WD-138 4154 418 ,,1'\ (, , ......!t_...-.......,..,.,., 4~1 I. )f< je I ,f. ,I ft ".:r--_. , BnnK41~4 PMl~418 -#' '\ , \ NJP-/J( ~(, ~ HARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made this ~ay of ~2J~ A. D. 195\("betl,reen MARIANNE EHRENFELD SCHMELTZER, joined by \ v(cI R..--( SCHMELTZER, her husband sometimes known as MARIANNE EHRENFELD SCHMELZER and KURT SCHMELZER, her husband parties of the first part, and CITY OF MIAI11 BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the second part, vT I T N E SSE T H : ---------- That the said part 1es of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten (~~lO.OO) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt vlhereof is hereby aclmoHledged, granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its SUccessors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the City of Hiami Beach, County of Dade, Florida, described as follol-TS, to Hit: The easterly two and one-half (2~') feet of Lot 10, and the easterly two and one-half (2~') feet of the N~ of Lot 9, all in Block 7. ALTOS DEL MAR NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8. page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida. SUBJECT to the life tenancy of ELIZABETH JENSEN of an undivided one-third interest in and to the above described property. t~... ~ 4, ~ . ~ -" BGOK4154 p;sf419 SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions end limitations of record. zoning ordinances of the City of 11:iami "Beach, Florida, and taxes for the year 1954. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property' shall be used fbr sidewalk and highway purposes. In the event the grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the grantor s, their heirs, legal ~ww...~~ and assigns. repreaentat1.ves And the said part iea of the first part do hereb1 fully warrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the lmvful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN 1-7ITNESS llHEREOF, the said part iea of the first part have hereuntb set their hand send seals the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Us: ~~ ~~ (LS) . # . .... . .... . ~ 800K4.t54 Pt\GE420 ~. "" COUNTY I HE~EBY CERTIFY th~t on this dny persCJnnlly f.ppco.rod bc;fore mc, '1!l officer duly ,'1uthorized to o.dninistcr o[lths~YJ.d toko I.lclmo~'Jlcdg~cnts, MARIANNE EHRENFELD SCHMELTZER, ~ and ft(..I R ~ SCHMELTZER, her husband sometimes mown as MARIANNE EHRENFELD SCHMELZER and SCHMELZER, her husband to mo well knotm to be tho person s described in deed rmd wrlO executed the forcgoir.g ~.Y~ fnd ncknowledged that they executed the SCU"lC freoly fnd vel~YJ.tQrily for the purposes thorein ,i,..n ""Pi"'4,~ .. IT" oxprc'sscdo a.t officir.l scel .,. ~~. "'; ('.; i ',", ~ 141l1p "'" ,"" ..tt.......(-..,"..1f,'. '... . ,.' ;~...',,'"".J- ~~, '""'T .' ",..f.' ow. ~ ;:,:" . l' 11 ~ ...~ "" _: '. 0 ~ 'T ~~, C" " ""~~ ":':li'~ >llI : -- 1'.:.: .tp \v.:~~ .'''''..\ {] (i \, .: 4.:' ;~ ,..' ...- ;. ",. ,," ." ~(;r~\."', ." expire s: BENJAMIN PHILIP HELlER NOTARY PUBLIC State of New vori No. 03-1747450 QIIel. In Bronx Co. Cert. flled with State ot Florida County f 0 d i+. 'to Co. Clk. Bro~~ & f:l;J."~7R!lC- Th . ,... 0 a e. Jenn 8Mplres ...llI'Cl.. - ..- lIS 'ns~umeni J:'as riled for record the ...?t:::Jd ~/" / 1955 aVv,,~ ~ .. -..--........- ayof.... ;..v- iZ'~Z-~:lV/. ana dwy reS'eJ I~ 22 ll: ~ Book. .... .____.on Page__2"~_..._fll€ )'10 EE-.2i?.i?~ ~ ~.... "''iEI~M1\N r . Cuurt BY/ ~ ;;;. -q _ __ o.~