Ad No. 0097CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC HEARING CANCELED ' .,. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the public 'hearing" _ scheduled-for Wednesday, May8, 2002 at 10:00 a.rn., in the: Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, :City -'< Hall: 1700 ConVention Center Drive,:Miami Beach, Florida; is hereby canceled.- . The 'title of the public hearing is as follows:-, To consider adopting a resolution of the .Chairman and Members .of._the Redevelopment Agency, recommending approval of amendments to the City f Center Historic-Convention Village .Redevelopment and . Revitalization :""Area Plan,'.. an':= approved ~' _ redev'elopment Plan' under -the'proVisions of SectiOns ..~.1'63:360, ,-Florida '.StatUtes; ......s'a:id · · amendments A) providing that the Plan-incorporate, by refe'rence, :the Preliminary Proposed Master Plan for ::th~ ~17th '- Street::SurfaCe~Lots,~ :prepared by. Zysc0Vich, Ine., datedSeptem'b~er.21;~'2001;';.B) developing and implementing'community'poliCing innovations within the district, , as :!proVided for in sectionS'; i'63.3~40, ::l 63.350,",163.356;~1'63~360~ 163.36 l, .~ind :163.370,. Flor!da .StatUte~.~!:~,~.~ INQUIRIES' rnay~'~ directedto ;the F ;a; iop :nt Agency at (305) 673.7295. ~'.'" ~:: -:". ':~ : . RobedE. Parche ,: C'ty C erk "' '-' City of Miar~i!BeaCh':- :!'; ': '_ :?:.!';~