WD-130-C r! "BlJll=tE457 ~~~~:>>3 -- E<9Im>~~:a~~ / I , I I I ,I I I PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 21 P"PCO PUaUSH'Hca CORPORAl'ON M'AMI 32. FLOlUDA . r '.~f lKuum All _en ill! m~tse 'resents: 1nIEREAS, Marlo, Inca, AFlnr1daC~rporat1on by Indenture of Mortgage dated tb~ 1st day of:" . June , A. D. 19~ and ~rded in the office or the Clerk of the CircuitCollrt in and for the County oCDad e State 6f Florid~ in Mortgage Boole' 1913 , Page 469 , granted and conveyed wit<<>> Flora C. Cordona, Antonio Cordona, and Sylvia de Lancis aDd auigoe, the premises therein particularly de.eribed, to. eecure thd ~ent . ()f~' IMJJl (of..; One Hundred Fifteen Thousand and No/lOO ($115,000.00) Oo&~ with interelt u therein mentioned: Said mortiaie beini. now held and o~~(1 by Laura Goldstein B~ume, wh.ose name was Laura Goldstein when said mortgage was assigned to her by the original mortgagees AND WHEREAS THE SAID Marlo, Inc. requested the said Laura Goldstein Blume to rel~ the.~ . hereinafter deseribed, being part of wd -mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation ol'laid Mort- pge: ,,' 'NOW, THEREFOREi KNOW YE, That the Ilaid Laura Goldstein Blume all well in consideration of the premises u of the I1lDl of 'Ten and No/lOO ($10.00) Dollan, to her in hand paid by the said Marlo', Inc. At the time of th~execution hereof, the recieipt ~ereof isher~y acknowledged, does ~emiae, release, quit-claim, exonerate and dischArge from the lien and operation ot said mortgage dIlte the said Marlo, Inc., a Florida CQrporation heirs and auigna, all that pieoe,parcel, or ~l1ct of land, being a part of the premUes CCMlveyedby said mortgage, to-wit: That certa1Il unnumbered ltout;..lot" lytilg Westerly of and opposite'to Lot 189 Block 34. of the Ocean Front Property of Miami Beach Improvem~t Company according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 5 ,pages 7 :,and 8 ,.of the- public records of Dade County, Florida, which flout-lot'" constitutes a strip of land on the Easterly shore of: Indian Creek 'ly1ligbetween Indian Creek Drive on the East and Indian Creek on' the West. and between the North and South lines of said Lot 18 produced Westerly to ' Indian Creek. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the 1laD18, with the appurtenances, unto the Ilaid Marlo , Inc. , a Florida Corporation And llIlIlignIl forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided, alwaY' n8verthele8ll, that nothing therein contained 8hall in anywise impair, alter or dimin;.h the eff~ lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaiRing part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagea. hA S hereunto 8et hAl" hanL_ and seaL thi. I I} E... day of June ,19-2.l. f Signed, se d and delivered in the presence of: ~Q ~~ 'ti~~- (Seal) (Sef) r / STATE OF FLORIDA County of. ~ } I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this-day peteonaJly app~ bef~ -. an otnoer dulfiauthod.ea to administer 'Oaths and take acknowledgemeu~ Laura Goldstein Blume . , ~ ,;. ,~' i . to me well known to be the persoD--described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknow- ~, ledged before me that she executed the ..me freely 8ndvotuntarily for the purpoees therein expreseecL AND I FURTHER CERTIFY. Thauhe Ujd' Irnown to .... to be the wife of the sai.l 'on a separate and private ex~at1on taken and made by and ~rore me, eep.i-ately and apart from her Ilaidh118band, did aelaid",- - . - .~ ledge that she made herself a party to said instrument for the purpose of. renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statu- tory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehensiGD or feer of or from her said huaband. WITNESs my hand and official seal at k.i;.....;6.~......~L~ County of. '~ V'P{.r~~..o. rid&, th;. / 9 ~ day of . .Tune .z;,.' a J? 19 5:3 ,.-I'''~~ ' _~~ "- ~ f1J:fi~'~: ./ f~; __ l(> ;:"> ~ Notary ~lic. SIGle of Florida. My eommiaion expir~lIIry Public, ~ of "art. at tar. v"~ . \. C"' -L.../ ? My commission expires Dec. 28, 1956- ',., l;;. L c... Bonded by American Surety Co. of N. Y. ',..;"~."::'~~ J:' l otfjoT ,~ I I " ~: sj ')11. ~ } ~ . r- m > -I .:r: l'T1 ;0 s: 0> II :Z' it' ~ o ;:0.. ~ .... ..'itj,: .. l~'~c~_ :!:I. q~" f;:} ~i 1 II n J ~ ::t = ~ ft l' .'-= . 5' I fr ~ i. 0 ~-~ &. g t= [: '" I i l a. = i :z: t:'f ~ ~ Ii P J-I Ii 0 S>> H (;) 0 /:S I-' ." > () Po ." . CI1 ('l cT 0 <D !Ii t-Jo "II 0 ~ :II lI: :a !'I N. - = .... - f ... cS ci ,. .,...,.... .,'......,~. -_.- '--~~~-'i-.~.-::--." ,.~.,-~ ti ..- ;lit ...[f( .:-f !11 ~I"" :-i'M !lOt!'; !i~ ;::a on. ..,. ~~ ;;:: ~l 4::: r- . ~ .:.:1. ~' , i ij r.::a r. i ',j ..:> ""t. ~:!.,] ;Ii ::n :T; ("~) o ::::J .'.:.;' N .b. t.l1 "~<II>~~~~~~