AD 0102CITY 'OF· MIAMI BEACH .NOTICE OF ASPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE 'iS HE .REBY given that the City C0rr~mission of the City of Miami BeaCh, Florida, will hold a 'Special City Commission Meeting in the CommiSsion 'Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall.. 1700 Convention Center Drive.. Miar~i- Beach, .Florida;'. on - Wedhesday, 'May .22,' 2002, commencing at. 9:00, a.m., regarding extension 'of the Greater Miami Visitors &-Convention, Bureau's Contract. · -- ' The City COmmission may discuss other ~ity business at this meeting. -Inquiries, concerning this meeting shQuld be directed to the Cit~' · Manager's office :at (305) 673;7010. This meeting.may be opened and , continued and, under such' circum. stances, additional-legal notice Would: not be provided. - ' - · -: , - ,. - - ' :- ~'i"' '~ '' , " ' ALL 'PERSONS a;~ invited tO attend thi~~ meeting Or be represented by!:., an-agent~ ,or tO express their views in writing to the City Commission c/o ' the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive 1st floor, Miami 'Beach, FI0rid,~ 331.39.. , .- . '~" ' :-.' -":: · .. .- '-' -'RObert E. Parchef: CityClerk -. . ' '. ' ~ City'of Miami B~ach: · .: PursUant to Sectior~ 286;0105,.Fla. Stat. '~he City hereby advises the public that: if a person decides to appeal ar~y decisien~ made by the City=~ COmmission with respect to any. matter consid_ered ~t its meeting or its- hearing.,~such.i:person must _~.nsure thm:.~e~Verb,ati,m-~,record o~ the:' h proceedings !s.~de.-w~ ich recor~ inclUdes th.e,.teStimny and evidenc~ upon whiCh'~the appeal is to be based. ,:Thin-notiCe ~0es n~.constitute -~nsent 'b~: ~. ~ CiW~. for the .intrOduction ~or~: admission ~f ~othe~iSe :ina~missable or :irrelevant evidence,' n~ does 'it' authorize ch~lenges or: appeals not qth~se all0~d by law:. ~ ~.;,/ .... '. ,.," 'IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WI~ DISABILITIES ACT OF'~ .19~. PERSONS NEEDING SPECIAL::~ ~CCOMMODA~ION' TO PARTICIPATE 'IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD--. CONTACT "THE CI~. CLERK'S OFFICE NO ~TER THAN-FOUR DAYS PRIOR· TO '~E PROCEEDING.' TELEPHONE (305) 673-7411 FOR ASSISTANCE;. IF, H~RING IMPAIRED TELEPHONE THE FLORIDA, RElY SERVICE. .NUMBERS, (eoo) 955-e771 (TDD)_ 0.R