WD-124 \,y' e' { . ' \ \ \ ..-J . . - . ,.....~ . BOOK 3903 PAGE 195 \ ". J t~ "J..' ul V V ~'~j.1 . !> II !I Ii 'I 11 'I WARRANTY OEED iST"TUTORY) PhPCO'S FOR"'''' & F'APCO r-'UBLIS~ljf"C t.;(}fa (,lr," I i~_-'~, MIAMI L r t.Oh:IPA Btarranty Bleb m4i1l Jubtuturt t Mad~ ,his 26th day of March , _.(,D. 1954 ,. lj Ii ii .1 Ii BETWEEN S. Oliver 0 'Bryan, joined by his wife Frances D. 0 'Bryan, 1 I I I II I 1 I I 0/ th~.,,~ounty of Dade , in. the State of Florida, partie s of the first part, tm.d Citj:'of Miami Beach, a Florida municipal corporation, whose post offie:e a.ddress is 11)0 washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, . '-'., :~~ 0/ the County of ~ ; l , in the State. of Florida. part Y. of tke second part. Dade- ,- . WITNESSETH, That the &aid part ie s of tile first part, for and in consideration of the sum of T, ..' Ten Dollars and other valuable cObsiderations-------~-----~-~~oUQr~ to them. in hand paid bY the part y ., ' of the. second ~t, the rece!pt whf'.rf!of- hel'eby II I:, i, : ~\ acknowledged, have granted. bargained aJUl sold to the ~ piwt y of the second (HUt, i s uc ce s so rs ~X and assigns, forever, t~e:followng desaibed lCind; situate, lyinS and 'being in. the County of Dade .~ State of Florida,''t~wit: Lot Nine (9), and the Northl f,lfty (50}'feet',of Lot Eight f8L;-ofThe Indiart Beach Corporation.' sJ)ubdivis10n, a siJ,bdi visioI'l "in Section 23, Tpwnslnip 53 South~R8nge42 ~a!it, ia('.t~Y.:>IH:ling .t9 the amended plat there of recorded in Plat Book 8- at 'Page 51. of the Public. Records of Dade County, Florida, together with all water privileges and riparian rights QIfPur'tlITl:9fit the!-eto OIl Chtl AI..1au 1.,1", Ov-.:7'~Uj ^'and 1d.sotlTe.-t stri ~~s ~~n~~~~::tvQt~e~~;~.~1}K~~5r,,-~~icfi~~t~~t-~~~Ng*t~Fryrr~i1e o~f said Lot 9 extended Westerly to Indian Creek, and th~ Southerly boundary line of which is the Southerly line. of said North 50 feet of said Lot 8 extended Westerly to Indian Creek, : together ,wi th riper ian rights andwa.ter privileges appurtenant and ad je.-c ent thereto; which tracts of land are subject to any conditions, rest~ictionsand easements of public record affecting said lands, all zoni~ ordin- ances and building restrictions affecting said lands, a.ny pending municipal improvement assessments against said lands, and the ~de County and City of Miami Beach taxes to be assessed against said lands.. for the year 1954,.....:,.. ..~:-i::.:- And the &aidpal'f ies' of the firstp4rtllo keteby!tt.Uy U1o"~tiitl~ to.id land, and will defend the &ameaSGinst the lawful claims of all perllOIlll whomlOever, IN WITNESS "'HEREOF, the said partie s of the first part have hereunto Sf't the ir hand s GIld seal S the day and year abot'f>lvrjtten. ~~7~-:e~':" .......} ~~~H_ ..__." _q u<' .-.~, j ~~f ~ ''1 BOOK 3903 PAGE 196 &talt of Jf~ 't ~ I "r } Qh,l1mtg of Dade .... J Jntbg (!ttrttfg that on tltu day personallyappeim>d befotpnie,l'ran'olh, duly authorizpd 10 ff4milliater oaths and take tJCk1WWled~ S. Oliver 0' Bryan and his wife ..,......, ~.Y:.~'l"<-.>....} '.rJ'., Frances D. o 1 Bryan, of Dade County, Florida, to me well known to be the personS dMibe(Hn iJiiiI"wft.o executed the foregoing deed, and ackiWWledged before me that they executed, the same freely Gnd~INntt".ilylor the purpose therein p.xprf>ued, _Untllll my hand and ofJ~- seal tJt Miami, County of Dade > GIld Sl(Jte of , ..4.,0. 19 54 Florida , thi. Z6th '", J\~\.H;;+,'J.. I. \'~ ' '~i. ,,,,,,~.'lU Illo ~ li./.' .."" <t\~ ..........I.y ',;.. lOIj ..~UJ Jerk'''. v'~ .. ... ". .,)) ... tr I.::' ~ :: ...., ~... 'l,7"; ':. ~ ~ .---::~.;if(;!.'~Od{I.T~3... 1Vatary Public ,.1..~LII.,.....~.~ ! ~ , ~~-~:t".t ., ~ at Large ,.~.~...t.'!'.. l......~. . · -;. ()" ,. ,;" ......:"'v- , .1"'(,,' IT :e..... ..n....... '1;- _,- .,~ n' .\'0....'..." ,), (flf If, 1,~.14 \", . . 1"It'JIII\"\\ .1 . day of March My commission expires: ' rdZe-e. ? /fV' 7 . ~ !. .. ---~-*-"~- ~-.--'-'--_.-- "'-'_.-.-._-..,~~ '~~_b._~!1 ~. h \ ~ ~ ~. Q ~' 5 ~ ~. ;J S' '-< b:l [ ~ l ~ ,~ \\... Q ~;lt" - ~ s.. l t:. "tl Q- ~ ~; ~ !=' - ~ .... '8 ~ ~~ ------ .........- ~~ .~~;:,;o"",,.....,~ ....,; :^ ~~'" J.J ~,l,__t~,...:~~_~J. .' ..I, n; C/.l '\ ~,~ p-. ...... ,.11 ~e..:t fJl 0 ... ...... ...... " t:Y, e> 0 ~ ...... \; ......H) ...... < 'fa --...... I'd H)(1) 1S' l3' :s: (1) I-j ~ ............ ~ e l3' '":I;j 0 e> a I-j - " '1l =' 0 ...... \l) O:J ~ '1l I-j ::s I-j ;g = n ~ 15 O:J ~ e>e..:t q W <b (1) l3' III I-j \l) fJl ::s 0 ..... TI 00 ~& .. ~ = 0 ~ ::II t:::;Ic..... J: ~ ........ . 0 III 0 ...... ::s \l)-- . .. --o~. .. .. "UfI - (1) f-]j O:J p, ~ " ...... ~ "'..\ 0 e..:to' ~ I-j l3'e..:t ~ ..... ::s ty .. p, ,.. ~ \l) . +- tJ "- ~ ~ .t '-< ~ ! 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