Ad 0099CITY OF MIAMi BEACH NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY:given that pursuant tO Section 163.361, Florida >' Statutes, during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Miami Beach ~ Redevelopment Agency (RDA)a public hearing will be-held in the >: Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, "~ Miami Beach; ~Flodda, on WedneSday,!. May:29,2002~at 3:00 p.m.7' to - consider adopting a resolution of the chairman and ~nemb~s Of the RDA, = recommending-approval of. amendments to' the City .Center Historic :c Convention Village Redevelopment-and Revitalization Area Plan, an approved Redevelopment Plan under the provisidns of Sections 163.360, -~ Florida Statutes; said amendments a) providing that the plan incorporate, =. by reference, the preliminary proposed master plan for the 17th Street surface lots, prepared by Zyscovich, Inc., dated September 21, 2001; and Z b) developing and implementing community policing innovations within the " District, as provided for in Sections 163.340, 163.350, 163.356, 163.360, I- 163.361, and 163.370, Florida Statute; and c) participating in the Miami ~= Beach Business Assistance Program, .for .the purpose ol business z . ~eCruitment and retention within the.Redevelopment Area.. INQUIRIES m~y be directed to the Rede~?ioprnent:Agency ~t (305) 673-7260. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES are-invited to appear 'at this hearing be represented by an agent, or to eXpresS their Views in writing addressed to the City CommissiOn, c/o the City Clerk,' 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1 st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, This meeting may be continued and under such cir~mstances ~dditi0nal legal notice would not be provided. ' ! "' :'::.'.-'~ ?~,-:. :'_:- :Robed E. Parcher City Clerk '" ~ "' i :'~ ':'!~:':'!"~-~ City. of M!a~ni Beac, h with respect t~ ~any matter Considered at -its :meetin~ or its hearing, such person must e~ ~re that a verbatim record of the pr0~eedings is made, which record include~ ~e testimony' and evidence upon which the appeal is to be . based. This n~ ~e does not constitute cdnsent by the City for the introduction