WD-138 4011 369 . , ,. ..~, '" ~ . 1 BOOK 4:011 PAGE369 .. . -I WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made this t.!t....day ot ~ A. D. 19$4, between W. JIEJilJIB STBBIl ad. SABJ.1I B. SDB. hl. "vtte ,a;EJt le. of the first part. and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida r-Iunicipal corporation, party of the second part, WIT N E SSE T H : .........................-............- Tb,at the said partie. of the first part. for and in cQnslderation 91' the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars. and other good end valuable consideration, to th.. in hand paid by the pa1'tty 01' the second partl the receipt \fllereQt is herepy aeknowledged. baye granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its succe~sors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the City of H~am1 BeaCh, County or Dade, Florida, described as fOllows, to wit: A portlon or Lot 4, B10ck 7, RADSWORi'H BEACH SlJBDIVISIOll, described aa tollova: BEGIDIllG at the .outheaaterl,. comer 01' the aaiel Lot 4, thence run ..ater17 &1ong the souther17 1ine 01' the aaiel Lot 4 to the polnt of intersection with a 11De parallel to and 21 .teet. westerly of the ...terl,. 11ne 01' B,-roll Avenue, said 21 teet belng .easured at right ..gle. to the salel B,Jron AV.DUe; TheDce run northerl,. 8l0Dg the .aiel 11.De parallel to ael 2t t.et ...terl,. 01' the ...terl,. 11ne of B,-rOD Avenue, a distance or 271 t.et, to the polnt or curvature or a clrcular curve, deflecting to the left and ha'9'1ag a rad1ua of 112.0 re.t; - 1 - ,.-- " . "- .. " .. BOOK4011 PAGE370 Thence run northerl,. along the arc of aald clrcular ourTe to the point of Intersect10n with tb.e BOrther1,. 11ne of the sdd Lot 4; . TheDce raIl.e.sterl,. along the aaidnortherl,. 11ne of Lot 4 to the weaterl,. J.1De of the .dd Bp-on Avdue; Thenee rma southerl,. along the .dd ...ter17 1111e of Byron Aveuue .to the polnt of beg!1:aQ1ftg. .DD - A port1on of Lot 5, Block 7, B'ADSWOBTJI BEACH SUBDIVISION, described as fo11ova: BlIJIBIIBG .t the northeaster17 corner of the said. Lot 5, thence :rwl1 .ater17 along the norther17 line of the aald Lot 5 to the po1Dt of 1nter.ectlon w1 th a liD. parallel to and 2i f'eet wester1,. of' the ..ater1,. liBe of BJ.&V8 Avenue, a dlateoe of' 45.0 feet to the po1nt of curvature of a olrcllJ.ar curve defleotiDg to the right and haTing a radiua of 112.0 :teet; !'hence rma. aoutherl,. at ong the arc of aa14 ' clrcular curve to the pemt of In tersect;1on with tbe souther1,. l1ne of the aa14 Lot Si Thence rma e.aterl,. along the aaid aoutherl,. 11ne of Lot 5 to the said weater1,. 11ne of Byron Avenue; Thence ran northerl,. along the 8ai4 ...terl,. line of B'J'l'On A venue to the poln t of beg1Jm.lns. As aaid Lota, Block 8Jld Avenue are sho_ on nat recorded In Plat Book hl, page 2 o:t the Public Recorda of Dade doUD'b7, P1orlda. -2. . ' It, , t, t f 10 ~ L ..... .. . :It 1..- .. BOOK 4011 Pt,GE 371 SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and ltmitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of IHemi . Beach, Florida. and taxes for the year 1954. . This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property. shall be used for sidewalk and h1ghvJay purposes. In the event the grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and immedi ately revest in the grDntor., tb.eir he1r.,legal. a~&&&SS&~ and assigns. repre.entat1ve. And the said part ie. of the first part do hereby fully warrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the lm'Jful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN HI TNESS 1'!HEREOF, the said part 1e. of the first part b.ave hereunto set their hand smd seals the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Us: <1J. /a.,.,_-r,,~ /-/.IA' ./~/ (LS) W. Berm8D stem ~~~ ~8-Lt-~81 Sarah B. tea 1~~u' . ~, -- ,--' I:'; . ~ .... ,..~ ,<~~. . ./' ('~r'>. ~.-, "'!.- -~ ';:~":;:i'i>""", "d" .II." ", .~,,~I ~,' . . ~ ~q/, c::- P,' _ . C,.., , '" ...., ; ... :. .... - !".", 800\<.4011 ?t\GE372 ~, '.... STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF ~ ) : 58.: ) I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on thi s day . personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized+::to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, v. BEBIWf S'fED ad SJ.RAB B. STEBII. hi. v11"e to me well knovm to be the person adesoribed,in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that the7 executed the sa.TIle free~y and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. UI'INESS my hand and official seal ~-~ County of ~ this ~day of ~ at , and State of . o?~ , A. D. 1954. ~~.f4:-~ Nota ubI cj S ~e 0 My commission expires: Notary Public, State of Florida at larg' My commission expires Aug. 16. 1958. Bonded by fidelity & Deposit Co. of Maryland State of Florida, County of Dade. This mstrdiilent was filed to, record tha..__~..day of ~ 1954lt~~~.Lfr.tan(j d.,~ lecor..ed in.._ ~_~~ 8ook...~~...on Page_J~2.Jile No. DD,!&;.r.::2.Ji1:l'7 E. e. I..~T}tERMAN Clerk Circuit Court By ~.~ D.C.