WD-138 4024 571
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800K4D24 PAGE571
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THIS INDENTURE, Made this ~ 6 day of ~
A. D. 1954, between 60J. WEST 26 CORP., a Iev Yo:zok
part '7 of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,
a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the second
That the said part '7 of the first part, for and
in consideration of the sum of Ten (~plO.OO) Dollars,
and other good and valuable consideration, to it
in hand paid by th~ party of the seoond part, the
reoeipt whereof is hereby aolmOi-Jledged, has
granted, bargained and sold to the said party of
the second part, its successors and assigns forever,
the following described land, situate, lying and
being in tne City of Hi~11i Beach, County of' Dade,
Florida, described as fOllOWS, to wit:
The easterl'7 2t feet of Lots 2 and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, J.2, 13, 14 and 15, Block 1, TATUM WATERWAY
SUBDIVISIOI, said 2i feet be1i1g parulel and adjacent
to Tatum Waterwa'7 Drive, and measured at right angles
to the said Tatum Waterway Drive.
As said Lots, mock and Drive are shown on Plat ~ecord.d
in PJ.at Book 46, page 2 of the Public Records of Dade
County, Florida.
A L S 0
1'he vesterl'7 2i feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, BJ.ock 4,
parulel and adjacent to Tatum Waterwq Drive, and
measured at right angles to the said Tatum Waterway
Dri ve.
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ad adjacent to Tatum Vaterwq Drive. snd measured
at right agle. to the said Tat'ma Waterwq Dr1 ve.
Ifhe vester17 2i feet 01' Lot 5. Block 4. TAmJI
WA'l'J:RW'JY SOjjDlVISIOJf, described more particularl,.
as follows:
Beg1Jming at the DOrthvesterl,. comer 01' said Lot, 5;
thence easterl,. along the norther17 line 01' said Lot
5 a distance 01' 2l feet to a point;
Thence southerl,. along a line parallel to and 2i
feet easterl,. of the easterl,. lines of Tatum
Waterwq Drive end Dickens Avenue to the southerl,.
bounda17 of said Lot 5, said 2i feet being measured
at right angles to the .aid easterl,. lines of Tatum
Waterwq Drive and Dickens Avenue;
Thence northerl,. along the W8ster17 boundal'1 01' said
Lot 5, wb.1cb. W8ster17 boundal'1 is also tae easterl,.
lines 01' Dickens Avenue end Tatum. Vaterwq Drive,
to the point 01' beg1Dnina.
!be .asterly 2i feet of Lots 1 sad 6, Block 5.
TATOlf VADliWJY S11BDIVISIOI, said 2i feet being
p~allel and adjacent to Dickens AV8Bue, and
.ea.aured at right angles to said Dickens Avenue.
A portion of Lot 2, Block 5, TATtm WATEBIIAY
SUBDIVISIOJl, more particularl,. described as
follows: '
Beginning at the northeasterl,. comer of said
Lot 2, l"UD westerl,. along the northerl,. line 01'
said Lot 2 a distance of 3.06 feet to a point;
Thence l"UD southerl,. ,arallel to and 2l feet
W8ster17 of the wester1J line of Dickens Avenue.
3.22 feet to a point on the easterl,. line of said
Lot 2;
Theace 1"W1 northerl,. along tbe easterl,. line of
said Lot 2 a distance of 3.02 feet to the point
of beg1nning.
As said Lots, BlOCks, Drive."'v,-c,.a SUbdivision
are she_ on a Plat recorded, in 1'lat BoC?k 46.
page 2 of the ~blic Recorda 01' ~ade Oounty,
BOOK 4024 PAGE573
SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and
limitations of record, zoning ordinances of
the City of l'tlami 'Beach, Florida, and taxes
for the year 1954~
This conveyance is made upon the condition
that the above described property shall be used
for sidewalk and hight.my purposes" In the event
the grantee, its successors or assigns shall
abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway
purposes, the title to the property shall revert
to and immediately revest in the grantor , its
successors and ass1gns~
And the said part l'
of the first part does
hereby fully warrant title to said land, and will defend
the same against the lawful claims of all persons
IN }fITNESS T'.7HEREOF, the said part l'
of the
first part ha 8 hereunto caused its corporate seal to
be affixed, and these presents to be signed in i ts nam~ "...........
, ~
by its proper officers, the day and year above Hritt~.....~if;('.'",
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800\\4024 PAGE574
SSe :
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thh day person$.lly
appeared before me. an officer duly au~hort~ed to
adminhter oaths and take acknowledgments,
and ~'~r~~~
~re~tdent and Secret~ '
respectively, of 601 WEST 26 CORP.
. a Ie. York
to me well known to be the indlvldu~ls described ~
and who executed the foregoing deed, and duly
acknowledged before me that they executed the same
for the purposes therein expressed, and that they
affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation.
and that the said deed is the act and deed of said
PITNESS my hand~cial seal at
in the County of ~
and st.t. 09 ~ . this ~ (:
day of ~~A. D. 1954.
11Y commission expires:
,to R\HUR A.' IT ':JR.
. I' S' f ,( t~.,w York.
t lotary PU~) Ie, <~,e, -'~_ ....
No. 2k12111~u
Q l:r.,." 'n K'nc:; ((~\Jnty ,..,.....
"'", " "Q C .....
C.rls, tiled with Kings, N.Y" B\- nQi.:..,.;
also wit" Ci\y Reg., KIngs, N~ a...
&. Nassa~ Co\mlY ...
State of n~:mda, Gmitf&ff(fade.~ ·
i::55 ;;;o~~,~"'ar ild" j" retl)rd the""'h~,4ay ~
v it.L_:Z'?'..~'['L ~fi;. ..UIY rt:~,,' c;8Q fft ,~-t!.' ;::-
Book i(o~ L/' .7/ , '-, --_.....~.-
"" .._..m..,<!:'...on PIi~L(':_. j' :0, t[ ~~~
... b, d:::.P.' H~~;A,.;n... .........
Cierk CifCUi( Court
By ~~./ -D.c.