WD-131 BOOK 3977 PAGE 505 WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION I .' PAPCO'S FORM 34 PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 36. FLORIDA ~"-, Wl> -1-3 I lIurrautll ml't~ OJI1is 3Jubrutuft. Made, this 16th day of BETWEEN HARVEY S. FIRESTONE, JR. and ELIZABETH PARKE FIRESTONE, his September wife of the County of Summit and State of Ohio part ies of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Munic ipa1 (!xisting under the laws of the State of Florida .-. \ ') , .A.D.1954. , .~ .., I r'} ~~ . j. corporation ~ \ ~ business in the County of Dade and Stille of Florida . having its principal place of and lawfully. authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the secl!nd part, WITNESSETH: That the said part ies of the first part, for a~in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuable considerations ~~. to theIll in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the Ireceipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, have granted, bargaine4ifnd sold to the said party of: the second:pqrt. its succfssors and ;~ .-,' .'l . , ... ... .'''' ....., _ . assigns, forever, the followingdescribeir-land ,ituate, lying and being.in the COUlJty of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: . \I Lot Seven (7) and all of Lot Eight (8)~except- the Northerly fifty (501) feet thereof of The Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision, accord- d diP at Book 8, p,age 61, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; together with all water privileges and riparian rights appurtenant thereto upon the' ~~lapt~c Ocean.Qrid also together with that strip of .land lying west o:e" Oo3.:kin~: Avenue and adjo~Ja~ ~,:.~. ing Indian Creek on the east, the northerly bound- ary line of which is the northerly line of the south one-half of Lot Eight (8) extended westerly to Indian Creek and the southerly boundary line of which is the southerly line of said Lot Seven (7) extended westerly to Indian C:r-eek; together with all riparian rights and water privileges appurtenant and adjacent thereto. . .'I;h}s.conveyance is made subject to restrictions, "p'ond~tions and limitations of record; zoning '6~dinances of the City 6fMiami Beach, Florida; taxes for the year' 1.954 ... . .Jio: ..-_ !DOGUMl:NURY\ - ---'~., ..~ ,,'>. ~l " ~ .. -i ';. I i ~ ,k' ) I . :' I . .... \.;. i1: '! \, ~,_'__ '_"'",.,_'" ',-C..!, '" ~Lt~~~l@m '-~:~~~-;:-T. '?tnd' th(.~'par/ies oj the first part ;J~N--~~r~~~'Jull~-::a;;:-' ~~~ titl~-/.:~ .;,~-~~ and will df>feit'. i' L." : th(. same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. , . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saul pari ies of the first part have hereunto sel their l1;... handS and Sf!aJ3 the day and year above written, ",~~v- ~ Si/{ned, seal,ed and/1d(:'ytJ(.~r(>d in presenc(> oj us: S4 .../9lL! ~L~.h-'f5/G ~h_ -. - ~~T"'-" ~ '- ( / . I ,. , e'l dij ..- , , BOOK 3977 PAGE 506 IST..ATE OF FtoRIDA, .... . CDV'. Y OF J )f,r arrr1ify, T.~. Qn ,hif MY persofU!,lly apjx~ed before me, an offker ditly autho~ to administer oaMls , taJre. ~le4gments. ~ t"... '. ~ .' \ -- to me well known to be the pws described in 4(ld who executed the for~deed, and acknow" /,r ~;fi~'~::~lU~rU' rJ~t':$M -:~~;;:-~~Uy fo, tho p~=~~: to be the wife of the saUl " Le ~~'~'''''- ,'on a separate and private examination taken and 1'IUI4e by tmdbefqpriiie, feparately anc{"~rt from her saUl husband, did acknour. ledge th~ sl1e ~ade her~elf a par!y tlJrsata deed for t~ purposi!ol re~ncing,. r(!li;!!qu.ishinsaru!: con1!eying, ,. .u.her. rlghl, title and mtereat ;,;,;ether dQwer, oolfteslead or of separat~ OfHirty, Itatutory or equua,ble, in and to the lands desci theFein, and that she e~ted the said deed fre IJIJd voluntarily and with. out an! comp~lsion nstraint, apprehension, or fear of or from her said hus .~. Bitnt y hand and ogicial seal at ',' County of tate of Florida, this , '; day ,01 ,A-. , ~~ ~'~ " '- ~ Not;a.ryPublic, Statt; QI ~~ I~Oju{ ST ATE OF"~l&f.JIlI., County of 'NEW YORK , lJ. .rrrbg C!!rrttf!t' Jl1/unti# thisd/Jy; ~r;o",aUy fJppeared before me, an oUicer duly authorized <', " ~ ....., ._f. r \:. r.! r r '," l, .,. _ ' :.;.,..lr;~...... .',' iSle~,~Hzths and.t'fk~'4Ck.naW~e4gments, HARVE. Y S.' F~ESTQ~,,'JR. and .). l"'i"'(,'~~ \., ',.,: ',ELIZABETIt PJ\1{KE FIRESTONE 'I"'.;' ~ 6t~ ~ ';'~l ~6~n 'l~J b-e' ',he ~ per,fMS d-11$cr~bedi" IIn J who ex'ecuted the foregoing deed, and acknow.' o "~~i~~0:{,7t:t~t: they'e~6cuted the same freely and i;oluntarily for the purposes therein O.i.!;"'....~ jtta.~te' ~0..1~' ~.) ',~.' ",' .:. ~~809fOoN'::.',. .~~e6aJ.th.at lfev York 01 t)r. , Cmutty Qf .." York -~~, ~~M~;~~~ ., day~;;~~A.D.19 54 r-"C"" -- \ \J \) .. > ~ o .. C III !: In :!: 2 " n o :II ~ :II > ... Q 2 i: ;; lI: .. N ~~ ~ - (") ~. ~ ~ E, c ... ~.. 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