WD-138 4011 535 r ,-. -_.~ . ~ ,,~, ,-.1,1' ~ ..'t BOOK4011 PAGE535 WARRANTY tiBEt>. THIS INDENTURE, Made this .LL-day ot ~ A. D. 1954, between PAULBEf PROPEB'l'IES. IIfC., a Bew York eorporatioa paPt ~:;, of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the second part. 'VTITNESSETH: ...---.....---............. That the said part,. __ of the fi~st part, for and in cQnsideration Qf the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, to :It.'' in hanc;l paid Oy the party of the second part. the receipt 't-ThereQf is hereby ackp.o~-Jledged, !.U-. granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its succes$ors and assigns forever. the following described land, situate, lying and be~ng i~ the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade, Florida, described as fOllows, to wit: The ...ter1,. 21 teet of Lot 1, li'LOB'EBCE W. GRWlvY'S BBSlJBDIVISIOII OF BLOCK 4, HAYlISWOftll BEACH SUBDIVISIOB, sai4 2i foot .trip of 1ma being adjacent and pat-all.el to tu easterl,. 11ne ot BJron Avenue SIld .e..sm-eel at right angl..s to said BJroD Avenue. As said Lot aDd AftD1le are shown on Plat recorded 11l Plat Book 40, page S8 of the Public Records ot Dade C01DlQ, lPlor!d.. r--' ~~ " , "" "- ~ t. ~ , 8001\ 4011 PAGE 536 ~,--, . SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Miami.Beach, Florida, and taxes for the year 1954., This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property' shall be used for sidewalk and highway purposes~ In the event the grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the grantor 8, 1~s successors and assigns~ And the said part ,. of the first part hereby fully warrants title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN 1tlITNESS ~'11HEREOF, the said part,. of the first part ha 8 heretmto cau.sed its corporate seal to be affixed, and these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, the day and year above 't-1I'itten. J il""..'.... ' ' , I' I ~ \.. R E' )f"~'~. P AULBlLT PROPERTIES, me . . \) ........ '~ ",. ,I~ ~... , c'."" . ... .;> ~~ , ..... \f"0" · o. 'Ii' -,:,~:::. . '.: :->?"~) ..~ -0":- ~' . ,,::.' .... ' '\ to")'. ' ~ :j;;, ~,c.!I) ,".,~.. -:~..:':m: : t :.,~ "., , p ~ .~;~;, : ;.:, ' "I', ..... .i.. 'Ii 0\ 'I:~' _, ~ _'. ", /" . i'. ",,' '"u.9/( ~ -... .- ' "''''... :.o.~..,.., ST: ~ --. ".;' / () ........ ~- - ~ecretM7 ~/ ~'-'.- '-.. .-..... ... ~ (' . ~,~,\:;?/~" -' -' ,:~:",,~Y2t~~~<::~~,/,,/~~~:;: , .' _,;;;.~";.i.nh...,,J~~- b f,~.,~i;'''''''!'ft.,''C fA ;i6;,~,\., ( ,:t" ."'" ' \..... ~, , ~.>:~.'ft!J...,c~~.,.....,..,M"~..tf,,PO "i~ rr~i~~~'~' ....~d\. >:" ,;: "'. : '.', , ,T ...",::r':::.~ -:-. "-.~ 0 A J:J ' '.<," ~):r€',,' --__. ,~i.,i~~:,':i:!~. ,,' , '" ~. -h )>~ .'. "'.0-"-'", - . .;.~~- ," YclitL1. :<<0: ~ -*,. ; ".~'J:;:(,::.'"~,r,, .. Cl:-- ':- ~;".<f'-A""~:>'--' . ......"'t .::- c V.A. '. .' I; '" ~ >~t"''''-IJ'''''f'''''. ~, ..~ "I't, lOrt, u!l. ~"" '!lo. "", y t. ~ BOOK 4:011 PAGE 537 STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF fJdL ) SSe : I HEREBY CERTIFY thatonthl $ day personally appeared before me. an officer duly authorized to admin'-ste and and' 'S.c~ta1"Y '1 respectively, of PATrr.R1lV' PtiO~'l'I_~, .'.JJff;-. J a w." ToPk corporation, to me l.vell known to bathe individuals described in and who executed. the foregoing deed, and duly acknowledged before me that they executed the same .tor the purposes therein express'e~, and- that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corpora~ion, and that the said deed is the act and deed of said corporatio~ klL HITNESS my hand and official seal at [)J-L . ::dt::a::~~. ., thia ~ day of rn~ J A. D. 1954. My commission expires: Nots/y f.'U~nc. St8tt of F1Grld8 at La.. My CommIssIon expires December 29. 1956 Bondltd by American Surety Co. of N. Y. State ot Aorkfa, County of Dade. Thali i,f1Sm.ment 'w~s filed tor record tha. -/ ..?d f ~/L ) 1954. .u: L/~ ' ...L~_.1 ay 0 ~ 4ft_~.:.~Z~::M. ana dWlj' fecoroed in... m-'2.~~&:. Book. ~_LLon Page..;r-J~Flie No. DD n'/f:lP-!Z.f" ~ E.., LEATHERMAN Cleek Circuit Court By J~A'~ D,I.