WD-130-G WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION) PORM R. E. 34 PAN AMERICAN PRINTINGI CORPORATION MIAMI. PLORIDA lntps J.wtnturt t Made thu J day ot ~ Av6-cJ.s-r- A. D. 1923...BETWEEN Harry Bochicchio and -Ella Bbchicchio, his wife ot the County of Dade" and State, or. FlorIda p~ ot the tint part, aDd City of Miami Beach, a Municipal , JJoorporation existing under the laws. of. the State of Florida ' , having its principal place of business in the County of .' Dade' ",' andS18te ot Florida and lawfully authorized to transact b~ in the State of Florda, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part iesor the first part, tor and in consideration of the 8UJD of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good ;nd valuable consideratio~ to them --in hand paid by the said party or the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, have granted, bargained and BOld to the said party of the.aeeoad put, ill lUcceB)n'and aaeigns, forever, the following deecribed land, situate, lying and being in the 'Q;unty of Dad e tmd State of Florida, to-wit: That certain unnumbered Uout~lQt" lying Westerly of, and opposite to Lot 16., of Block 38 of~th@-Ocean Front Property of Miami Beach Improvement Company according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, pages 7 and 8 of the public records of Dade County, Florida! which ftout-~Qt" con- stitutes a strip of and on the Easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Indian Creek Drive on the East and Indian Creek on the West, and between the North and South lines of said Lot 16 produced Wester- ly to Indian Creek. This conveyance is made subject to restric- tions of record and to taxes for the year 1953. - And the said parties of the first part 00_ hereby fully warrant the ti~e to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of aD persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said p~ of the fint part have hereJlDto set their hand.!.. and seaL the day and year above written. presence of U8: I ;J;lf:i:Z (Seal ) (Seal) r----.---~-~~r.-.'-~- STATE OF FLORIDA, County of__.__]2A ~~__.~=:~ } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That 011 thl. day penonally. appeared before me, an officer dnly authorized to admiailter oatbs and take aeknowledplleDta, to me well known, to be the p<<!~olL.,-- delcribed in and who executed the foregoingdee4, and acknowledged before me that ~~d the llII1ie freeiy and voluntarily for the purpolel therein eXprelled, AND I FURTHER CERTIFY. That the said . known to me to be the wife of the said , on a leparate and private ex8JDination taken and made by and before me, Ileparately and apart from her laid hUlband, did acknowledge that me made herself a parlJ to ..Id deed for the pUl'p08e of renouaeing, relinqnilhinll and eonveyiDll aU her rillht, title and iatere.1, whether dower, homestead or of leparate property, Ilatutory or equitable, in and to the lands deseribed therein, and that Ihe executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, eonstraint, apprehenlion or fear of or from her aaid humand. WITNESS my hand and offieial leal It and State of Florida, tlJl. I County of day of . A. D. 194..-- Notary Public, State of My commisaionexph'.. STATE OF FLORIDA, } .~_ ... _I! ~ t'J..... .wun.... UI.____ ~ "'ilo- - ___,_.____. I HEREBY CER'l'l1"x", That on this day penonally appeared before me, an offieer duly authorized to achninletet oaths IIDd take aeknowleel~, Harry Bochic'chio 'and Eil.aBochicchio,hfs wife ~ ,C1) M ~ co Cd ~ 'i~__~,~OWD to he the penon....S- deleribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and aeknowledlleel before me .:-'~~.a E N I"t:~, . exeeutedthe lame freely. ad . vOlun~. . y for the purp08e8 theA. rell. eel. ., ........~......~' ,. 'l_ .. n . .,(...~...............~~~..............(tt;.'.';.~......~.~:.;,~:~;r ..n:,,:~ :-5~t.:aY o:,~-.t.., Coan _ U~.A' D. l~ \~ ~~y "f~,']. : . -.rii~~';"'.. ".J CQ _ ., 7 -. ~ - ,~"'_~ a ~ ./:s.~~ '-; __dp, ." H - -. -'P - '-.- .~~.- 'tr: -' ~ ~ :, ~i . '. '~~{. io~.'~~'~~~ I!! d . I . ~ ~J~ ~ '1'1 ~ j u .~j~ '" 0 ~ :' i"C~ Q) .~ .~ u Q t ~ ~ ~I o~~ ] :..1~ ~ ~ ~.. ~.s ~ ~ _ f:I:l ..c ~ .~ ~ '0 ~ ; . 0<( ~ Z 'Cl Q) 5 ~ ~ .<:1 ..cl _ = = ~ S ~..c = ... as ... U M ~ 1 UO ~ E-t '" . -(j U C,) "C..cl 0 "C .. If> u.. = ~ 0 ~ I ~ 0 8 M .; f:l Q) l:g ... ~~ ~~: ~ <~'O"9~f~~~~~~~- ;8~! ~ ~ t?J~l;~l~ ~ 0 g ~ :Sri} ;: ':; 5 =: ~ "C .s ~t. ~ lH ~ ~"CllDC,)~5Q)" o.......~..~ ~ ~~ = Z 1..c= ~ ~ t>!;! ~ I Q i:' ~] =~~~~~ . ~ ti 1~~~~EJ~.s~!~~ Q C'I2 U <.5 as 1.51 ~u 0 i ~ i J .: ~ U G Z i= z i: L Z ~ u i: bl lE ~ Z ~ L u a: 2! fj II. O. '-~~~.."'~"7"''''..'''''--__ ~ .' c ~ ,. I" ~ -, r'.'} hI" ; f ;., ...."..."'} ....;r .d r-=... _.1 ':I:, N v. ~..~ 0 ~ 0 " , . lY; \J-' '""' c:: ~..;:~. ~:~ c:;:r ,"",'r , !~r.. ~".... r;:::. (" ..:.( ( ~ ,.- t . ...; :,~ ,...~ to '- C:l ~ ~~ ,,-._co._ j,fJoJ ~<':: ,-