WD-111 f-------'- WARRANTY DEED (From Corporation to Corporation) \ BOOK JS22 PAGE 174: w tJfJIJJ f'RANKLIN ~RESS. INC._ MIAMI ~,~. '" .'.. ('-.... '" ". ~ 1 ~ , "'- , l~ ."\ r..-----'.------'-'~""--.~~.-- ----:. ,--'~--'- --- - ,..:~-----..."- ~" BOOK 3822 PAGE 175 ,\I.~\t ii. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these pr..fs.1Q. ~ signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, atteJi::.~.b~~~;;.... __~~. . ~r ,. retary, the day and year above written. i C::: fit).;. "" v~ ::O~ .1'...,',1 6 6 ~ ..... "" 01 W. 2 Corp. ' ~ 0, ~Y>'",J It, ,".J t1 c:9:: S.. >I .1 ./~ - _ ~.~,dllt..,~..-. w. ~ _ , ...._..:)\"- /" /' .dibG . \,'\ ~IHnHI\\'\\\ Attest~-'~' Secretary. By Silrned, sealed and delivered in the presence of us: ~(~ ~JIc..~' } STATE OF IrDIKJID:, NEW YORK: COUNTY OF -~1'- ~.Je I HEREBY CERTI~ That on this J "day of -I-X~ cP~ {~~~ ~ before me personally appearen ann 13--<-"~ 601 W. 26 Corp. - A. D. 19 0 ~ , President and Secretary, respectively, of , a corporation under the laws of the State of .. ijew York , to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instwment as sueh officers, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act ~nd deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corpora- ri;I{;~~~,'. WITNESS my signature and official seal at New York ' '1'.(;1,,"1.. "1,. ., Pi' P , ' .~"'1ft..~'~unty of . MQR8~t~Lgi New . H. d'1l(~..J I' f'd Notary Public, Slale of New York , ! JIt.:fJ tfSY year ast a oresal . .. ,Qualifi~~ i;4~i~~~lOCounty *' .'_ : :: Certs, fded w,th K:ngs, N,Y" Bx, Qns, Co, Clks ... .f- ;' ..1fJ .: (lj50 with City R.I:::J., ICII';d.)/ f~:l'., Qll;), & BA, ..~., / -'-'~'--- , " & I"~E"U _<::9~,tx"c<:lerk ". . ...,-~..~.._-~. -~'--e'l:lrl!tT1I$5Iull [xpil'el. Mard't ~,-~:l- ,;';~, - . w. '. ~ . ' ,.~.~....IO:,4. ~~ ....',"-5 , t. U .iJI ..,"'Q Q ,1,\' 0;... . ~ ~ e. e. OJr+-r+- o C1 ....0 l:I2 = e.~ ~O 00.... S"r+- r+-::r' ~(tl York ~ O.:k (Seal) "- \J {)I. = .... r+- ~ ~ = =::r' ~ ~ r+- 1-4 r+- (tl 13 = oZ~l:I2 0 r+- l:I2 (tl..... (tl.,~ .... ~.<!'! r+- <: 'C S (D' ~ s:=35-(tl ~l:I2 '<Z=:8 ~.... ::r'tzj~'" ~::.: $lQ 00 0; 't:l (tl =oo(tl~ ~Q. ~ 8~ [.... $lQ~ al:l2 ~ ~~ ~ ~1 ~ ......... l:I2 ~ 0 .... tzj ~ 1:1 >; Q. ~ 0 .... 0 ~ .p. .... ,,~~~.... 1-1 ~ ~w ~t:d ~~ il~~H~~g~;! ;: r+- . :;t~ ~E. ~ . (tl l Q.'< 7 t~ ---l._ - -i!f--'o " -- -- ~ ~ ~ t1 ~ r+- (tl ;> !::1 ~ 8 l:l Z too3 < o ~ t:1 > t1 tJ::1 I1l ~ too3 tlI!2 o "lI!J "lI!J 8 ~ lo'I t:1 > > t:d ~ =:0 >- C1 t-3 o ~ t1 tzj 00 C1 =:0 ~ 1-4 o Z ~~ (~ ~'< ~a o _'.._- ;~..,._..-,.........>J"" ,~-" 0' r- ~I'I'I O' ~ '" e.~ :-I". o~ ~% I'I'Im ;0 03: o~ 'z ;!! .~,," ~l ~ o ';j~ a~ s~ (j ~~ Q ~= .. g ... ~u= Q i ~urJ e.", "' t=I n n ~ ~ W ~ '-J "'2 ~ ~ C "." (fJ ~ l\): Q;)- -0 :x ,. ....'