WD-115 I / I I r-- \/ ,.. , BOOK 3844 PAGE 61 W fJ Jib -~ ~~ WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION) PAPCC)'S FORM R. E. 34 ~APCO PUBLISHING COR_ATlON 'I MIAMI az. FLORIDA ~lyts Jttbtnturf. Made thie 22nd day of October A, D. 1953-, BETWEEN MORRIS BAROCAS and SARAH BAROCAS, his wife of the County of and State of part~oE the 6rst part, and City of Miami Beach, a Municipal .----X.;XlKcorporation existing under tile laws of the~State of Florida , having its principal place of busine88 in the County of Dade and State of Florida and lawEully authorized to transact busine!l8 in the State of Florida, party of the second part, , "\X1JTNESSETH: That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ,. t, \ J I Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable 'considerations .~ to~he~n hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged..-- have granted, bargained and .sold to the said party of the SeCond pa..!, its successors and assigns, forever, the following' described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida; to-wit: ' . A Co. , . ~ . , , Begin at the intersection of the southerly line :'of Loi:; 231, Amended Plat of First Ocean Front Subdivision.of the Miami Beach Bayshore Company, as shown on a Plat reqorded in Plat Book 9, at page 78, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and the easterly line of Collins Avenue as shown on said Plat; thence easterly along the southerly line of said Lot 231, a distance of 14.07 feet, thence northerly along a portion of a circular curve'"def"lecting to the-right," 'said curve having a c-entral' angle of 190 301 and a radius of 667.4.1,.., a ':distanceof 82.39 - feet; thence continue northerly along a straight line, said ~inebeingtangent to the afore- ,mentioned .curve,.a distance of 28.33 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 231; thence westerly afong' the northerly' line of Lot 231, a distance of 20.4 feet to the said east- erly line of' Collins Avenue; thence southerly along the said easterly llne:of Collins Avenue a distance of 113 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. .~his. CO~y'~yance is made subject to conditions, limitations and'restr-lctions of recordj zoning ord;tnances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; taxes for.the,year. 1953. . ~.--:._.__. "~~'~~---'-:"--"":Z._-,:"'~" -_... And th~.gai~ ~art:ie's of' theiir~t part do" . 'hereb~ fuliywarrant,the title ~o said iand, alld will defend . "';..; I . . "., . '. { I" . ';;l' .~ theeameagainet the lawful'claims of ~Il irerstlns whomsoever, . . IN Wr.rNESSWHERE~F, th~'~id part ies of the first part have hereunto se~: their han~and8eaULthe day and yeal" abbve writteu. ' ~~~~: , ~~~~ ~;(-Ji!lii i. i I I !, I' ~. p. iO<J;: ~:~ f ~ ; .. , I , 't)" I~ ('. I, I'. i~ ,,' f ~.". ',' ':.~. ,:t\ in I I I r. ; ~ l I: I I I i ~ I I t .~. ..---.._--~'-""- STATE 01 ~A,J(....{ } ,,/. ,-Ie; CoUDtJ of-L'i-i . I HEREBY Clahll'~, Tbat on thilday penonally appeared be~ore IDe, ~ offiee.. duly authorized to administer oatbe and take ac:knowledpneut8,. ' MORRIS BAROCAS~nn' SARAH R4ROCAS his wi~A , to me well known to be the p~deeeribed ba .Jliid who executed the foreloinl.deed, and aekno,,:,l~dled before me that they executed the SaDle freely and \'oluntarily tor the purpOsel therem expreued, . : ~ o .. C II r- ; X i Q 8 I z p1~! : $!~Iti ~ i> ~8 ~ .....=- ~~ 0 ~<l!"",, ~ IoU 00 0 I:r' "-,, ~ . S'....; t.... 0 r;9-=-~'IlJCJQ~ 0 I'lI!J Pl B' _ ~.. 8.= l'IJ I'lI!J )> 100; ; e- I S ~!. ,,~~~ N-lf t:f S ~i ~[;j~ '~i t > ~ l ;. s ~ J ~ fO. ~ po <l!l'IJ8 1ooC~ z.i l :.. ~ r po _",," 0 I:r' a. = ; ':'l ~ ....~ lP:! ~ =- a. ;. <l! c. 8 i" ~ g r ~ .... ti' ~ a S 8 g = =- =- !i' I. ~'B~ !- fflli' ~__.__~_. _.,..,_.__-:- ."0 __ _"_ n I~ ~ H !O ~ I~ t<: I~ ~ H 0 t:r.l itz;! trJ I~ ~ 0 Ii 0 ~ n tp. to It:r.l tZJ I~ lI> I@ ~ I ..... H) (I) 10 be the wife 0 id.. ' . lepa,.le aild private examination taken and ma re me, lepll1'lllely and apart from her laid , i~ .aekno~Ie4t!~.th.at Ihe made herself a party 10 laid deed for the PUrpOllCl .,. . con\'eyinll aU her. rillhi, tide 'and' interelt, whether dower. homeetead or of eeparale r , .ry or eqalta e, .' 'bed tlierem. and that me ex~cuted the laid de untarily and without any compulaion, coutraint, apprehenllon or ea \r!1&i~;"" ....... "{- ~ ~ ~ '1 c-... 01 A.D. ...., 953. .~, 0 T/\t ,~:"-;;_ .' lv, tJ. ~ . '.; ~ ' Not.!OS M !ill ~r.KIIAN ') ! 1- 7__d"L ,: . ,,7 , ,,\' My Notary Public, State of New York " Il'.I:.t'E'1)F SLA1l's'n,.",', ' .'. Nv. 41.8788888 , .'... ~r t!'.... } Qua"fled In Queens County . ' ~. . I' '~ . CertifIcates ftfetI wit" 'I '~!f'>': .~:~"; .' :'~,. " . ~~::ri~1t.:' '.. :.l'.~f&.r~'~'~n ~il darpenonally appeared before me. an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and. tlke ackno~~I', ;' ~.' Ii". ;<. . . . -. \ '1' ~ ..,... .11'; ; ,. '. .. . , ,~..", ~ ,.'" r . 10 me well k';own I~ 'b;~~.~ delcribedin and who executed Iheroregoing deed, and acknowledged before me ....t . . " , '.~"'"~the lame freely and \'oluntarilJ for the PUrposel Iherein exprelsed. " .:. J WITNESS my band"'...eiII seal .t . County of and State of Florida, tb;. day of I A, D, 1M..--. ll: ; ! .. ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ -..,. ii t4 , - ~ ~, . ~ ~ 0 " nt4 ~ ~ 0= ,.... ~... ~ ,.;;. ~sd 0 g !" .... loI. .... ~ ~ .. - ~ ~ t:Y .~ Q : .j ,.. t...~4 ~- "7 ::!! of" C5 ~ :-' CD. < "" o. . '=' ;-.1; - , ." a~ J) 0 l;.ji ;:u "';:g :! :::0 gz ITS .> e':) ~ ...z. N r-"'.~ 0 f'- -- ::n io.~~ W ,q ; .': l - : ~ .a:. ..... f.) .1 ';-, : _~- . l ~~'~l "- "- \ ...