Ad No. 0094 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE: OF A PUBLIC'HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public hearing will'be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, in the Commission Chambers,-3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, May 8, 2002 at 10:50 a.m., to hear public comment regarding a lease agreement W~h Rom~ Waxing, Inc., for the lease of approximately 1350 square feet of city-owned property ~ocated at 777 17 Street, Miami Beach, Florida.. - :. , ~ ' ' : "... ...... ... : . INQUIRIES may be directed to the Asset Manag. ement at (305) 673-7260.. ALL INTERESTED-'PARTIES are invitetit0 appear' at this hearing be represented by an agent; Or to express their Views~ i~ writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o t.he City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Ddve, 15t Floor, City Hail, Miami Beach,-, Florida 337139.":.'!This meeting' may be continued and under such cimum51ances additional legal notice would not be provided ............ ~ Robed E.,Parcher. City Clerk Purs j nt ,0 pu m'c that:. if'a ·person decides to appeal any.decision rrtade_by.~the City Commission With 'respect tO ~ny matter, COnsidered at it~ m~e~(nig Or its headng, such person must ensure that a ,~erbatim record of the :prOceedings iS ma,de,: which record includeS.the testimony and eviden..ce u~on;;Wh.i. ch the appeal iS to be~base;:l. :~.l'his'n0~iCe doesnot constitute consent by the City for .the ir~troductioi~r'admi~si0~q '0f otherwise' i~qadmisSibie' o~ ir'r~levant evidence, _nor 'does it au'th0riZ~"~h~henges ~r :appeals i~ot'~3therwiSe 'allowed · by law:~;:~:~ :!:'!"."" In acc0~dance'with the'Americans with Disabilities .Ac~,..O,f ~1990,,pereons needing special.. aCcommodation to partiCir~ate ,in this proceediqg .s, hould .contact the City Clerk's office no late~ than four dayS priOr to the proceeding. Telephone (305)'673-~411 fOr 'assistance~'~f' I~;~dng impaired, 'telephOne the Flodda Rela~'~Service numbers, (800) 955-8771 (TDD) or(800)95~-8770 (vOiCE), for as,~i51ance;