES MIAMI BEACH, INC. ~ ~ // __-~-"~"'''\j'II\\\llt ' Byq. ~.I ,~~ ~~::~/\ President::..... ...~ ~"'-.....J,.~,,..i.', : ~...~ t .::):~ ,..~~ oc:::t .. .~ ..... :_0. .... :-- Attest: ,.....;.~,...,~ .. '" 'f ,r-, ~'. .' .......,.; , '" h t, ,- <(. _ /, v 1" '.IJ~'" '. - '., ./.[0'" -It ~~- \\ tJ ,,- l\\\\\."'....".... STATE OF FLORIDA: SS COUNTY OF DADE : I HEREBY CERTIFY' that on this day before me personally appeared TILLIE BELL PASS, a free dealer, i'ormerly Tillie Bell, to me well lmown to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and she acknow- ledged the execution thereof to be her i'ree act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my signature and official seal County of Dade and State of Florida, this ~ day of A.D. 1952. Notary Public, S;: :/t.fI..... . \>~at Large My connniss ion expires: .~ :::;i ~ I l ~ ..:t ;~ ' notary Publ!c. ~~,2~loffior~a ~ r. ,.1;:; } y commiSSIon tlJ4pt:~ "";..-11 J~ J 9ar~,,," Bonded by ^merlc~H:s~~\Y ca. ;f N.S;:;-., OFFICE OF CI'IT AftODEY - C1'l'Y IIJLLL - MIJlMI BEACH *"J.:~"lt'i \~~::-~. f'~:f_:::~a\~\\'. ..... .,. BOOK'36-59 PAGE 503 ~ - "'0. STA TE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: SS I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before me TILLIE BELL PASS and MEYER BELL, President and Secretary respec ti vely of COTTAGES MIAr-II BEACH, INC., a corporation under the laws of the state of Florida, to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers and severally ack- nowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Miami Beach, in the County of Dade and State of Florida, this 30'" day of ~ A. D. 1952. , --x-~ ~ Notary Publ orid,.s'. '~. .~~ffe., .. <It':,.::c _..-.....~~.'" . "1\., .:...,~:'>\ .... ,f' .p#";, . . .' .." . .. ~ ., NOtary Public, State of 1=lorida at rb~ :) 1 ') r-. \. ~.' \ My commission expires April 17, 1954.. ", ....') : ~ ;: IIonMd by American Surety Co. ef N. ~", I ~'", r,.: U :: '. """" \0-'" : "',J :: . .' '. ..c 0.1 ...... i: '.: ...)- :'.. " .,...~..-:f.:~?" .;:--;.. J' .."........".;., "-i\'-:~'~'" ...", 11t>'IU~"'." #/~.i" ... - \\.\,-.- .t;'IIUi4"t.\t My commission expires: State of Florida, County of Dade. This instrument was filed for record the__LL___day of ~ 1952 aO .'/ J'L_M, and duly reeorded in__.9~ Boo" ~ ~ oS' ~ __on Page__.s:.~_L___ File No. BS ,/ / 7 ~4..i E. a. LEATHERMAN Clerk Circuit CQurt ~___4LL~,.,( ~J!! OFFICE OF CrrY AnoDE!' - C1'1'Y BALL - MIAMI BEACH ae. FLORIDA