WD-138 4007 425 (--;-, · r I } ( r - r I l~ r \ i ( , , . L .,~ ..:t B~~4P07 p~GE425 I tob-189 .-- --'-----,-- .,. ,..,(~,.. ,. . .. "JARRANT! DEED . . ~ THIS INDENTURE, Made this /""da;r ot ~ \ A.. D. 1954, between ATWELL REALTY CORP., a New York corporation, party o~ the ~irst part; HARDING IMPROVEMEfIT COJ1ti~~ Florida corporation, Lessee under and byT~1"We'of a 99 year lease covering the premises heretn~~ <<e~cribed, second part y of the fAre:t part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, 1:1ttrd a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the ~"r.l\. part, 1.rTITNESSETH: ........--.........---...- and second . That the said part ies of the fi::stf part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten (~~lO.OO) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, to thil'd in hand paid by the party of the ~~ part, the receipt \'1hereof is hereby aClm01Jledged, have and released, relinquished and quit~cl~ed granted, bargained and solg! to the said party of third the ~;irt part, its: successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the City of ~Uami Beach, County of Dade, Florida, described as follows, to wit: The westerly two and one-half <2iI) feet of Lot 1 and the westerly two and one-half (all) feet of the N~ of Lot 2, Block 1, ALTOS DEL MAR NO.3, according to the Plat thereot, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 41 o~ the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ... ~ OJ,,,,; rc- ~:._",,-,-."-" -\ .JI '\ r 't BOOK 4007 PAGE 426 ,,- .' ... SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and limitations of ,record, zoning ordinances of the City of Miami'Beach, Florida, and taxes tor the year 1954~ . This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property' shall be used for sidewalk and highway purposeso In the event the grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately. revest in the grantor I, its sUCcessors and assignso And the said part tc of the first part hereby fully warrantstitle to said land, and will defend the s~e against the la~~ul claims of all persons whomsoever. IN vlITNESS HHEREOF, the said part tes of the and second their first/partsha ve here1.mto caused:i:B corporate sealsto their be af'fixed, and these presents to be signed in ~ name s their . by ~ proper officers, the day and year above l-JI'itten. f:~ President /9 10>' ' '-",i"">",,",,, t". 4-.....011'" ~,l *. .,.... ,......~ .... . ,9'- 3.. ... ,". ... 'lo. t.\ l,J -00 ~-:. . .. -<"1.1- . .",^,_ . .."., ',.' "v. ~ : Q.:.:ti ,.' \ ~~~: ",.... ;=: r G ~ ,..or: S" n 'i.;cj "."' <" .'" O. " . ,-~ . --,Q ~ ...,. .,,:.... -ittHO~..'~ 4~.:i'"j ~ ATTEST: ~~ff HARDING IMPROVEMENT CORP. "".:..... "';,.\\\. ,.:-' . \" O;J '.'.'. '... ". . "1'" " V if p,.'., .... . :....~ '\ ........ ".."j,. it:. - ~ .".. . ..,.. , ' '1 :- ~ .... ~ ",. H ..0 p'; -::.... : -.."" ~ ~'! ~ (;;) ~ "'~:-- ~ --z .'" c . b LD.,' ..: c: r ;_ . Go ...... .,.~ _, ~ - ~ ",,"''' "'!' 1: Cl;;.o Jo...tJ> - ..-...I~ ,I, ~ .. ~ ' .,.",. . ~ _ I. . .i.. I) uo",.. "". F. '. .. .. ".' ~jp"\ 'i, tJ .......-. i';- f h II J a (J 1 \\ :..;':.:'" . '\,\....,""..~"... EC 4 By ~A~~~: re s den ATTEST: - -2. l ~--_.. - ..-.---- ........., ~~- .;..... i. , .. I!... ~ ' ~ --.. BOOK4007 PAGE427 STATE OF SS.: . I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thi $ day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, and President , respectively, of ATWELL REALTY CORP. , a New Yoz-k c.. corporation, to me 't.J'ell known to be the individuals described in <tI · '. and who executed the foregoing deed, and duly aCknowledged before me that they executed the smme for the purposes the:rein expressed, an4that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said deed is the act and deed ot said ~ 'J:."i\l""UU~.:.:.:..... :;.c~ 1to.. o~.~ ',."".,~ ~J.." . "~" \ _ ',' ! F,f!{~!' ~ :;;.,,:' ,.~....<ct~. ~j;~"'\ . v, ~.~ n y .f 0 />,ct,'-. ,''''', ";,.m . . '-'. - I ~'" . .~ . () ill. . "cf · 'r.\. "'7 \ r . fI, ~ :::. i #.- 1 r.. ,~y.. ! .. .~. ~ 1:n ':';';' .' . At' '.., l' I j 't' ~" ~ ,.~:. ./ " . \. --..%}~~{Jj I .' .' ", &.Qd -st Q1:~.."O , " -'-., ..... '" . \} .' " .......~ . ""~.fO" \.- hand and official seal at ~.I ~_~ ~ --.,.... -.... ( , this /::!- ". ~ ., A. D. 1954. l ~b~ WlLUAM L ROSAN NoW)' Public. Slate of New YOfl\ No, 31.3342500- Qualified in N~w York Count, Ceria. fil~d in follovving officlIl Co. Clk: Ironx.N assau. W est~heSler .Ort.. Rei: New York, Bronx. Kings. ~uge;; Commission expires March 30. Hy cOl1ll11ission expires: l _.~ -...-.-.,----'- .-----....---- ..__.,..-._---_._-_._--_._._.__._-~_._----- . ~'.- ~. .' L:--4Ir ._ .' .. 8001< 4007 PAGE 429 --. ~< ,-" .. . ~ . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DAB l : SS..: l I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thi s day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, mGElIA CIAMPI and .... . President _T.llE' J. CUMPI -----,---- .. respectively, of and Secl'etary' HARDING IMPROVEMmT CORP. , a ~ lorida :p corporation, to me Nell known to' be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing deed,- and duly acknowledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes -therein expr.essed, and tha.t the,. affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said deed is the act' and deed of said . corporation. FIn-TESS my hand end official seal at in the County of and State of JWm lLORlDJ. ,\.\~.n'l1ll ""..,: f' .. .., III;, ", '-,..U ::J!J,y "... ....,...., ' ,~" \,.. .....~u...._ 'J'> '......... , ~ A. . D.- 1954.. " ,"" .... Ai. a.... ~ ~ ;,:" ..-......, ,*.-::.; .",..l ".~ :. ...;.",,- 'I ,4JL.... :Z;:--. f. ~ .::t' ~. u =: "';-f~'1 ,.', t- ~ . : -:- :: -~. .~~~'':'_>_ '1.>" cq., : ~ .: .'~~_~....~<, {). ,.~",,:,:: e;:, .:; ~ ' ~ p. -. . ~".: - .- '-' ~ ~~dr~,~o~;::~:~'~~~~~~i , this' 8th " day of Septeaber , 11y commission ,e.xpires: Hotat)' PubliC. Stde of Ftortda at Lara-. My Commt&&ion elCplr8$ Au,. a 1915. ......... AIMftCan ......... ~CIr. ~e of Fforkta, eounty of Dicit. . ThIS Instrument w~s '.led for record th ~ A"/", 1954 at~~ e.._________.:..djy of ~ -. ----.------ _::M. and dUly recoroed In '. ;(Ct!~~ Boo~~~n Pale~~_:t;le N.~-. DD-/.6-.s-.L;/&' E. B. LliATHERMA,.;----------- - Clerk Circuit Court By~~ D.G. L----~