WD-130-I 800l( iaos Pt\Gf: ~67 , ~~~~~~~ aJ/)-/..J~ -.I r~~_ PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE (BY CORPORATION) PAPCO'S FORM R. E, .U PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI lIZ. FLORIDA lCunm .2\11 !leu ill! UJ4ese 'resents: WHEREAS, TRENT CORP., a Florida Corporation by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 5th day of September , A. D. 19~ I and recorded fu.. the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dade State of Florida~_ in Mortgage Book 2161 , Pag"" 352 , granted and conveyed unto Lafayette Atlantic Hotel Co., a New Jersey Corporation, its successors~ and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment of the sum of ~] Fifty thousand ($50 J 600 .00) --------------------------------- Oollars, : .1 with ;,,_ ~ the..;" m,;"tioned, said mortgage having been thereafter B assigned to Will :LeWin and H~o-Hirschman, and the fee simple title ~"'. to said premises now beinp: vested in GIBRALTAR REALTY CO. INC., a, Florida Corporation; , . AND WHEREAS THE SAID GIBRALTAR REALTY CO. INC. has requested, the said Will Lewin and HUgO Hirschman to release th~ 'premiile8 hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mortgage: NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW YE,That the said Will Lewin and Hugo Hirschman -. as well in consideration of the premi8e8 as of th~ sum of ~~O.OO)-------:;''';-:--:---"'''~~ '-'. - ~ ____---______..___________________.._......___.... Dollars, to f them in hand paid by the said Gibraltar Real tyCo. !nc. , ,,.:... ~. ~ at the time of execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowle~ed, dO remise, release, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said GIBRALTAR REALTY CO. !NC.,a Florida Corporation, its succeSsors JIiilatand assigns, all th8:t piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of thepremi8e8 conveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: That certain 'unnumbered "outlot" lying westerly of and opposite to Lot 2 of Block 40 of 'the Ocean-Front Property of Miami Bea-ch. Improvement Companx, according to the Plat thereof, recGrd~~i~_ -Flat Book 5, pages 7 and 8, of the Public Records of Dade'Count;v, Florida, which "o\l~lot " constitutes a strip of land on the ~e~sterly:-- _shore of Ind1anCreek lying between Indian C~eek Drive on~he eaat- and Indian Creek on the West and between the South and North 1ines of said Lot 2,produced westerly, to Indian Creek. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto ~EfNo~fiBRALTAR REALTY CO. !NC., a Florida Corporation, its suc-7 and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgiJge, and every part thereof; Provided, always nevertheless, that nothing therein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. ,~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saidlMortgage~~~""" set the iI'han~ and seaUL thiA)-D , day oL~_ . the presence of: -tUL..Y~ hereunto 19 53 (Seal) ill (,... " - Jl :J .....