WD-138 4011 349 '~----~.: -:,,--:;.'~--'- _,,-,,''".,-~--.- . .$ . .. 8oDK4011 PAGE349 \ ; '... . . tUJ-/'g' ~TARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made this 10 day at ~ - A. D. 1954, between .1. H. BRUJk) and RUTH It. IIllIBO, hi. w:l.te, and HAROLD BRUlfO and TILLIE BRUIO, hi. nte, part 1e. of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the second part, WIT N E SSE T H : ---------- That the said part lea of the first part, for and in consideration of the surn of Ten (~plO.OO) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknoHledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the City of Iiiami. Beach, County of' Dade, Florida, described as fOllows, to ~dt: The eaaterq two and on.balt (21') teet ot Lot 12, Block 6, BEACH BAY SUBDIVISIOH, according to 'the Pl&t thereof, recorded in Pl&t Book 44, page 25 ot the Public Record. ot Dade County, Florida. . 'i .. (-- BOOK 4011 PAGE 350 "" t SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and limi tations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Hi ami. 'Beach, Florida, and taxes for the year 1954. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property' shall be used for sidewalk and highway purposes. In the event the [;rantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the grantor s, their helrs,legal .....ww.w. and assigns. representatives And the said part i.. of the first part do hereby fully warrant title to said land, and wl11 defend the sarne against the la\vful claims of all persons whOll1S0ever. IN lTlTNESS l!HEREOF, the said part 1.. of the first part have hereunto set their hand. and seal 8 the day and year above written. q 7?Lo ct3~/~if' (LS) . K. -e.::t. I( ~ Ruth K. Bruno (LS) ~~) Harold Brnno q;--~-, IlJA<_vv<r,-Y Tillie Bruno (LS) ~ Mayor , <- .' 't BOOK4011 PAGE~J51 '" , . STATE OF I~ ~ COUNTY OF ~ t.....k ) : 58.: ) I HEREBY' CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, A. H. BBURO and lW'1'H 1. BRUJI) to me well kno~m to be the person a described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that the)' executed the srone free~y and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed~ HI TNESS my hand at ~ (\SL~,-- County of 8ar..{ this .lLday of and official seal , and Sta.te of ~ t&- , A.. 'D.. 1954. ..... .....:....~.:i,~~;< ~....-v::_>~Ji _>..:_,,'\:-~::'1 '~.'!i\t:l! , ,\/'~l ~ ~,~ J' .'-, ~.:,:.._o::-?;;~o ,,:: i",' V """',*l:.~' ~_. " " _,_ :., ". .,~.....~., ,..~~.~ ,'''', i ~l commi..ion expire.: ~ ~b; I \1' 5 'f \.tvJ'v " . , - .......... ~ -.. 8DOf( 4011 PAGE352 ~ -<\ STATE OF d.c -c:; 1''' COUNTY OF ;z: , .pt ) -: SS.: ) .- 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day pe~sonally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administe~ oaths and take acknowledgments, HAROlJ) BRUJlO and TILLIE 1BJ1IO, bi8 wife, to me well krto't.m to be the pe~son IS described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that th. executed the smne free~yand vOluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. '{[TNESS my hand and official seal at~ County of ~ , and state of ~ this ).).........{day of ~ , A. D. 1954. ",\.i.'t\\\\UUthtl(jt ~..." ^ I" "J ,,-' O-J. .l.A".., ~ 0 ............"'(. ....~. ~ ",..- "'..... "'" .::: "-\... ." '>.. ~, '. 'A':: :::: .' t.; "'. ..'tT"-; :':'0: '1.-'" 0 ~~:?: .;2 ....! ,,'; f.4 :' ~"'_ v .. t.,.:.... ~ "> . , ;; c: '7""',,~, :. ~ '$ ~. Ii...... ::a .: :;;: ~ " ""'.., ../- --:;. "'L'"u 't;" I( _, ... ,-,..s ~~. . ... .... C' \'" '41/,." ~ II' ...",,,,,,.,'> ".~\ J 'th. ~f....., , '~, . $11,""."0' NO~~~ ~~~ My commission expires: M 1""),1 9 y'..r State tf fttrfda, Cmlftty of Dade. lbfs instrument W" . j i.., ,.,.;')r<'l. ."~._..~daY of.~ 1954 at,f!~Lt:.lt alftl d~ lee...t ,'.:0.. ...o~..- 800It ~.f/e7// ...on t'ageJ'.?(?'-J;ii>. No ot' ~~ E... LI;...'l1ER:...." . Clerk Circui I elMI .,. ~~ /' DJIf ...