WD-130-A ~- PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE PAPCO'S Fd1!t.II R. E. 21 PAPCO PUBLISWING CORPORATION MIAMI 32. FLORIDA iKno1tt 1\11 1JIIttn ill! w4tst 'rtstnts: WHEREAS, LARYBAR, INC., a Florid.. Corporation by Indenture of Mortgage dated th~ 20th day of. May J A. D. 19~ and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in imd for the County of Dade State of Florida, in Mortgage BoOle: 2362 , Pagp. 319 , granted and conveyed unto SOLOMON LOBEL and ROSE LOBEL, his wife, their heirs and ll88igoa,the premiaee therein particularly delcribed, to leCW"e the payment of the. 8WIl of . Seven thousand ($7,000.00) --------------------------------no~ with.intereat 81 therein mentioned: . AND WHEREAS THE SAID Larybar, Inc.. has requested the laill Solomon Lobel and Rose Lobel, his wife, to release.ilie 'p~ . hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises. from the lien and operation of laid Mort. pge: "' NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the said Solomon Lobel and. Rose Lobel, his wife, aa well in conaideration of the premiaes as of the IIUD of Ten ($10 .00) ----------------------------- Dollars, to them in hand paid by the laill Larybar, Inc. at the time of the execution h~f, ~~ receipt ..;hereof khereby a~owl~dged,do --remise, release, quit-claim, exonerate and dUeharge ftbm the lieJi and operation ot said mortgage unto the said Larybar, Inc., a Florida Corporation, its successors ~.~ . ~in: and a4ei(pl" all that piece. parcel or tWllct ofland, being a part of thepremilea conveyed by said mortgage, to.wit: , . . ~ , That cAY'ta1n llnnllmbAY'ed I'outlot" ,)y1'n,i wastA1'ly o.r-a?d opposite ". to Lot 16 of B10ek 34 of the Oce~ Front ,ProDertyofMiami Beach Improvement Compahy, according to the plat thereof, recorded in ' Plat Book 5, pages 7 and 8, of the PUblic Records of_Dade County, Florida, which "out1ot" constitutes a strip of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek 1yi~ between Indian Creek iDrive on the east and Indian Creek on the West, and between the South and North lines of said Lot 16, produced westerly; to,Ind1an Creek. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appm'tenanees, unto the saM Larybar. Inc.. its successors and aMignl (orever, (reed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided, always neverthele8ll, that nothing therein contained &hall in anywise impair, alter or lIiminiRb the effect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaiBing part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the right! and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHE!.EOF, the 8aid M03JJage.s. ba VA hereunto se~ the in.andB...._ and sealS.. tbi" ~-- day of ~ ~ .11' 119~. ~/(SeaI) " ~ .' r- · 80'01<1006 PAGE456 ,.~~~~~~~~~:x~~ } STATE OF FLORIDA County of .~ I HEREBY CERTIFY. 'l'hat on thJs~y pereonaDy appeared before _ an officer duly a1Jthotized to administer oaths and take acknowledaem~ . . SOLOMON LOBEL and ROSE OBEL, his wife to me well ~OWD..'to be the penoD--deecribed in and who executed the foregoing iuatrument, and acknow- ledged before me that executed the. faDle freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expreeeed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY. That the eaid known to ~ to he tlie-wue"ortLe -Nia-- -- -- '.' "- '. - -.- -- ,. - on a separate and private examination taken and' made by and before me. eeparately and apart from her said hmhand.did aSnow- ledge that me made her:selE a party to said instrument for the purpoee of renouncing. relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower. homestead or of eeparate ~perty. statu- tory or equitable, in and to the lands deeeribed therein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily and wtthont any compulsion, constraint, apprehemion or fear of or from her said h1llband. \,~\\lIlimT'l'1\TlO'SS my hand and official seal atJz~-.:~ ~. ~ 1 County 01 ,'\" e ~*"t,,"'&;I . ~-_ tl~iJ II ~.!, ~ -- :~.1{orida, this '67 - day of ,.."." ... ";,... : ~ ':)l'AJ:?\ ~ ,~ ~.' ~ ~ :: .:.;; .'.. --- ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ Notary Public, State of FIoriJa.,' VD~~:"-:::::: """<<.- ...:" ~,:: ~. ... v"' .'.t' ................ .~ ,." ,('lCiR \\J'- ",,- t I., 111 1 \\.\\\.:'~: . N. a u~lic, State of Florida at large. r comm"lI~ ~XI'5;I~! Od. 3, 19::;6. Bonded by American fire & Casuatty Co. -- ", ~-_.--~-_._~~---"-,- .____':!'i':~s.)"'-~~~,..;... ___,_'_--';';.~_'~4"_';" -'__..""",_,..:...-= .t"' CIJ ~ 0 1-* 0 ~ '"0 ~ > ::s '"0 n '- '-.- ~ 0 t"' !Ii t:t ~-, S 0 "11 0" 0 :II 0 @ 1I: .... ill ~ !'l ~ Po ~ J-Ao H) @ ._~~~:~ ;_"4'''-'-'-__':-'- _'1'_;'. ,- -n' t- ~o: h {t'f -:;~ b :;-a ::; o~ f.; ~ ' m~ o~ ~ ..~ 7O.;C: r-- c ~ E: g tJ .::J' .~ I\) ,..... .>. ~...::~, :P n ~ (Ill 8 ~. .; . P1i ~ ~ a. . :3. == ~ tJ1 t [ ~ Ei' e.. i" -ch i J11 .. > i. '0 ~ -I ;' ~ :r: &. c fTI i .... ;0 r f ::- ):- ~ (')2 i~ r .t J: s. ~ .I ~ r . .....:1,..- 0 ~ ;::t:j - :zJ gr , ~ '\ ", ,,/ -. ~~: ;n .~ -) c::; ;:~) c. .tl. '.~~~~~~~~~~<B>~ l . . . .,~" \ '-~ "" j' I I ..\ -' ....' " "