WD-130-H PANTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE PAPGO'~ FORM ~. E. 41 PA~O pUBLEeHINQ CORPORATION (BY GO~fiATION) MIAM~ ~l, FL~IDA Art re en s: WHEREAS, Broadripple Indian Creek, Inc.~ a Florida Corporation ~y ~denture of Mo~gage dated ~e 8th day of January , A. D. 19~ ~ re~rded ~ the office of the Clerk of the Cir~it Co~ ~ and for the County of Dade S~te of Florida, in Mortgage B~k 2804 , Page ] 94 , ~anted Ed ~nveyed ~ First Federal Savings ~d Lo~ Association of Mi~i, its successors ma aui~s, ~e premises there~ pa~arly desc~ea, to ~cure ~ payment of ~e sm of Three H~dred Theused ~d No/100 ($~00~000.00) ................... Dollu~ ~ ~te~t as ~erein mentioned: ~' . ~, A~ WHEREAS THE SA~ Broadripple Indi~ Creek, Inc. has ~ requeste~ ~e s~a First Federal Savings and Loan. Associat~e~' here~after ~escMbed, being pm of said mo~gaged pre~ from ~e llen and operation of said Mortgage: NOW, THEREFOE, KNOW YE, That ~e said First Federal Savings and Lo~ Association of Miami ~ as well ~ consideration of the premi~ as of the m~ of 0 ............. DoBa~ ~ Ten ~d No/100 ($1 .~)... ........ it in band paid by the said Broadripple Indi~ Creek, Inc. , a Florida Corporation at the time of execution hereof, file receipt whereof is hereby achowledged, do r i re ea~ ui -c aim exonera an isc are rein e ien an o era ion o ui me a e ~i~' ' ' s , ~ DO at O~ S~COeS:SO~S ~ ~d assi~s, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a pad of tbe premi~s C~veyed by n~d mo~gage, to-~t: Those certain ~bered "out-lots" lying W'esteriy of~d opposite to the Westerly one-half of Lo~ 1 and the Westerly 100 fee~ of ~he u~bered ~rae~ of land (m~k~ ~. n. -Snowd~:'Propcr y) which li Northexly of the said Lot 1~ In Block ~ cs ~ of the Ocean Front Property of M~m~ Reach Tmpvov~ment Company~ according ~o ~he pla~ thereof recorded in Plat Book g Bpageds 7 and 8 of ~he public records of bade Co~ty, ~'lorida~ whic~ .~-lots" con-' statute a strip of land ~ the Easterly shox'e of Indi~ Crock lying between Tnd~an Creek nr~ve on ~he Rast a~ T~an Cre~ on the and between the South line of said Lot 1 produced Westerly to Indl~ ureek ~d the Northerly line of said ~bered tract (marked ~. H. Snowden Px-oFer Ly) produced Wes L~rly Lo Indi~ Cx~ek. TO HAVE ~ TO HO~ the same, with ~e appurten~C~ unto the said Tea ripple Indian Creek Inc., a Florida Corporation, i~s suee~&~f f s ~x orever, ree ted dd h gd f df th I f d ~gg d Up tth f P d~ I y exonera~=~ i~ are o an rom e ieno sai me a e,~n eve ar ereo; 'roVi e 'awa s neve~eles~ ~at nothing ~ere~ contained shall ~ anise ~pair, alter or d~inish ~e eff~ Hen or · ~c~r~ce of ~e aforesaid Mo~gage on the rema~ing pafi of. hid mo~gaged premise~ not 'hereby relea~d ~erefrom, or any of ~e righ~ and remea~ of ~e holder ~e~f. ~ W~ESS WHEREOF, ~e said Mo~gages by i~ duly authorized officem h~ her~ ~t its h~d'and~al ihh 23rd .___day of a~V 19 ~3