WD-138 4011 487
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SOOK 4011 PAG: 487
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THIS INDENTURE, Made this ';o:&day ot ~
A. D. 1954, between DINNERSTEIN, INC., a Florida
of the first part. anq CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,
a Florida Nunicipal corporation, party of the second
- - - -- - - - - - -
That the said part y of the first part, for and
in consideration of the sum of Ten U~lO.OO) Dollars,
and other good and valuable consideration, to it
in hand paid by the party of the second part, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknoyledged. has
granted, bargained and sold to the said party ot
the second part, its successors and assigns forever,
the following described land, situate, lying and
being in the City of !iiami Beach, County of Dade.
Florida, described as fOllows. to wit:
The e as terly two m done-halt
(2l') feet of Lot 10, Block 5,
to the Plat thereof, recorded in
Plat Book 44, page 25 of the Public
Records of Dade County, Florida.
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BOOK 4011 PAGE 488
SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and
limitations of record, zoning ordinances of
the City of Miami'Beach, Florida, and taxes
tor the year 1954~
This conveyance is made upon the condition
that the above described property shall be used
for sidewalk and highway purposeso In the event
the grantee, its successors or assigns shall
abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway
purposes, the title to the property shall revert
to and immediately revest in the grantor , its
successors and assigns~
And the said part y
of the first part
hereby fully warrant title to said land, and will defend
the srone against the lawful claims of all,persons
IN "'lITNESS 1'.IF!EP.EOF, the said part y of the
first part ha s hereunto caused its corporate seal to
be affixed, and these presents to be signed in its name
116U"~J; its
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proper officers, the day and year abOVe v~itten.
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BOOK 4011 PAGE 489
I HEREBY OERTIFY that on th1 s day personally
appeared before me, an officer duly authort;ed to
adIninhter oaths and take ac~owledgments..
end Pr~:,.~. R.~".t.~ .~~
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respectively, of DlNERSTEIN, INC.
, a Flo.rida
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to me well known to be the individuals described in
and who executed the foregoing deed, and duly
acknowledged before me that they executed the srone
for the p~rposes therein expressed, and that they
affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation,
and that the said deed is the act and deed of said
l:7ITNESS my hand and official seal at ~ 6.. ~~
in the Coun ty of
, this (~
, A. D. 1954~
NotJt~.: ~
11y commission expires:
Net*iY PUblic, StlIti tit Flori". iIt ...
My com",IIIIM ."plr.. Dec. 28. 1951.
Wonded by American Suret)/ Co. of f'oI. Y.
Stale Of "F'lorida, County of Dade.
Tlus msttument was riled t'll record thlL._~day o%~/ .
1954 atf::f-fdM. and dw!.y recor"ed m. 4k.e.~
Book__~Lt"'..ofl Page...-t."'/L.file N~. i;D-~2~~?,
li:. e. ~1t.A r'HE'~h1AN
Clerk Circuit Court
By ~~ a.Co