WD-138 4024 589 , ... l l_ "'-'--'-'~-..---'--"--',": .~'.:-<._.-- ~ ., ,. . .. BODK4024 PAGE589 r'. ,',," UJ D-f3Y l:IARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made thie ~day or ~ A. D. 1954, between A. B. H. REALTY CORP., a New YOl'k corporation, party of the. fil'st part; 79 STREET & HARDING CORP., a Florida corporation, Lessee under and by vil'tue of a 99 year lease covel'ing the premises hel'einafter descl'ibed, second part y of the 1f'i~ part, and eI'n OF MIAMI BEACH, tbil'd a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the ~.',&m..]. part, vTITNESSETH: ---....,------ and second That the said part iea of the fi~stJpart, fol' and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, to them third . in hanl,i paid by the party of the ~ part, the receipt whel'eof' Is hereby acknoHledged, have and released, relin~~ished and quit-claimed granted, bargained and solcyto the said party of thil'd the ~ part, its successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the City of Hiami Beach, County of Dade, Florida, described as fOllOWS, to wit: The eastel'ly two and one-half (eif) feet of Lots 7 and 8, Block 8, ALTOS DEL MAR NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 41 of the Public Recol'ds of' Dade County, Florida. , . \JOO\{ 4:024: PAGE 590 , " - c .. - -. SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Niemi 'Beach, Florida, and taxes for the year 1954$ This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property shall be used for sidewalk and highway purposeso In the event the grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall reve~~~ , to and immediately revest in the grantor~, ~/~ successors and assignso And the said part y of the first part hereby fully warrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the lat-Iful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN 'VlITNESS ',1HEREOF, the said part ies of the and second their firstjpartsha va hereunto caused:i:a corporate sea1sto their be affixed, and these presents to be signed in :i:b name s their . by :tb 'lJrOper officers, the day and year above l'JI'i tten. A. B. H. REALTY CORP., I :'~-''-li;l~ "< ~). ...........:,. '1-10\ :;;:;\................ "~~ ,\\ (" ..... ~ '1" .a.. ~-; ~ ..~.. ,'" ''7..... V ::...~ "'\ ~.. ~ If-: '1:.,tI, I: "v.l t: " C....". . _, ., \." ;,>' . J , l ~ '. V' . ,," .....: . w~' ""<01':;) " ;., ,'f, \..: "'-. -.....,- :.,,~.......:-{ ".r-.;f H40 <~:~~ ...., ATTEST: ~OrycY-s By 't #~~. as en "','"...,,\\\\\ ~.... p II .;:-"'- \\~ ",Del' " 79 STREET &: HARDING CORP :: ~\,,"'''...' I, · :: ~,'.1. D.".. " ~ ". ,"' \t."'f." ;; ~ : ~ C}),...,_'. ..6 4~. :':. ;;: Ii) k::J '1 ":0. ~ w C) -t) .... 'Ior.oiI. 'l , ~ '~j, : o:t: , 'IV>'J-~""lil',~ " ~:'";J u'" ..',,; IV'.. '0 ~ .' ~ . _ 'IJ v.! ..........."" $ I., 6 L ,...:-' . '\\\~"',..-.~ - 2 - L' ,- .. . ... ; , . .. eoO\{'4.024: priG' 591 t I. .. . STATE OF COUNTY OF ) : ss.: ) I HEREBY CERTIFY tha.t on thh day perso11ally appeared ~efore me, an officer dulY a~thQri~ed to o e. ths and and President and Secretary respectively, of A.. B. H. REALTY CORP. J a New York corporation, to me l..rell known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and duly acknowledged before me that they executed the same for the purpos~s therein expressed, and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said deed is the act and deed of said corporation~ at in ji).. -.:""":-> " . - .." "'\"." '; " " ~ '\,....:.;<1 _j '/ ,I, .."...;r ""....,...................,0 .: . .~.m "'''. 'Jf . . I" . .,.. ~.~ ," ~ 'J (J- #.~ ;;~: .' ....i)" ~ ~ ,'............J ., "/ I '" . -'.1. ,""' 0" ~CPt 0'. : 'I ~'. lI' : ".b'.. J. 0 N .::;-. Iv...... . ,;..">; Ii ') .........'\'\ tll J p,~ \ '\ ~ ~ '_1' IJ . ,....4.,.<<..., .s:<? -. day of D. 1954.,. l r~'~-'---'"-~''''''''''''''' , 'O, f... .", . BOOK 4024 PAGE593 ~~." J' STATE OF E_oA'OA COUNTY OF 'QAD~ ) : SS.: ) I aEREaY CERTIFY that on thl~ dq peraqnally appeared before me, an officer dulY author~;ed to adminhter oaths and take ac~owledgIl1ents, and ~,~af\Jtf\,C'AMP'1 .~~ '~,~.e.~78'.C'A~P' respectively, of 79 Presidet\t and J a F10rida , corporation, to me ~'lTell known to be the individuals described ir\ and who exeeuted the foregoing deed, and duly acknowledged before me that they executed the smne for the purposes therein expressed, and that they a:f'fixed the:r-eto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said deed is the aet end deed of said corporation. . HI '!'NESS my hand and off iei al se al at ~.......,... ./ day 01' in the County 01' ~d. ~ 0/. .-../I- 1I~~n";JI;';t ~ # 4IIlt.- ~.......... "\~~.." ~ ] 111j1 end State 01' -~ ,~ , thJ."s r ,',\..- .9" - .......'" "~x..:..,..,,,,..,.... ..,,~"'..., . "," ~ ... ..', '....,/ ~ ""- L ~ ~ ..;.. ..... ' (,)"" .-: ~ ,'-, ~.....<UV"C-~ ". A.,D. 1954..' f'.., ./.';-' ,A \: ~ : ~~":.;:-Ji::~ ,.".,,) '-'l :",,_ 7::., ---'~.J "'.;, '-" ~ l """"'; .. _,' '" ~ ...~ '1')< oI!!~ .. ~ .... · <.,")' ..' J. ... ".:... ......,:.... _ $" c.~~~.~. ~~~r~..~.~~\;,"~~- Notary u lic ate 0' ""'''''''''', . r1y cOl1ll11ission expires:, ttota'" Public. Stllw of florlda lit lMII- _ eammtialoR ...... """ . lisa.. ........."111 1\oIIl........~c.. Stat" d r:1~;:~~ r,nunty of Dade. v.'" "''''_'.'_ . ~ ~ Th',.s ,~,;',r"",1C'i":Fas filed lor ~e::)rd the_.._....__~ -- 'H' ."': " .. . . ''-eA _"'--' 19~5 at.ffP.2'e!t.t!!:.M. and dUlY recorded '"_____m_.___._..... d Book_.._..t:.~~Lon page_~4.:'"LFiie ~;o EE_~~ E. B.LI'ATHt.,"MAN Clerk Circui, Court BY~~~ D.C. . ~