WD-138 4011 361 r- .-_. '!J!<'........;~ f.I. ' - -~.,------ ~ , J '" .. BOOK 4011 PAGE 361 wD--/~'/ "TARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made thisd~day of ~ A. D. 195'4, between HARGARE'l' G. CAT.T.ill'AlI' I ~ MABr A. DILLOB J ~ part le. of the first part, and ClTY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the second part, WIT N E SSE T H : ---------- That the said part le8 of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten (~plO.OO) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, to "". in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknoHledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its SUccessors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the City of ~Iiami. Beach, County of Dade, Florida, described as fOllows, to wit: A portion or Lot 1, less the southerl,- 25 f'eet the:P80r, Block 7 ~ BEACH BAY SUBJJIVISIOll, descrlbed as tollows: C01IIlIl811ce at the southwesterl,- comer of the said Lot 1; tb.e1ace l'UILDol"therl,- along the easterl,- line Qf Hard1ng AveDue a distance of 30.1 feet to the point ot beg1nn1ng of the tract ot land herein described; :f'r01ll said point of beg1nn1ng run easterly along a line p8.1"allel to and 25 feet DOl-therly at tb southel-17 line of said Lot 1, a distence of' 4.0 teet to a point; thence run Dorthel-Iy along a stl-aight line a distance ot 1.5.4 feet to the point of intel-section ld. th a line parallel to and 2t feet eastel-l,- at the easter17 line of Hardins Avenue, said 2i teet being measu:P8d at right angle. to the said '" I '''''' ~ BOOK 4:011 PAGE 362 ,I . " '. As said Lo1;. Block and Avenue are sho_ oa Plat recorded in Plat Book 44. page 25 of the Pub~le Records of Dade County, nond... SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Hiami' Beach, Florida, and taxes for the year 1954. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property' shall be used for sidewalk and highway purposes. In the event the grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the grantor 8, their heil'.. lega1 d[lI.a.*Ia_~ and assigns. representative. And the said part 18. of the first part do hereby fully warrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN lJITNESS '!!HEREOF, the said part iee of the first part have hereunto setthelr hands and seals the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence f Us: (1.S) J ~~ fJV7"0Z2eel~~ (LS) ~I:'D'rIlon ~.h-7i?~ ~~A ,. . .. ~... BOOK 4011 PAGE 363 I HEREm CERTIFY, that on thi s ~81 personally appeared before me. an offioer dUly authorized to adIr1inister oaths and. take s.ckno1rl1edgments, JU.RGA.1m!r G. C It,T.A1UlI to me well knolm to be the person d.es9r1bed in and who execut~d the r:e.g01ng deed, and acknowledged before me that executed the same freely and . vOluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. at County ..,' ~;:~Uif#tJil ' , \.~~,,~ \ '-~ l~ . ~ I'J!;J ~~"f"- ;...._....-.... """'.....'........ ~ ~""...... .........;....."'('" ':"'. ::. ......, .:' (';; ".......~-:, :,-.......: ~ 0 .......~-:: ,- ;':-' : t" : <:: 'c. ,'~ .. l'o..,J ,'" ....:1 "->II :: -. .. ........:: , ;::0. L"" ,. :::,. :.....:: ",...~ ~ t :!C:.2: ',: .,', ..;;:' ::- . ;;", ~....~. . ,,, ~ '{; ,( '., ,-fo ~..... ti."..~~,"\-.~ ~~'~,."~ .:.::.......:.."'~,~:\ ,~~::" "", . ..:" " ",)' '...... . '.. .... '..~,:' My commission expires: . Notary Public. State of Flonda at Large. My Commission expires Jan. 24, t9ofl. Bonded by Ame!'"ioan FIre and C~~L\l'!Ilt)' Cd; ~.~~.~- "-' .... ._' ,.dlHUlIIJIi ~,,\\.,,\ ~ \.. \ is . 11~t'l1 ,'\ ~ ... ~iII it. ...~ ~"_ ....to... V4. ....". :~.... ~ ..... 4.. ';~".. ,i "".... -: "",.. ,,0' ~#14 't. '("'" i::'<.::.: - ~.. - .. .... :: ": t!:J 0 ~ .... 'C. ~-=::c_ 'r. ~3:~= c::;;.: tt f.,.. :"l!:'" . .. ~.... .....:.... ~ ...,.,A. A, .~~ 1!"" (i ~".J .,... $"' -/,. '-.0 ~..", .....,\~~;: ,-- /.. ......... :'\'" ,"'- '-:i'!,~ 0 2 . t ~ \\.\\,tt.'''' fl(II[~. iI,~ .,\.",,;\. BOOK4011 PAGE364 STATE OF~~) COUNTY OF ~) SS.: I HEREBY' CERTIFY, that onthls day personalby appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, !!lBr A. DILL01I to me well knOvm to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that~ executed the same free~y and VOluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. NI'INESS ~hand ro;d official seal at~~ County of ~ ,and state of ::1'~ this Lday of ~ ~ , A. D. 1954. My commission expires: Notary Public S My C ..' tate of ,Iorioa at l ommrsslon ex . arge. Bonded by Ame';can Pires Jan. 24, 1958. Fife and CaSually CfI,.