WD-118 "~~~~~~~~~ri m WARRANTY DEED I'AI"CO'$ FORM R, E. A-3 PAP'CO PUBLISHING CORPORATION [~ M (FROM CORPORATION) MIAMI 37, FLORIDA ~ I . ~ ;4 J:)&M-. _. I . ~ !' .. . __ , " _ i~ tobin hand paid by the said pat'tX- of the second part, the receipt;wh~:reof is herebY' ackn~wj~dgedi has granted, bargained and sold to the saidpar~ of the second part, its successors.. . . _irs and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the Countyof . .. ~ . Dade . and State of Florida w:.wit: . . .' . " II Tt;at portion of Lot 334 of FIRST OCEAN FRONT'. SUBDIVISION of the Miami M Beach Bay Sh.. ore Company, according. to. th.. e amended ,Plat' thereo.f '.. re- ' corded in Plat Book 9, page 78, of the Public Records 9f Dade County, Florida, bounded as foll.ows: Begin at the intersection 0+ the north- i erly line of Lot 334 of FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION of the Miami Beach Bayshore Company, according to the amended plat thereof, re- corded 1n Plat Book 9, at page 78, of the Pub11c Records of Dade Coun Florida, and the westerly line of Col11ns Avenue as shown on said Pla thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 334, a distance of 30.16 feet; thence southerly along a portion of a circular curve deflecting to the right, said circular curve having a central angle of 360 021 and a radius of 660.64 feet, a distance of 103 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of Lot 334; thence easterly along the southerly line of Lot 334, a distance of 42.51 feet to the said west- erlyline of Collins Avenue; thence norhterly along the said westerly line of Collins Avenue a distance of 102 feet, more or less, to the . ~oint of beginning.:. 'rrear: Restrictions of reo.ord; zoning ordinances 01' t):1e CitY...."f Miami. B.e. aCh, ~ Florida; taxes for tile year 1953. .. ". i And the,said~parl1 or the.first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and ~fi(~d" i ~esame agamst the lawful clalDls of all persons whomt!Oever~ ......:-' ., "'""i/.'" --. ~ ... '.- t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part ha6~~.i~, i ents to be signed in its name by _w,'~ . '. (:> and its corporate seal to be a'~ , : . .f.'ty~ its ':" . '.eecretary, the day and year abo.. M 'C ti: v. : . .. ,....~. t O~""r '.'t" "...... ' "-- ~-<--\-~--~~~~~(Pr-"ii.j;~:.,::i~-~': '". ..... r? ..... .."':tl : ;, p.' .. '<(J , .,~.,,,:....,n.:;t. .,.. "'". D.... ;.u--;.- ;,'.4 ,,"........ ~ . . :, ;'. ,.;,; . ,.. . ",......""' r """,-.~ ~~ ~e.~,A,D,19-53, day of BETWEEN , a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of Florida business in the County of Dade and State of and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ~_..- 6f,the CoUnty 01: Dade' Florid~ and Sta1le of________ · pa~ of the second'part, WITNESSETH: That the aaidparty or the firet part, for and in.consideration 'of the 8mt1 of . . ~ , I Ten ($10.00) Dollars an,d other valuable cOnfjlderations ( Corporate Seal) ~TTEST: .f) . /1" ,. . 'I,. . .rY~. .vu-u.L Ida Prince .. Sec,"-e~a!y ,t~,' , u ~.- . . By Abrana'omY eUist~- . ~..'.. ~._-~ ""'._------,...,. . , " l. "I i ~ I .~.~~_ ~_. =,'_.~_ ...._,_._,::~._~.._""- ..~;:,~e._..:C_.__--""_____", ____ __ _'.. ..-.-____ eTATE OF ~. NEW YORK-- COUNTY OF ~ ~, ..., I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on wi.. ~/lLI day of. ;'oIe NOVEMBER before me personally appeared ABRAHAM WEINSTOCK President and Secretary resp&ti~ely .1 and TnA PRTNC,'R New York Notary Public State of ~~ork at ,A.D.19~ (Seal ) SKY BLUE,'INC. , a corporation und~,thelaWll of . , ' .,' .. " --\. ,'- ,-.-. the State of' ]"lorida " to me known to be thepenons who 8i~d'. the ;foregom~ instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be the'irfree act an~ deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed ~eto the official leal of said corporation, and that the said insj.ent ~iste act and deed of said corpora,~o:. . . WITNESS my signature and official seal a~N ew Yark . , ')z,~ ',--'1 Ii I' ~ \.).\ ~ ..... ;1 ~ i ~ 8 := ~ ..... ~= :i !" 3~t .., .., t:Y ~-..- ;;l, o. colz ~" r- 0 ~ r- h {Tl m 0 ", -I r>> 0 (, ,... ; :1 - \ ..,., 'f' M ':D 0 eo ~ >- :1:: ~.. 0 ;T\ l'""l :::n ?1 :l' 00 :;:: ;"\"i p > 0 .." Z f\) 0 r- :::0 :to> " 0 ..- W , , " " .. )> ~ iii g ~ ~ ... ~~ ~~~~ \ in the County or. the day and year lasi aforesaid. ' and State of ,. ~,'~'; (. ":- :-',.~ r' ," '. ',' . r -"..! .~ v", '~:!~y.~ion expires: ,"ET"Mi'l~ ',,'- _' . . :;;:~:\...p ""MARlOTTE M. RYA~ O ).., 0 ,./.v', \. . "': ualifi.d in Nassau County :~.... - . ; ~ "No. 30.8720700 " ,.. '. ' , .~ ftl"~ hi New Y orfr Co. CI.rfrs Off. , U 8 \... \ ~.-;..on Expires March 30,195l1. ::"3.~; I T . ~~~~~~.j' ~.... -_.._.._----_.---,--~~.--" -",~,:,' .. - -0..;.,..... .. -.~----=---,---- .~ .--..:............. 0 a ~ E; U'J ~ ~ C") ~ 0 ~ t::I trj U'J C"} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r :"' .- ~\ ~ o .. c . t . :r i n o ~ ! o ~ I ; ! 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