Dedication of strips -' . :';,<e PAGE 4 WD-138 Dedication of strips for sidewalk and highway purposes on Harding~ Dickens and Brron Avenues: ALTOS DEL MAR NO. 3 SUBDIVISION~ continued: II ,"';~'."'.... Westerly 2 Westerly 2 Westerly 2 Westerl 2 s er y Easterly 2 Easterly 2 Easterly 2 feet Eaterly 21- feet Easterly 2t feet Easterly 21 feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly 21 feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly 21 feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly ft feet Easterly 2 feet Easterly 2 feet 'Baa t..r19 f"eet Easterly 2i feet Westerly 2i feet Westerly 2i feet Westerly 21 feet Westerly 2 feet Westerly 2 feet Westerly 2 feet Loti Lot 3 Lot 4 Lots 1 and 6 Lots and 8, and of South t rot 9 of Lot 10, and of North t rot 9 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lots 7 and 8~ rot 9 rot 10 Lots 11 and 12 rots 7 and 8 Lot 9 Lots 10~ 11 and 12 Lots 7 and 8, Lot 9 Lots 10 and 11 rot 12 Lot 7 Lots 8 and 9 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lots 4 and 5 .!L".t.'- & Lots 1 and 2 Lot 3 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Blook 6 Blook 6 Blook 6 . Blook 6 l' Block 7 Block'7 Blook 7 Block 7 Block 8 Blook 8 Blook 8 Blook 8 Block 9 Block 9 Blook 9. Blook 10 Block 10 Blook 10 Blook 10 Blook 11 Block 11 Blook 11 -glook 1.1. Block 12 ;?:Je;1 I ~ Blook 24 Block 24 Block 25 Blook 25 Blook 25 Block 25 Westerly 2 feet Lot 1 Blook 26. Westerly 2 feet Lot 2 Block 26 Westerly 2 feet Lot 3 Blook 26 Westerly 2 feet Lot 4 Block 26 Westerly 2 feet Lot 5 Blook 26 Westerly 2 feet rot 6 Block 26 Westerly 21 feet Lot 1 Blook 27 Westerly 2 feet Lot 2 Blook 27 Westerly 2 feet Lot 3 Block 27 Westerly 2 feet Lot 4 Blook 27 Westerly 2 feet Lots 5 and 6 Blook 27 Besterly 21 feet. Lot 1 Blook 28 Easterly 2 feet Lots 2 and 3 Blook 28 Easterly 2 feet Lot 4 Blook'28 Easterly 2 feet rot 5 Blook 28 Easterly 2 feet Lot 6 Blook 28 Easterly 21 feet .~-: ~ '~ ~f Easterly 2 feet Lot 4' Blook 29 Easterly 2 feet Lot 5 Blook 29 Easterly 2 feet Lot 6 Blook 29~ and the Easterly 2 feet of the North 25 feet of that certain closed portion of 76th Street lying between the west line of Dickens Ave. and the west line of said Lot 6~ Block 29, produced southward to the point of intersection thereof with the west line of Lot 6, Block 30, ALTOS DEL MAR #3. , - .----- /' / PAGE 5 WD-l38 Dedication of strip. for sidewalk and highway purposes on Harding, Dickens and Byron Avenues: AL'l'OS DBL MAR NO. 3 SUBDIVISION, continued: Easterly 21 feet Easterly 2 teet Easterly 2 feet of the on Lot 4 Block 30 Lots 5 and 6, and the southerly 25 feet or olosed 76th Street abutting Lot 6 Blook 30 -..........._I.''H_+'lt-, , " -\