WD-138 4110 593 . '\...,:1"'- BOOK4110 PAGf593 . ~ ~.TARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made this ~2..day of ~ - 19.55 - - (f A. D.~ between ALEX T. ARTHURS and HELEN ARTHURS, his wife and HENRY S. ROBINSON and K. ELIZABETH ROBINSON, his wife part ies of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the second part, WIT N E SSE T H : ---------- -. -. ~--- That the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the surn of Ten (~~IO.OO) Dollars, ....! and other good and valuablee6nsideration, to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt l-lhereof' is hereby aclmoHledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns f'orever, the f'ollowing described land, situate, lying and being in 'Gila City of Hiarrli Bea.::h, County of Dade, Florida, described as f'ollol-ls, to wit: The westerly two and one-half (2~ ) f'eet of Lots 3 and 4, Block 8, BEACH BAY SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 44, page 25 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. . jiill ;Tn. . \. .. .., 8oo~.4tl0 PAGE594 " j' SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions snd limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of rliami' Beach" Florida" and taxes for the year 1954. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property'shall be used for sidewalk and hlgh'l-ray purposes, In the event the Brantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and hiBhway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and innnediately revest in the grantor s, their heirs, ~ and assigns. reEfal representatives And the said part les of the first part do hereby fully 'l-Jarrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the laHful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN FITNESS lJHEREOF, the said part les ot the first part have hereunto Set their hands and seals the day and year above ~Tltten. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence . of Us: ~.<t,,'hC'~ ~Ul) ':?~ / ~ ~~"'.4~/ (LS) R~J'~thurs rb.~~~ ?t. ~(2,.L_~~(LS) ..)!; za 0 naon - tl- eM ~ --~ L~ ~ ~e1~~1f- Helen Arthurs (LS) ,-- --- - ~ '- -' BOOK411 0 PAGE595 " STtTE OF~. ) COUNTY OF ht~~d.e.~) 53.: I HEREBY CERTIFY th~t on this day pcrsono.lly r.ppcnrc:d before mc, C\D officer duly nuthorizcd to c.dl':1inister o~tllS oneI toke nclmovrlcdg::ncn t s. ALEX T. ARTHURS and HELEN ARTHURS to mo well known to be the person s describod in deed r,nd who executed the foregoirg ~ ['nd acknowledged thQt they executed the same freoly rnd voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. 1..ITTNESS r.W hr'l1c1 ['nd officirl BenI r-t ./ ,1 - ~h_~ ",\WIll""1 , C oun ty of . .\\,,\ J n ...:)' 'i.", ,,' , "!""""'''' /'. '" L ~j" '" ,"ll~ l C'. ..'.' ~ ;,1:1,. t.~ .f ~ __':4:~ :; U) ,,;"'it,~~.':': 'O~.~ t (;;w....,...Y"'.?" ~ -w.>- "".~ &oil It't''C 4.. ,'. -(;;'~;2 ~ D.~~>~~~~ ,.~ '.',,,'" .\;, 'Ir : ,,'. #....";.II).\;.i- '" . .: "'V~)'''' ...........~'f'>..'\.": , -""''',.. . v,, :. ',j ~: ".. <,,", '. Iii ~. \,,\ 'H'~il~!l'\\\ . ~~~~(~ T1S6 , st[~tc of , thi s hZ.-do.y of I>1y commission eXPirCS:~/f-'- /f.rt. r-- , ~ (;;~ . .. BOOK4110 PAGE596 "",. ~. STATE OF jk.-4.-~~~. ) COUNTY OF ~) ss. : I :CIEREBY CERTIFY th"t on this. day pcrsonnlly f'_ppe nrud before mc, an officer duly authorized to cdninister o"tl1s f'nd tolw f\clmoulcdg:'1.cr:..ts, HENRY S. ^.:ROi'INSON,and .. ELIZABETH ROBINSON to me well known to be the person S described in cleed md who executed the foregoir,g i~ rnd ncknowledged thnt they executed the same freely rnd vol~~tnrily for the purposes therein expressed. my hnl'J,d ['nd o,fficirl senl , County of , Strctc of , thi s ..2..J-dr_y of ~ evzN. '~~, ,,' :~H\HU~H'~j;"j;< ~...,,- (;" t" ~.... .~ cO- \lr. IN ., ,,~.I~ "''':'10. , .....:....~ .",'..~ of.... ,-.;0 _ -" " '\ 0;- .w..,;..'" AI>. -.-"", , "\:>";"~ c,...... ,..~. , , y-;..' ,"" .z '. 'e_ ,...-''-<i-'-~'J' -; . f ,.~. ,;. ~ ""'l-P-:;' -;:.. >. ,:~ ~.~ .. n ....:-.et C ~ - -" , ". >1L #0,. ro "',_' a '.: .;0... '.'. .' J.f (J""') oW.r:;,'- :: """ -::'" .'i I.J -. :....~.,.';'.i1;-':O ,e ......~#v .0. '''''J.......;,:/ ":. ,,'" '.v. .: '~..~. . \ o-h.....,...!{As~t~....-<t- ~:z. :l ..-";:. ,.........,. r' ........ "'<'~C .', f) I)' ",.. "'J/,>-_ \\' 'I1ItumW1" Not~ ~~ My co~~ission expires: ~ f 15') State of Aorida, County of Dade. Tbis instrument was tile,i h m'l6rd 1OOeo2" /"~~ 1955 atd{.~<:??~t ar.,; JUlY recur,,;eJ 10.., ~._______ ... Qook ~//~_.__on Page_~2~;, 'it EE.YE:d:.ZY" E. B. L.Etl.l rlt-.HI','lAN Clm Circuit Court ~.~~~ , D.c.., \'\