CAO 01-05 AIPP Amendment \ '( CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager . ~I,IJ~ ~urray H. Dubbi~Al li~V CIty Attorney /VV\~ Raul J. Aguilac96)k. First Assistant City Attorney C.A.O. NO. 01-05 FROM: C.M.O. NO. 1-04/01 SUBJECT: Art in Public Places Amendment For City Owned Land Use DATE: May 9, 2001 The Administration is currently proposing an amendment to Chapter 82, Article VII of the Miami Beach City Code, entitled "Art in Public Places"; said amendment would require private developers (excluding not-for-profit entities whose projects' total construction budgets are less than $8 million dollars) who engage in joint public/private ventures with the City, utilizing City owned land, to contribute one and one-half percent (1.5 %) of the construction budget for the proposed project to be contributed to the Art in Public Places fund for such purposes as provided by that ordinance. A first reading of the aforestated amendment is scheduled to be heard by the City Commission at its regular meeting on May 17, 2001. If approved on first reading, a second and final reading would be considered on June 6, 2001, and said ordinance will be effective ten (10) days thereafter. The issue at hand is whether the proposed ordinance amendment applies to the ongoing negotiations for public/private development of the 72nd Street Site, pursuant to Request for Qualifications No. 5-00/01, entitled "Request for Development Qualifications for an Approximately 4 acre PubliclPrivate Development Opportunity known as the 72nd Street Site, located between Collins and Harding Avenues, from 72nd to 73rd Street" (the RFQ). The Administration's concern is that the proposed amendment was not a part of the information supplied to proposers in the above- referenced RFQ. Notwithstanding the fact that the Administration may not have contemplated the aforestated ordinance amendment, and thus not included same in the RFQ, if the effective date of said ordinance amendment precedes the conclusion of negotiations relative to the RFQ (that is; the negotiation and approval by the Mayor and City Commission of a fmal Agreement(s) and execution of same by the City and the successful proposer), then the relevant portion of the amendment requiring private developers of public/private ventures on City-owned land (such as that contemplated within the RFQ), would be binding upon the proposer and should properly be made a part of those negotiations. , Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, it would be prudent for the City, in its continuing negotiations with the successful proposer for the 72nd Street Site, to include a provision within the relevant Agreement(s), acknowledging that the proposer has been made aware of the amendment to the Art in Public Places ordinance and agrees to be bound thereby. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. RJA \kw F:IA ITOIAGURICAOIOI-OS.CAO cc: Christina M. Cuervo Ronnie Singer James Quinlan 2