Ad 1381Page:NE_AdNE_9,Pub.date:Thursday,October 19 Last user:tcureton@miamiherald.com Edition:1s tSection,zone:,NELastchangeat:17:46:4 October 17 THURSDAY OCTOBER 19 2017 NEIGHBORS 17NE MIAMIHERALD.COM MIAMIBEACH GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS NOVEMBER 7,2017 MIAMIBEACH PRECINCTS LIST Polling Place No. NameLocation Polling PlaceNo. Name Location 011BiscayneElementary School800 77 Street 030 Miami BeachBotanical Garden 2000 Convention CenterDrive 013NorthShore Branch Library 7501Collins Avenue031 Miami Cit yBallet 2200Liber ty Avenue 014NorthShore Park Yo uth Center 50172Street032 Miami BeachRegional Library 22722Street 015NormandyShores Golf Club 24 01 Biarritz Drive 033 Miami BeachSenior High School 2231Prairie Avenue 018IndianCreek Fire Station#46860 Indian Creek Drive 036 Miami BeachPoliceAthletic League 999 11 Street 019NormandyPark &Pool7030Trouville Esplanade 037MiamiBeachCityHall1700Convention CenterDrive 020 Ronald W.Shane Center 6500 Indian Creek Drive 038 Ve terans Foreign WarPost #3559 650 West Avenue 023 Miami BeachFireStation #3 5303 Collins Avenue 040 SouthPointe Elementary School 10 50 4 Street 024NautilusMiddle School4301N.Michigan Avenue 041SouthShore Community Center 8336Street#2 025 St.Johnsonthe Lake Methodist Church 4760 Pine Tree Drive 042 FeinbergFisher K-8 Center 60114Place 028 Te mple Beth Sholom 4144 ChaseAvenue043 Miami BeachPolice Department 11 00 Washington Avenue 029 NorthBeach Elementary School 4100 Prairie Avenue 048 Rebecca To wers 200 Alton Road Please note thatthe abovelistissubject to change,ifneeded. Thevotingprecincts forthe November 7,2017 CityofMiami BeachGeneral andSpecialElections shall be as established by the Miami-Dade Countyelectionofficials.OnElectionDay,all electorsshall vote at thevotinglocations andthe votingprecincts in which the official registrationbooks showthat the electors reside.Allquestions concerningvotinglocations and votingprecincts shouldbe directed to theMiami-Dade County Elections Depar tment,2700 NW 87 Avenue,Doral,Florida33172;Te lephone:305.499.VOTE(8683) or TTY:305.499.8480. Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiamiBeach AD 13 81