WD-130-F BOOK1006 PAGE163 LJ.t) /...:J!; F=' PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 21 PAPCO PUBLUIHING CORPORATION MIAMI 32. FLORIDA ,,;: . ~fL,~ .~- .T - .. I(nnw All .en ilU, W~tl1e'rel1eutl1: WHEREAS, Nathan Tenzer . ..;, ," by Indenture DE Mortgage dated tbA, 2,nd day of" .A,pt'il , A. D. 19-.!:tS.. and recorded ~ the oEfice DE the Clerk DE the Circuit Court in and for the County of D::in A State of FJorid~ in Mortgage Boole 1550 , Pagp. . "294 , granted and conveyed unto Morris Dee and Augusta Dee, his wife and al!lli~the premisea therein particularlr deacribed" to'1eOUI'8 the payment of 1M 8IlDl of Fifteen Thousand and No/lOO ($15,000.00) '. nollu~ with interest as therein mentioned: :Che fee simple. ti tIe to the said premises now being owned and held by Harry Seewald and Regina Seewald, his wife, and the said Morris Dee having died since the execution and delivery of said mortgage. J AND WHEREAS THE SAID Harry Seewald and Refiina SeewEl).d have requested the said Augusta Dee to release the premiAel hereinafter deaeriLed, being part DE said 1I1Ortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mort. sage: " ,', NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the said AUEnsta Dee, ::i widow .. well in conaideration of the premiaee as of the mm of Ten and No/lOO ($10.00) _ Dollars, to them in hand paid by the said Ha:rry Seewald and Re~ina Seewald . at the time of the execution hereof, ~ receipt whereof ~'hereby acknowledged, u: d 0.e.L:remi8e, release, quit-claim, exonerate and dUeharge (r'()m the lien and operation oE said mortgage unto the said Harry Seewald and Reg1+la Seewalq.., their ........< heirs and all8igna, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, b~ a part oE the prenrlaee eonveyedbysaidmortgage,to-wit: That certain flout-lott1 lying Westerly.of and opposite to Lot lrJ of Block ~8 of the Ocean Front Property of Miami Beach Improvement Company, accordine: to the p~at tl!ereof recorded in Plat Book 5, pages 7 and 8 of the public records of Dade ,'County, Florida, which "out-lot" constitutes ;8 strip of land on the Easter- ly shore of Indian Creek lYine: between Indian Creek ~ive on the E::ist ::inn Indian Creek on the West and. between the South and.North lines of said Lot 15 produced Westerly to Indian Creek. ( ~ . "1 . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the eame, with the appurtena':ticea, unto the said Harry Seewald and Regina Seewald, his wife, their heirs "nd assigna forever, Ereed, exonerated and discharged oE and from the lien oE said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided, alway. nevertheless, that nothing therein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminiRh the efEect, lien or incumbrance oE the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaiBing part of said mortgaged premi8ee, not hereby released thereErom, or any of the righta and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagela-ha s hereunto set haT' hanL_ and seaL thie j ~ day of S ~ p-1'~ IAA '9 e ,.. ,195"3 . Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~C\_i"'l ~ (Seal) Augusta Dee (Seal) '-- Boo:<1006 PAGE464 ~4B>~~~~ STATE OF 1'1.1 r t;r \.\.cl:~ 'b.."'- ~ County of rJ.... '~...:I( 'I 0 \.A.. }ss I HEREBY CERTIFY. That OIlthia'y pereonaDy appeUed hefore me. an omeer"' dul1a11~ to adminiater oaths and take acknowledgemenfll, Augusta Dee. a widow to me well known to be the penoD..-deacribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknow- ledged before me that she executed the ..me freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein exprellled. '-S1Al '8.JBe '8 :h6 th,g ..Au 81 \li8 lai..l AND I Ft~~ r....~'f?'V'. That the _II 1m. .tep.lll_te ~pRVale &~..d._ticm taftn. Mid made Itr Mid WorRY. hi", ~"PA"',ly gnd .p..... ~~ IMp saillllllahMl,dii atbow ledA6 !kat all ......de liSNelf a pa~ tn _jd rnRhonm~t tnY .~. p8llpV.. of ....oalloia~ r~'1.dl:itdbg . ' ...ud ..~~.8yiBg aU II... Rp.. wI. 1IIa11 iat...., '!Pl....},... ~7 hn_........d orvf sepM'. pIOp~lty, "'.. 1.8'" ar "''i~~' ~ md Ie .el... tles_ed .8I'8Bt, Mid IR.lt Me ~if)a:tcd the _d iIuv---"~ freely IlIAd nd..AteriJr ...d .n.hnnt Any N\_Il~l.nAnI <:oIl1&Niat, appreli.)....,lvu ur f..... of er fl'Mlll..... Il&td husband: 'f . p~S my hand and official seal at.L.J.~ ~..... II!I. 'e a \; ~ J County oc..A{ ~ v ~ ~ v.... . _d.~......~.....I.. ". __ll 7 ~. h.,):",........ ~, -a JQ..'( e.-T jc.lit~c.c.kl\. D. 19 53 ~',~ t~:?~. ; . . /' . C? 1J ilia ::lit .:iJ,',t; ..~ ' ~ ~ ,'- ./;, NotGry Public, State of ~ My commiaioR ezpira: 'l f ,a" &t- ...:' \0- j... \- , ..'.- "- )..,..,..,.,.....,1;, ~"""c"".- t-' 1 J ~ ::3. s:a.. It p r S' So ff a. i. -0 .. - .... &. ~ ~~ l s:a.. ~ fg s. . --... - ---.........~,......"'.~.." r tr.l III CD 0) CD '~ a. ==: I-j ~ ~ = " b: to. "~ CD ~ CD ==: m ~ " '. .-. -~ p. ~ l:I:I e & .... g= ~ CD O"Q ... 1-" ::l f ~ c.-D ~ O"Q s:: (J) c:t- ~ 11 >- 11 o o iii "II o :II :E ?' !" N t: ~ o M C ( I~ l:I:I ==: 1-" p.,' i ,~ A. , 1./1' ~~~~~~4J:>~~~~ -.. "''if-.;$;own..o(,;.-'.'.....----r7;.-~-..-,.-'~~-~_.~;,-..;.'-~--.~'',~=-L; 7,,"'..,.r:~i;:; C.~ .." ~ ~ .f! 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