WD-120 I )J-- l... -) 'lO- ~ '9i BOOK 3874 PAGr439 wO-t ~o ~-" .... . llARfWr.l'I DUD THIS lJeV1mTUU _de this 12th da7 ot J~, A.D. 1954, be- Ween RICB.&Im GDmIL and JULIA GIMBEL" husband and vite" ot the Co\mty ot Dade ud state ot J'lorida, parties ot the thst part" and the em OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal corporation ez1stiDg UDder the laws of' the State ot Florida, baTiJlag its principal place ot business in the C01D1ty of' ,.Dade ad state ot nori_, part,. ot the second part, W1'tl9ESSftH, that the said parties ot tae tirst part" tor aDd a coneideration ot the 8D ot DB oor:r.Qg (tlO.oo)" to th_ in haDd paid, the receipt whereof' is hereb,y acknowledged" bave granted" bargained" sold, aliened, remised, released" enteotred, cODVe,.ed and coDf'1rmed aDd by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, enteott, conve,. and contirm unto the said part,. of' the second part and its successors aDd assigns f'oreVer, all that certain. parcel of' land ~ and being in the COl1Dt,. ot Dade and state ot Florida" more particularly described as tollows: C03IIIIl8DciDg at the point ot intersection (PI) ot the tangents ot a circular curve, ha'YiDg a central angle of 930 - 30 I, a radius of' 15 teet; said taDge.ts beiDg the norther~ l1De ot 41st street, extended westerly, aDd the easterly l1De ot Pine Tree Drive, extended southerly, as same is shown on a plat of Fl.WPgo Ea,. Subdivision No.1, as recorded in Plat Book 6, at Page 101, ot the Public ltecords of Dade Count,., Florida; thence ran easterly along the tangent of' said curve, or the westerly projection of Forty First Street, a distaace of' 15.945 teet to the Point ot CUrvature (pc) ot said circmlar curve or the poat of beg"""''"g of the tract of land herein described: ' " ,-, I From said point of beg"""""! run northwesterly along the arc of a circular enrve det'J..ectiJIg to the right, baviJag tor its e18Dl8nts a central ugle ot 630-26'-05.8", a radius ot 15 teet, a distance ot 16.072 teet to a point, (ehord of said C1Jr98 ___lr4"1 .. &DCl. tr_ tupnt to chord of 310-.43'-02.'- and bariDg a leDgth ot 15."1?2 t.et) aid po1J1t being the intersection of the arc of' said curve vita a 11118 parallel to sad 7.5 teet north tram the northerl1liDe of 41st Street" or th8 8outh.erl1lhe ofusaid Lot 1, )1....."go Bay Subdivision Ifo. 1. tWice -1- LAW OFFICES I!IERICK, SHAPIRO a. FRIED, 420 LINCOLN ROAD. MIAMI BEACH 38, FLORIDA, TELEPHONE 11.8449 . ' , 8~0I< 387~ PAGE'440 run easter~ along a line parallel to ud 7.5 teet distaa. JlO.l"ther~ tr_ the scnrth- .r~ line ot said Lot 1, P'J~1It1"IO Bay SUb- divi.ion Ho. 1, aid 7.5 t.et beiDI Jl8aaured at right ug1es to sai4 seuther~ lhe of Lot 1, P'J _iDgO Bq Sub41vi~iOD Ifo. 1, a distance of 392.504 teet to a poiDt, eaid point being 395.0 teet easter.q trca the taDgent ot said curve on the east- 81'17 lhe ot P1De 1'ree Dri...., exteDdecl soutber~; thence run southea&terg alOlll a lime detlectiDg to the right, SC'-.4,O'-lS', a dietaaoe ot 40.253 feet to a pout on the water face ot the conoretebn' lmead on the west81"17 shore of Tltd1 an Creek; thence run southve.te:r17 alcmg a line detle~tbg 858-21 '-25' to the right, along the water tace of the conctete bu..1.kb.ead on the west- er~ shore of IDdi.n Creek, a distance ot 1.435 teet to. a poiat, said point be1.ag tile intersection of the water face of the con- crete balkhead on the wester17 shore ot IDdian Creek, with the sO'Citber~.l1ne of said Lot 1, Fl,,~..o Bq Subdivision No. 1J thence run alarag a line detlectiJag to the right 85."8'40', alcmg the 8Outher~ line of sa1d .L,ot 1, ]')A1II1",0 Ba)'. Subd1:Y1s1on Ro. 1, .. the norihw17 11De of _14 Fart,. P1rst street, a distance ot 419.206 feet to the point of 'be"ft!:!" ~ of the tract ot la1Ml hereb clescribecl, OODta:l.l11Dg 3096 square teet, more or less. Subject to restrictions ad lia1tatlODS of recorel e.CIIIIIIlOD to the M1ghborhooci", aDd sub3ect to &Jl3 ......nts far public utilities, which _,. be of record. Allio subject to the 1954 Cit,. and Ccnmt3" taD.. TO BAU AID '1'0 BaLD the 8a1IS in fee s1aple forever. ADd the said partie. of the fust part do C0T8D&Dt with the said part,. of the seoond part that they are lawtW..]y ..ized of the said pre1I!se., that they are tree of all inoumbrance, and that the,. have gooc1right and lawtal authorit,' to sell the same; and that said partie. ot the f'1rst part doth hereby fu1l1' warrant the title to sa.id lud, and will defelld the ... against the lawful clams of all.perso21s WhODlS08T81". m WIDBSS WHEBBOP', the said parties of the fust part baTe here- =to set their haDds and seals the da,. aDd year above written. Siped, Sealed aDd Delivered h Oar Presencel raJ~ Richard GUabel ~l:' ~A<-tJ JUlia GiIi (SIAL) ~ .L' - \ It..:...~ I ~ - \J) , ,,\'.u... \ f~nA~^~. ~-~~ (SEAL) -2- LAW OFFICES BERICK. SHAPIRO 110 FRIED. 420 LINCOLN ROAD. MIAMI BEACH 30. FLORIDA. TELEPHONE 1!5-6440 \,\ .. .. , B~OI{ 3874, PAGE 441 .. -, I \ ~ ST.Aft: or CCI1DC1'ICVf, Cot'lBft r8 DW nUl ) ) ) I JU!ilfJ5tJI ClRTD'I, !hat on thi8 .1.';' '~ 01' J~ A.D., 1954, before .. per8ODa']~ appeared RICHARD GIMBEL aDd J1JLI.l GIMBEL, husbaDd aDd wit., to _ known to be the persons de8cribed iB ind whomexecuted the 1'are- loing C<nneyaD.ce to tD eIft 01 MIAMI BU.CH aDd aeT8rally aclmowledged the eDCUt10n thereof to 1>8 the11' free act aDd deed for the uses ud purposes "bere1D mentioned. WITDSS IV sipatee ud ott1c:1al seal at Rev BaTeD iB the Count)' at. Hew HaveD and State 01' CoImect1eut, the day and year lalt'a1'oreea1d. ,,\\111111/0/. \,\\ d H e "'1 ,\ . <p .. ~', / _,' 4".\. .""'" .~: ';:".... " ",,-v.. " ,f , " .v....' '"..,' :~ ~ ..,.'" -.. < ~ ..;' A; .', l";"~ ^, n,.~ '. ~ - - .W '~V.Jo.t:._.-< . ,,~. ~ ..:......:. ~ - -., '!'. ,.,:)- iif;.U:.;'. <P' r.: = bUJ'.v ' ... - .1 \.PlJ .B 1> '\,: i. ~ ~:.::.. .. \. . t/"~ ~ ", Jf_. I ,',,""<:: ..... . ."'.,6" .' 0""'" " jI ,. 'J .............l". .. . 11 k V,~(~lit. Co.iss1on expires ~~ . Public 14. ~~ ,.' 1~- c--- 'c.'- r:""~m'~ ~.:~'-'- 'fl"''-j vfJ cmrrH~~i:Ji1 ';~i.!1'vJ !1'iJ~! ~l_ ~ ___ . ___.__.._m...._ .'._ , :,.,.\ .... -iii; ~{ !" I · f' . , State of FJorida, County of Dade~ This instrument was filed for record the.___L____day of~~"""~ 1954 atL~::&~M, and dUlY recon::ed in___n_~!"~ ~ Book__J.L~_.cn Page_~..z-.-File No, DO d/R2..L..d/ E. Ia. ...EA-' HiUtMAN Cie:" Cir~uil Court 8y'~r-~~- --:--- o,c. -3- LAW OFFICES .ERICK. SHAPIRO II FRIED, 420 LINCOLN ROAO. MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA. TELEPHONE 15.e448