WD-121 WARRANTY DEED (8TATU;rORVI . C)8n 1" 66 B08K d ~r PAG! . : PAPCO'S FOI'lM S 'it! 1> -11J;! r--- PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 36. FLORIDA Warranty mttb mitts Jttb.ut1trt. Made this ~3~ day of February , A ,D. 195 4 ' BETWEEN NAT TELLER and SALLY TELLER, his wife, and IRVING KIPNIS and LENA KIPNIS, his l.Jife of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, part i e s of the fir.. part, and ;;:- CI'lY OF, tIIAMI BEACH, a Florida mnnicipal corporation ~"....i of the County of'. D?-de '., ", , in dae Staee.'of Florida, part y of tIUJ seooad ptII't. WiTNESSETH, That the said part i e s of the fir.t Part, for and in cOIUideration 'of the .um of TEtt. (~~lO.OOI and other good and valuable consideration - - - Dbl14r., to them m 1umd paid by the part y of the .econd part, the receipt whereof'w hereby acknowledged, have grtmted, bargaiir.ed and sold to the said part Y of .thes~ part, successo~s ." its :1lIIir.J and assigm, forever,1Jr,e /ollowng described land, ,ituate, lying andbein" in the County of Dade ~ State of FloridtJ, to-wit: That portion of Lot 332"of 'FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION of the Hi ami Beach Bayshore Company, according to the Amended Plat t,h-ereof, recorded in Plat Book 9\, at p'age 73" of the Public Records o:f Dade County, Florida, bounded as f<Jllowsl Begin at the intersect1-on-of' the-nUi'tb:e-r1'y~l1:n-e' ot'L-6t 332 or FIRST OCEMJ FRONT SUBDIVISION, of the Mia~i Beach Bayshore Company, as shown on Amended Plat recorded in Plat Book 9, at page 78, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and the westerly/line of Collins Avenue as shovm on said Plat; thence l>testerlY'.11lon'/ the northerly line of said Lot 332, a distancEl of 10; 88 fee-t; thence southerly along a portion of a. cireular curVe defle6ting to the right, said curve having a central angle of 360 02' and a radius of 660.64 feet, a distance of 5.25 feet; 'th.$4ce/ 'e. on tinue southerly along s. straight line, said line being tangent to the aforementioned curve, a distance of 11.45 feet more or less, to the said westerly line of Collins Avenue; thence northerly along the said westerly line of Collins Avenue 23.75 feet more'O'r less, to the 'point of beginning. CO.,.."'...ROl....lt... :"'~'''''_'''''i....._,...._-_n.,,~''"'''~'-''- COMPTRO\.l.. t' ___' __ ,____________~-~,---/ '''.;-', ~('.t,t"',)~.4 ;I_ CNl f-r/ ~~:~: ~ ".,.,'1e$' ;'f tluPJirst piI.;:t do ~reliyfully'Uia1'Mia't title to ..icllGn4,'tuul~iUcI~lcfnJt r the same againlt the lawful claim. of all person. whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saul' part i e.s oJ the fir .hand S GIld seal S the day and. year above 1oritten. \ ' (Seal) ,I " \. ''-- , - -!oi<-:"'-r_-' .'.,....:~., ,," '"",'tI\oo'-",-,,~, :~ ~c' u',,,_,~'."'~.,,.,.." "C:.,,,.'-' &tatt IIf Jr~ QtaJUutg of DADE : ~ ., '""aorjK3S91 PAGE 67, " } :~~~;;...~.c'- .~. J Jlnrbg Cl!rrttfg that on thi. day perlOrldlly tippoored bp/ott> me, CUI of/icer"duty aUthori:ed'to admiraiater oatil. and take acknowledsmenu, NAT TELLER and SALLY TELLER, his w:J..fe, and IRVING KLIPNI S and LEl~A KLIFNI S, his wife r- to,me weu knowra to be the penon S delCribed ira and who executed the foregoirag deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the ..me freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein p-xprpssed, .ttt1f1111 my hand ~ of/ieial seal at n I .It", CounfY tif ' Dade . ():: I') "PfC,p , . ~ .,3c::::.... GIld SUIte of Florida . , thu .A.Q.19 5~;~~' Notary P!"blie. Statp of Florida. , ,4litIHlHIII'lf'ebruary ,,-,,""'. G E fJ II ~,"'> 1,."~:"."'''''~_<-L' /" . ~ .:MY commtpiltlr.explre.: g'4 ./ 0 -r~~,t,"'.IY~l'~bli~ St2te of Florida at Larg'!!. ='{' : ',\. . My 'c;"mtrll~'s><:,,) expires Oct::; 1056 - '.". -' ~,:~~ .~. '-~ .. . ,.../. := ~ ~ ~r!iJv.L~:. 'I!Hnkall l'lr~ Gt L03~U~:ty La. ~ ~. U... 1,.. \. :'c::;::':- ,~ .... ~ .... 't"'.::: .l-L "...." .r ....J:1. ~ ...........~ '-I.....:::' : "'^ .t:~ .'~."...H.. ~ \at ...:.':'- "'If ti C tl \ ") \.\,.... ' 11Jt,lttnp~\.~\ . f ~- " ~ (2 i& ,~ J..-- i I I l m.t . I:) ~ OJ - ""3 ~~~ ~~ < r :z . ("'\ l ~ Q - bj~ ~< m' :2? " ~ "., hca --c.~- ~~,~._~~....:.;,;~.~.;..,..~ t.tri~ ~0"0"~tr1 o ~ '< I:) . E ;:l ~ - ~ (l> t:.lD '< ;:l.. ::1 ;-. ~' I: ~ 5' ~ '< a r- =,... ~fT1 8 g ai,)> ~~r~~ ~ 5' '0' ~ f'TJ ~ ...... ;:0 :"<);;. i ;:l <3:,' :'i ~. !~ ~2:~~ ~ n' <w (l> ... II 6\ 8 eS ~f i: J ~ !f-'- i~~ Ie = ~ fo'l\\N ~i ip It . = ... ~ ~ ",.' ..~ OJ C5 , ~ ;--( ~. K ---- ~'...l' ;--' -'......"ti~.~ :!~..'.-"--- j~ .\ '0 ,.. Jill " ~~ ~i- . 1ft o~ ~::: Pl~ oS: !>~ ... - r- ~ "J ~.~~ ,1!- ii' s= ~ ~ = == ~ tt:; ueI ~ ~ t:Y ,,, ~ -, o -0 ::s f') o (SJ 'I ; 1"'t - r-. m <=' ." o ;';'1 ;xl m o o ::0 C' ~ ... " ~ " n o vi .... o ::Il J: III e ~ w ~ ,; ?s ~ w. Crr ~