Ad No. 0096 ~CITY OF MIAMI BEACH :-..m.
N~ICE IS'HEREBY gi~n th~t~ public ~aring will'be h~ld'5~ the CW
CommiBion of the CiW of Miami Beach, In the Commition Chambem,-3rd
floor, C'i~ Hail;' 1700 Convention'C~nte~D~, Miami BeaCh;: Ftorida,-'on
W~sd~, Ma~' a;' 2002 at 2:00 p.mj~-~t~ ~onS de~ the .reqGest for a
Re~bte ~rmit by Mr..Robed Sw~r~, to re~in awrought iron fe~, a ~,~
circular co~rete pavet dryly andirrigated aB~ lighted landsping at me
street end of 78th Street, eas~ ~of Atlantic Way?:~}~cent to. the pro~
I~ted at 7747 ~t ~nt c Way. ': '-~ ~': -. ' -:: ;' . ',~:~: ~:::~.~'. ~ ::: .- "- -~
INQUIRIES' may ~ dir~e~ fie Pla~i~g ~p~'~'~305) 673:75~.
ALL .N'~=R~S¥~b~:P~RTIES 'are~ invii;d '.~:¥1~,~.'at~.thl;':~aring' be
mpmsent~ by an agent, 0r to ~pre~ their Views In writing addressed to ~e
City CommiSsi~n;'~o the::' Ci~ Clerk,. 17~ ~on~h~&h ,c~nter. Drip, 1 st
Roor, Ci~Hall, ~a~, Fldrida ~139.~is ~eetin~=~ay be Continual
a~ unde~'~'G~'~Ei~cQ'~n~e~'additionaFl~g~l n~tice would 'n~ ~pr~.
~.~.;,,: to '~ -~.6.~ ~:'.. ~s,~,..'~a',~· h~;.~ ~.,~'fi. ~,~
that: if~ a pe~on :d~des'.to .'appeal an~' decision maa~ b~the ~City
CommiSSiOn ~fi ms'p~"t~-: any 'matteF'ce~si'dere~ at 'i{s '~eti~g o~ its
~arin~,such pemn mus~ ensure ~at a ~matim ~e~r~:~f ~ p~eedings
i ma~; ~idW~t'~0rd in~ie6~s the"testi~on~'a~d evide~n'which ,the
ap~lis t~'be b~ed,.~is noU~ does n~ ~n~jl~.~'~t b~' ~e c,~y br
the intmdu~ion or admissi~ of o~e~se inadmissible or irml~ant evide~e~
~ m~:~c~om~:~' ~u~,~a~ pri~r to the p~g.'
Tele~h~"(~5) 6~ ~ ~ ~i~n~; if ' ~ng impaired; tel~p~'on~ ~e
' m~'Re~e~";~m,~q~)~)~877.1 .~DD).or (8~)'9~0