WD-123 (2) .BooKa901 PAGE133 QUIT-CLAIM DEED FROM CORPORATION FORM R, E. 42 PAN AMERICAN PRINTING CORPORATION MIAMI, FLORIDA W4ts 1Jwruturr Made thill ). (, r.! day of FA bl"Ull 7 J\. D. 19~ BETWEEN ROYAL D.ISC ClINT CO.. a corpoI:ation existing under the laws of the State of F1 ",.1 dA , party of the first part, and t"lT'I'y QIi' IllAllI Si.A.CH.. . Florid. )'11n1 ,..1~1 c"l"pnr-ti"D of the County of DadA and State of Fl "r1 f'1" ,p~ -of'th., ~d-part:f-- i:l::.a .....L\Q~Aa~. ",un ..~if!1'. WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first ,part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS (tlO.OO) and other good and valuable oonsiderations - - - -- - Uon.n. in hand paid by the said pa~ of the second part, the receipt . whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents doth remise, release and quit-claim unto suooessors and " the said parqt- of the second part, and it../ ltsilAaJI assigns forever, all the estate, right, title, lien, equity, interest, claim and demand which the sajd party of the first part hath in and to the following described ~ pi........ --~... parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade , State of Fl.rida , to-wit: That portion ot Lot 333 of FIRST OCEAN FROB'l' SUBDIVISION. according to the amended. plat thereot.. re- corded in Plat Book 9. at page 78 ot the Public Records ot Dade County.Fl.rida, de- scribed as tollowsa Begin at the intersection ot the northerly line of Lot 333 ot 'First Ocean Front Subdivision, as shown on the amended Plat thereot. recorded in Plat Book 9. at page 78, of the Public Records of >>ade County. Florida, and the westerly ': line ot Collins Avenue as sho'WD. on said Plat; thence westerly alGllg the northerly 1 . of said Lot 333 a distance of 42.51 teet; thence southerly along a portion ot a circ b.r curve defleoting to the right, said curve having a central angle ot 360 2' and a radius ot 660.64 teet. a distance ot 108 feet more or less to the southerly line ot Let 333; thence easterly along the southerq line ot said Lot 333. a distance ot 10.88 feet to the said westerly line ot Collins Aven'J.e; thenoe northerly along the said westerly line ot Collins Avenue, a distance of 122 teet, more or less, to the point ot beginning. .' This property is conveyed on the eonditionthat it be used tor highway pu~8es. In the event ~ that the grantee abandons said property or does not use the same tor highway purposes, the above-described property shall immediately revel't to the grantor, its successors or assigns. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto be- longing or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, lien, interest and claim whatsoever 01 the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the pa~ of the second. part, its successors 't::Ir:_ and assigns forever. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its President, and its corporate seal to be ,,,-~\..\.\:'l\, __"";:"":0" t?:\~lf affixed, attested by itA -.:... .............. r If _.~. ~~ c..'.\~~~_f_;~". -f,p' Ij .'.' and. year above written. ~.- .....,J..:..J..--'~-'. " o..1:.....-~. 0'0: r t.g::~~1 :g: .~ --.~..,. ~ - ~ .... _r l!, ,....01" t=' · '.. 0.:;JI (,,'1 ~.. ~ ... ." .'/II-...~.,. 'I"'!: ", or.. F-1 " ,,: ~ :: " .......... Q;".... ~.....-- t I ".' · I " Att~l: . c, SA n 'rAta .", the day ere ary . Signed Seal and Depred in Our Presence: . ~ /~t~"~ ~~~:.~ ~, ~~ ROYAL DISCOOllT CO. BY~~~~ President. / .. r _.__._~----_.- . .~----_._----~------~~~._------~.----- STATE OF FLCRIDA COUNTY OF DADE }a ---;;r- I, the undel'fti,~ed officer duly authorized to take and certify acknowledgments of deeds in said State 'anrl ,ft. :J. .HARRI S _. ,. / and Coulity, herebr,certify that before me came B. J. HARRIS _ ~_~-- S~~,rit.,I"y as of the ROYAL DISCOUNT CO. president and a corporatio'nJlI1der the laws of the State of Florjda ; that said persons so appeari.;g-b~Core me are the individuals and the officers aCorenamed of said corporation described in and who executed the Coregoing deed; and that then and there said individuals as said officers acknowledged beCore me that the seal afCixed to said deed is the corporate seal ()C said c()rporation, that their names oC. ficially are by them respe~vely subscribed thereto, that said deed was signed, sealed and delivered by said corporation in the presence oC two subscribing witnesses pursuant to law, and that the same is the free act and deed oC said corporation, ,.;.~''''''"J.. ~. '~~~ ,,;.'" -~~, ;-:' _..~~/'\.. '" -:.....~~......( ;I. ~.,,,...-.,,,. .a.-" . -,.~" .. A ." ,...,~j,~!.-, '.. :. ^'..' ~ -$.. ,." ;;/1$;'; \' .. i-I ;.. Februe,! A. .l~..~...~.~i.~.,.( ;"C'o~] ~ H -c -<t ), ~ .I_JV<l';J., ". <(~etif ... Notary Public. State of Flerb)~?'.~,--"~~\,,. 'tl' . S. ~-;> ..." My cOJJlJ1ission expires. Notary Public, State of 'fr(~\~t...~ tn, \f~lllmi3eieR 8)'~in[ ~,~~r In lQ!1R... iliaD! i, County of 1\11<3. WITNESS my signature and official seal at and StateoC 1I'1ol"inA th~ -", l!L --'- _cc.- -;\;~,;'~.~- ,;;,c.~'.^ day of ._~-~~~.- ",~,-''''--_.'' c:.:>> ~ :t 8~ ~~ ~~ O~ Isj~ t"" t::::lO ~~ t;rjJ> -..- YJ YJ ~(j bJ o ll) ... CD l-3 e: Ul i' -I a ~ = E! ~ ,::l. ~ ... ... ~ -- !. s: :t> ::c ~ a ~ r .~ .."..:~,,~;,t-..__._,-_, '~._.^"..........--..........;_,__,_""';':'~":"":~....__.'__,"-4,"- .'1- ~ . . o ~ ~t" ~. ~f; o!:t ~; <')11: 01'-' ~% r 'P" ..... ~ , ~ tAl ~ = - .... . ~ ~ l:d ~ ~ 0 '" c (") 0 0 ..... :u ~ J: ~ ~ ;u ~ 0 ..... !" C') ~ a ". '-l I>) 00 t-3 ~ ~~I - ~ ~ t:Y - ~ ..... --- ~t'ro- :S '''1''1 ........... 'i- M d -n o ~ t1J . .... ~ ;:;'l m o o ?:' c;:;.t ... '" m