WD-138 4194 494 .... ...,.' .......-. '-', , '", BOOK4194 PAGE494 v.Jo-131 WARRANTY DEED JJO-{ ?~ A. D. THIS INDENTURE, Made this (') day or - , ~ 19S{i, between 7-?; SAMUEL KARl and FLORENCE KAHN, his wife, and BARR!' W. IlOBERfS' '.-..,'....--.. part 1.. of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the second part, 1fT I T N E SSE T H : --..........------ That ~he said part 1.. of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt l-1hereof is hereby ackno,;Jledged. have granted, bargained and sold to the said p~by of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the City of Hiami Beach, County of Dade, Florida, described as fOllows, to wit: A portion ot Lot 11, B10ck 2, BEACH BAY SUBDIVISIOB, described as t0110vs: Beg1lm1ng at the northeasterl,. comer ot sald Lot u; thence ran souther1,. &long the ...ter1,. line ot B)"l"oll Avenue to the southeaster1,. comer ot sald Lot 11; thence l"l11l ...ter1,. along the souther1,. 1ine ot said Lot 11 to a point, .aid point being 2i teet ..ster1,. ot the ...ter1,. 1ine ot Bpooll Avenue, said 2t teet ..ing measured at right ang1es to said Byron Avenue; thence run norther1,. a10ng a straight 1ine to the point ot beg1Dnlng. As said Lot, B1.ock, Avenue and Subdivision are shola on Plat recorded in Pl.at Book 44. peg. 2S ot tbe Public Recorda ot >>tde County, Florida. r r ~~~ BOOK4194 PAGE495 SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and limi tations of record, ,. zoning ordinances of the City of Hiami . Beach, Florida, and taxes for the year 1954. )( This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property. shall be used for sidewalk lUld high"lay purposes. In the event the grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and iImnedi ately revest in the grsntor. , their he1r., I)J)~----".Ul~ and assigns. 1.g81 representative. And the said part 1e. of the first part do hereby fully warrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the lm1ful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN lTITNESS l:!HEREOF. the said part 1.. of the first part 1u.ve hereunto ~et the11' hand. and seal. the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Us: ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ (LS) Samel Kahil --~L~- ~_~S) (LS) _:;~d.. __. _ (is) BOOK419t\ PAGE4:95 STATE OF COUNTY OF ) : ss.: ) I HEREBY CERTI"" that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to a<tninister oaths and take acknol-11edgments, SAMUEr. :uD ,.-r-~ ~ to me well kno~n to be the perso~ described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that ~ executed the same free~y and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. ~'T1'INESS my hand and official seal at ~~ fk.J4 . and State of this r> day of ~, ~ A. D. 19~ County ot' ~ ) Notary u c,S ate 0 My commission expires: . \\\...,UHHfI'l,f 1l1otSl'Y. ""bl1c. ~b~l> nf I!1Of\d~ 8+ ';:!'~~\'\t..l~ ~f. ~lf:-~", , " . " .. - rl'~~" ",,--'~'--"-... .- _ '-, '" I C'nm:ni-,;Si')n eyr.;:1eS ..- - ~ _.~ ~;.. ..~<<-t::t...'" JI :'.. ~,.~. ..s_' . F..,;~~l--.-I~.''''''''~''''11'._-- ^...-'.<i.:.... .J.,... I.'\p'1dedb\o'/~r']er~"'" -~" ,,,t. ," ~ 'J~- - ,,'J,t.-, ',:_c .~_ ~ ~ '-' - :: 0; ~~' - _,-J~. J ~::::>: 0'" li'.,. 'I; ~ ~ ""; ,., ...'>. :.... :.. ~ ': ~ -,'-~; ~ ~ ~\.... ,'\I /~, ~ . ,\;l.\,) .., ~\... .. -~ ~ ..., ......~.... \." :i '----.- ~ l.f H t~~. "", "'II:\'-'~ \\\' ,: 1111111111\\\\ ' 4 . r ~ BOOK4194 PAGE497 , , STATE OF COUNTY OF } : sS.: ) I HEREBY CER'l'IF:f, that on thi s day personally appeared before me, an' officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, RAlIR!' 'W. llOBBRrS to me well kno,.m to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that ~ executed the srone free~y and vOluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. at 1'T!'INESS my hand and official seal h~~ ot ~ ' and State Of~ this 4day of ~ County --' , A. D. 19~. .~O~ My connnission expires: ",\,d';, " ... -- ~ ~~."' . _.:.'-.-- WabtIy r>t,l)ne. State nf Fltll'lda tot r ~;;"'l "':~ii~"';"':~~:'i,~t..:-~.:,.;',, My C~mo;Jissf~_~ p',....:.I:\$ 1,01,/ ~~' ,,....," Ii: ...... '("~."','/..- >' ";j..'-" ":.<.L.f.. ':, kI .!. -'.. .' ", ).' ., .;/':<.:.... "..-.",.:,'",' ::1t~"....~ onded by Anlericul' I:) _.: ",n\~ ":",':.U> II}' Ct -; ',;: l:, \. '" " '0;, -.~) . ':'~ .:~ '~"':J~""~~ --~-j-.:}"J <"'\t,t~>.~..' ',~t..~:..~~t,,' -'; "':~ '_ ..,...A.....~_.\ ~. - ",~_, of"", --,-J,JA f..~1_::~ '''''''~,r;; ",,' '. "\,\'. ):'~,{4 IJ",,,,,\,~~,:;),,,:;,'r~ " ";'r::~:,'t;~;.;,: State of Florida, County of Dade. /2- This inst.ryment was flied for raeord the...__...day of ()~, 19:;5 dtr;f~ti..M. ant; dUlY reGorded UL ,_~.. .~.:.~_ 8ook.....I!.1t un t'" r.....'i_1.'tJi19 Nc EE _Z~~.Y 0 E... \.c',""'! ..- \N CI.t ,,!..irl By (j/' ~~ t< ~=~ O.c. ..,.~ ~