WD-123 B~oK39'Ol ~AGE135 \V [)... ''1V WARRANTY DEED (FROM CORI'ORATION TO CORI'ORATION) PAPCO'S FORM 3!lYa PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 30. FLORIDA , A, D, 191.& . BETWEEN JlACIElTDA d.1 SOL COXPAn, IllC., JJ , a corportJlion exilting ruulef the law. of the Stote of Florida ,.luwing itl principal place of bwineu in the County of Dad. and Stote of Florida ,..-- and lawfully .authorized to trtudGCt bwinea in the State of FIorid4, party of the fi"t part, and CITY OF XIAlU BEACH, a Florida Xunicipa1 . corporation exilting under the laws of the Stote of Florida . luwing it. prin.eiPaz place oj bwine.... in the County of Dade and State of F1eri da and lawfully authorized to trtJnMJCt bwineu in tM State of Florida, party of the .econd part, I WITNESSETH: That .'the ..id party oj t"Be fir.t part.. for and in comideration of the .um of fEll DOLLARS DD OTHER VALUABUt COllSIDEIA TIOllS Dolla" to it in .h.an.d paid by the ..id party Of the .econd part, the receipt whereof iI hereby acknowledged, Iuu grGnted, bargained and IOld to the ..id party of the .econd part. ita .ucceuo" and auigm forever. the foUowing de.tcribed lan.d .ituate, lying and being in the County of / Dade and Stote of FlorUlG, ~it: ... That portion of Lot Three Hundred Thirty Three (88S) of FIRST OCEAI FROllT SUBDIVISIOll, accordiag to tll. aa.&nd.eci ~lat, tber.eot, recorded' in Plat Book 9, at Page 78, of tll. Public ReCords. of Dade Cout1', Florida, described as follows: Begin .at theiat.~8.ctioD of the northerly line of Lot SSS of First Ocean Front SUbdiYision, as shown OD the a_nded Plat thereof, r.corded in Plat Book 9, at Page 18, of the Public Records of Dad. County, Florida, and th. .....terly 1in. of Colli.. A.eaue as shown on said Plat; thence westerly along the Dorther11 liDe of said Lf)t 83;i. a~i8taD(;. .of 42"51 fe.t; thence southerly aloBI a portion of a circular curve deflecting to the right, said curve having a c.ntral aag1e of 360 2' and a radius of 880.84 fe.t, a distaDce of lQ8 feet .ore or less to the southerly liRe of Lot ass; th.nce easterly along the southerly line of said Lot sas, a distaDo. of 16.88 fe.t t. the said wester11 line of Collins AveD~e; theac. northerly alolll the said westerly line of C.ol1iDs .lve.ue, a distanceo! .:L22 feet, .ore or le ss, to the point of b~gi~~i~g.~. _ __.. ....... - This property is CODyeled on the'.conditf"on"that-it he used for'" ..---- highway purposes. In the event that t~e grantee abandons said property or does Dot ase the sam. for highwaYrp,rposes, the above- described property shall immediately revert to'the grantor, its .1I..e"wsors-or"lIssigns. - MIme agains,l the lawJul clai"", of all perlOm whomaoever. ... -........." -~~.,~\-~ ' And the Mlid JMI"y of ,he fint part doe.t hereby fully warrGnI the title to .aid latuI, aiul wiU tkfe,~i th~ , ~ , , \ ~ , . ) ,,,.... . .... .~ ..~. , M ..'V ;i, ~i:.. ii., ...~: ; 'j' ;:.:..' \ \ \ BOOK 3901 Pt~GE 136 Jtt .Unrss _1trr'l1f. the $(lid party of the fir't part ha cawed theae pre.enu to be ,~ed~ , . ,,1lHIli~~~~ it. IUlme by ita proper officer6, and it. corporate .eal to be affixed, atreated by it. SecretfR'y{.\"''e flay ~>...~" year above written. HACIENDA del SOL COXP.ut~~.. :.7. ~\ <i)1L I)ff& ~ <:,' ./ \ ~ Atte't: tLY _ ~..;f ". By .., r ,~'a - I Secre~ . Sign .ealed and deliveree" in the reaence of w: /" Q;)U- ::Oof~~r9~J: ~ } '; :J' Jt~tibg' c!t,rtifg~ t4at ;on th~ ~ ,; ,I , . ,. 'v1 a-:.,: A; D: 1954 ' be' e me per,o'"1lJ.y dppeared, c.:.' and Pre,ident an t\,Secretar)' reapectively of I4cft1JiA;,(.d~11.:S0L CO~.AlrY, ., " acorpor:ation r.uuf.er th~ ~"!'i of tke~te of .', ,PIeri" It q , , ,t9~kn.W:Jir. to:be;the-perwu who ,igiied the 'fore. 'going inltrriment ~ luch oOice,.. and 'eVerGlly: tiClt~g~Nhe~%~ution. th~reofio be ,hi?ir free act and d~edal luch offf,cer. far". the we. and purpo.eather.einmektiolted and thttt they affixedtheieto ilie :o6i. 'cUd '-eQI ofl~ikl ~drporatio1l, and tkat .the .(lid in.,rttJ)ient is the act andideed of .aid corporation, . ,:,._..~ '~Y~'andO~:\ioJI6eGi ~ :~_" ~<,' ,,',f)' 1 ,I, ' - : ~ ~}~~;KJ.J.~yH61' r::~_,.~:' " (': . :;~;j~n Flericlii " r ,'litfll\fH~/'~ ." (' 1 ~ I... _" , . t"', ' . <~~~~:~:/~. '.. ,.' ','; , ,......~.. '~..~_'.~,-~J3.'..c.'... !!g4J/~~orfA,f:(e""~\"J""'; .,' :,:',' '<. ..'~; ~~,~(Seal) ,i.....~ ,. ~hl-;~* <-..~v~ i ~..VR-ftj?/~~7. ' ;~~:, ':. ." Jis2! ~ YO.' FfYBFLO' LU:, ~<~... 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