Ad No. 0095 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH . · ,~ ~lf ' * OTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE iS HEREBY given that a public hearing will be held' by the City Commission of the City of .Miami Be~Ch in the' commission :~' 'J Chambers,-3rd flo0r,'City Hall,::~700 convention c~nter Ddve,'.Miami ":""~ Beach, Florida, on'Wednesday;~ May 8; 2002 at 11:15~a.'m., to ;.->: ' consider a proposed.amendment to the Land .Development !*.~ Regulations of the Code of the City of _Miarn! ,BeaCh, 'Florida, by ~ '. amending Chapter'..142,:'Zoning Districts and RegUlatiOnS by = amending Article '111, Overlay Districts, 'by'addingDivision 5, West _.:= . , ....... "' ~ ' Avenue Bay Front.Overlay, Section' 142-842, Location and Pdrpose, :"0 Section 142~843' Compliance with: Reg~ia:ti0ns :seCtion'~ 142-844, ::i ~ Residential-Office Oveitay'Area, S~cti0n ~42:845', SUites Hotel and , · ' Bed and Bi'ea'kfast inn Overlay Ar~ii:~'SeCti(~n"i 42-846, ~Off-Street+ ~"'f ' Parking Regulations: ~-~' · ...~.- INI~UIRIES m~: ~e :.'~lii~te~~ tothe Pla'i~in~'b~p~rtrn~nt"a:i~'(30s) ':i *-- ALL, ~NTE~E'S~':E6'P~S'are ~ir~Vit~<~ ~'.'appea~: a~ ~hiS~a'dng. ::~' be~represented.by~'~.a~agiarit, or to::expr~S~thei~v'ie,~vs'in'writing' addre~Sed;~o:~the~.Ci~C~.r~mission;:C/0 ~the' City. ~Clei~':1-700 ! C~hvent o~ ~t~;' .D~'i~e::*i St! Floor, Cih/Hall; :Miarn :'BeaCi~':~l~)dda' - '33139.:'.: ~' ThiS':'; m~ting":may ~ be" :~'~n~lnued .~and' ~ind*~b~ch-- ' "circumsta~'~iditio'~.~l iegai n'otiCe'=~t~ld .~t b~ '~'~dedj~'.~-~;~,:' '- .that:.tf a.~per.Soq :de'cid~s,.tp:appeal.~'~n~:'~le_.cis.'~i~n.*,i:~ma~e:-~by!the.City :- ~Comtnissi0~'~itri' r,es~eCt tO~any matter C0~sidere~l at its :tn~eting or its · !" . ~hearin~; .s~"~rson ::~u~'::'ensure.:~h'a~' !~%;~:t!'.m r~ofd ,of the :. . proceedihg~'ls:rnad~;.!'which record incldd~s.the testimony .and evidence · "!~:upo.n which the' appeal :!s',to be'based.~:! ~l!!~s~.n.o.'.tiCe:. ~10p~S not:.~c~.n. stitute · !- consent by ~it~he.~Ci~ty :for -the ,introdUctio~' or:~admiS~i0d:of. Othe.rwise · ~ ", inadmissible 0r. irrelevant evidence, n,p~ does :it ~ ~adthOriZe ~hailenges dr :' - appeais not 0therwise allowed by law. ~'i~:~:~-. :~??~:'-~.~.'" :..' ~: · :- . ~ .-In accordance* With the Arn-'ca-.~. wi':k.::D'~.k.'i:itie~~ ~,~ ~f t 990, "p~rSons :', ~':'~' ':'needingI Special accomm~.:i.';' ::" ::: .;; :~rt:,'. p.,:!e ~r, :l'.s"pro~eedin. g .~should : * .. contact thd"City Clerk's cl'ce ":.: I.'Pur tl-ar |:h-" days priort0-the., L*.: proceeding. Telephone (305) 673-7411 ,,fPr,aSsistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service nUmbers,~(800) 955.877! .(TDD)~or .(800) 955-8770 (VOICE), for assistalice, ?~:::.:~ "~,- ' .- ' - · ".. '. Ad #0095