WD 107 j PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 21 PAPCO PUBL'."INO CORPORATION MIAMI 32. FLORIDA I(unm 1\11 :!leu ill! ijJ~ese 'reseuts: WHEREAS, MARLO, mc., a Florida CQrporation by Indenture of Mortgage dated th... 1st day\4,' June , A. D. 19 48 , and recorded in the office of the Clerk ot the Circuit Court in and Cor the County of State of Florid~ in Mortgage Boo'" 1973 , Page 469 , granted and conveyM unto Flora C. Cardona, Antonio Cardona and Silvia deLancis, their heirs and aseigna,' the premieea therein particularly deacribed. to eecure the payment of the ..... (If. One hundred fifteen thousand (j115,000.00) - - - - - - - - nQUa~ with interest al therein mentioned: the said mortg~e having been heretofore assigned to Laura Goldstein., who has married s'ince said assignment and is now LAURA GOLDSTEIN BLUME. AND WHEREAS THE SAID Marlo , Inc., has requested the &aitl Laura Goldstein Blume to release the premUei hereinafter deacribed, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mort- pge: ' NOW, THEREFO~ KNOW YE, That the &aid Laura Goldstein Blume .. well in consideration of the premiee8 a8 of the sum of Ten ($10.00) _ Dollan, tn her in hand paid by the saM Marlo, Inc. at the time of the execution heteof, the ~pt ~ereof is hereby acknowledged, does --1'emise, release, qnit-claim, exonerate and dilcharge ftom the lien and operation of &aid mortpge untothe&aitl Marlo, Inc., a Florida Co-rooration. i~s auccessora . -':'Vand all8ignt,alI that piece, parcel or b'act of land. being a part or'.tbe premi8el ~eyed by laid mortgage. to-wit: :. That certain unnumbered outlQ~;l:v1ruz: westerly of ~nd ogposite to Lot 19. Block 34. of the Odean !ro~t Prop,rt:v Of Miami Beach Improvement Company. according to the Plat thereot. rea~rded in Plat Book 5, pages 7 and 8, of the Public Records o(~Dade County, Florida, which outlot con~tit~tes a strip'.of land on the '.asterly shore of Indian Creek ..1y1ng between Indian Creek Driv. on the East and Indian C~eek on the West between the North and South lines of said 'Lot 19, produced westerly, to IndlA11 ere!:::1\.. TO HAVE AND Tq~~~t8:rlkt~~enances, unto the 88M . Marlo, Inc. ,/it5~siiccessors and a86igns forever. freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided. alwaya nevertheless, that nothing therein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or tliminiAh the effect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said Mortgageaha 8 hereunto set her hanL_ and eeaL- thi, / 9 ~ day of June ,1953 . Signed. 8~3 and delivered in the presence of: (Seal) ~ (Seal) " - / BII>~_~<8>:fJj STATE OF FLORIDA DADE } County or -,'. " , -" ^ ., . . ,'- . ~ ", ,.'<: - ,'. .,' . ,': ::: '- ' - ':'" I HEREBY CERTIFY nat em thlBday peraonaDy appe8tedbefore me., 811 omcerdul1authotind to administer oaths and take aeknoWlecJgeme'l1t.., Laura Goldjte1n;Blw.e" to me well known to be the penoD..-deecribed in and who executed the foregoing inatnunent, and. acknow- ledged before me that she executed the eame freely and' voluntarily for the purposes therein a:p1'elled. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the 88id hown to 'Jrle to be the wife of the said on a separate' and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her 88id husband, did aekn.ow- ledge that she made henelf a party to said inlltrument for the purpOse of renounchig, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statu- tory or equitable, in and to the lands deecribed there~ and that ahe executed the said inatnunent freely and voluntarily and without any compulaion, constraint, appreheD8ion or fear of or from her said huaband. Miami Beaoh , County of. Dade June c;;,Do 19 53 ~~~ WITNESS my hand and official sealet !!~~~~~;~ Florida, this / q f:::(. day or \:\~ '. Pl'I:/^-,- ..;' '.. "wJ;/f,.f)l' "",.h~v ; ." ....;~~',~; ~"\ r- : Notary Publie, State of Florid4. ,::;~~.- .. ~~ ':_'""-'-" ; My communon e%pira: NettiiY PUblf.:, Stoti Of AortiJi it IiiiJ My commission expires Dec. 28, ,.- Bonded by Americon Surety Co. of No y~ c "'" L \..--...,. ct. . ~. ,.. . ," r{f'::" '1,\' !.... ~ "tJ ~ &' I tTlcl: . l OJ . . ~ ~ r- Q ::So ~ S t == I-' 0 &' t '" :a: CJ) i' H .111 l ::s I a. (') . ~ &. ~~) Q .8 ...-a ~ f [l:\1 ~ i i ~t'"". ~ .:;;, .' < t a. (D I~-; ~ s ~ ~. -...\\ " ~ " ~ t"' s>> ~ " s>> > C " I:;) 0 C 0 0 ai I-' ~ Po "1\ 0 - (/J ::I '-' c1" J:CJ CD ?"c.c: t-Jo !'I,-, ::s III ''t:D , .,..... """-- ~ ~ --...,...Jil"n;iiilt;jF.Jt,"" io ...,..jl~-::~"'.'.--''''rl'''.''''''--'.''~~ <2 1ft ,... ~ f: !'YJ of" ~... r- ~. S n' :-I~ ~f ." ~~ 0 ::u '" "',. :i ::a :xl Oil: m p>- "7I;c. - 0 ,... 0 . :.. :0 c::J ,~~