WD-138 File No. 138
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Warranty Deed File No. 138
Covering 2~t strips of land given to the City for the
wi.dening and sidewalk on Harding, Dickens and Byron Avenue:
purpose of
Block 5,
Block 5
Block 5
Portion of Lots 13 and 14, Block 5,
described as follows:
Begin at the northeasterly corner of said Lot 13;
thence run westerly along the northerly boundary
of said Lot 13 to a point, said point being the
point of intersection with a line parallel to and
2~ feet westerly of the easterly boundary of said
Lots 13 and 14, said 2~ feet being measured at
right angles to the said easterly boundary;
thence run southerly along said line parallel
to and 2~ feet westerly of the easterly boundary
of said Lots 13 and 14 to a point of tangency of a
circular curve o~ 25 feet radius, said circular
curve being tangent also to the southerly
boundary of said Lot 14; thence run southerly
and westerly along the arc of said circular curve
to the point of tangency with the southerly
boundary of said Lot 14; thence run easterly and
northerly along the southerly, southeasterly and
easterly boundary of said Lot 14,and northerly
along the easterly boundary of said Lot 13 to
the point of beginning. As said lots are shan
on plat recorded in Plat Book 44, page 25.
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Easterly 2~ feet Lots 10 to 14, incl.
Easterly ~t feet Lot 10
Easterly feet Lot 11
Easterly 22 feet Lot 12
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l..ot 11, Block 2
;~l~Cl{' 4 Lots 10, 11 & 12, Blk 3
Easterly 2t'feet
Easterly 2~ feet
Easterly 2~ feet
Lots 10 and 11
Lot 12
Lots 13 and 14
Block 6
Block 6
Block 6
A portion of Lot 1, less the southerly 25
feet thereof, Block 7
described as follows:
Commence at the southwesterly corner of the
said Lot 1; thence run northerly along the easterly
line of Harding Avenue a distance of 30.1 feet to
the point of beginning of the tract of land herein
described; from said point of beginning run easterly
along a line parallel to and 25 feet northerly of the
southerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 4.0 feet
to a point; thence run northerly along a straight
line a distance of 15.4 feet to the point of inter-
section with a line parallel to and 2! feet easterly
of the easterly line of Harding Ave., said 2t feet
being measured at right angles to the said Harding
Avenue; Thence run northerly along the said line
parallel to Harding Avenue to the northerly line of
the said Lot 1; thence run westerly along the
said northerly line of Lot 1 to the easterly line
of Harding Avenue; Thence run southerly along the
easterly line of Harding Avenue to the point of begin-
Westerly ~t feet Lots 1 and 2 Block 8
Westerly feet Lots 3 and 4 Block 8
Westerly 22 feet Lot 5 Block 8
Westerly ~i feet Lot 1 Block 9
Westerly feet Lot 2 Block 9
Westerly feet Lot 3 Block 9
Westerly 2~ feet Lots 4 and 5 Block 9
PAGE 2 WD-138
Dedication of strips for sidewalk and highway purposes on Harding,
Dickens and Byron Avenues.
Westerly 2; feet LotI Block 10
Westerly 2 feet Lot 2 Block 10
Westerly 2 feet Lot 3 Block 10
Westerly 2:1 feet Lot 4 Block 10
Westerly 22 feet Lot 5 Block 10
Easterly 2~ feet
Lots 2 and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
and 15 Block 1
Said 2i feet being parallel and adjacent to Tatum Waterway Drive, and
measured at right angles to said Drive.
Westerly 2~ feet Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 4
Said 2i feet being parallel to and adjacent to Tatum Waterway Drive, and
being measured at right angles to said Drive.
Westerly 21 feet
Westerly 2I feet
Westerly ~, feet
Westerly feet
Easterly 2~ feet
Easterly ~t feet
Easterly feet
Easterly 2f feet
Easterly 2- feet
Easterly 21 feet
Westerly 2~ feet
said 2~ foot strip of
line of Byron Avenue
Westerly 2t feet
Said 2t foot strip of
line of Byron Avenue,
Westerly 2t feet
Lots 1 and 2 Block 1
Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 Block 1
LotI Block 2
Lot 2 Block 2- ALSO
Lot 18 Block ,3
Lots 14, 15, 16 Block 3-
Lot 17 Block 3
Lots 19 and 20 Block 3
Lots 21 and 22 Block,3
Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26 Block 3
Lot 1, Florence W. Grundy's
Resub of 'Block 4,
land being adjacent and parallel to the easterly
and measured at right angles to said Byron Avenue.
Lot 6, Florence W. Grundy' s ,
Res~b of Block 4,
land being adjacent to and parallel to the easterly
and measured at right angles to the said Byron Avenue.
Lots 1 and 4
. Block 5
Westerly 2t feet Lot 1 Block 6,
Said 2t feet being measured at right angles to the easterly line of Byron Ave.
Easterly 2~ feet of
Lot 2
Block 7,
Said 2t feet being parallel and adjacent to Byron Avenue, and measured at
right angles to the said Byron Avenue, AND
A portion of Lot 1, Block 7, described as
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of the said Lot 1, thence run westerly
along the northerly line of said Lot 1 to the point of intersection with a
line parallel to and 2t feet westerly of the westerly line of Byron Avenue,
said 2t feet being measured at right angles to the said Byron Avenue; thenoe
run southerly atong the said line parallel to and 2t feet westerly of the
westerly line of Byron Avenue, a distance of 40.0 feet to the point of
curvature of a circular curve of 98.0 feet radius; thenoe run southerly along
the arc of said circular curve deflecting to the right to the point of inter-
section with that portion of the westerly line of Byron Ave., forming the
southeasterly corner of said Lot; thence run northerly along the westerly line
of Byron Avenue to the point of beginning.