WD-138 4012 420 ., ",' -.~.. ..... . L . ~.e:;;-.,-- ,1- BOOK 4012 PAGE 420 'UO/I?~ .....,. ,,~., '7 ~;rARRANTY DEED ;J ~/Ps1 THIS INDENTURE, Hade this 2J!!..day of. - r A. D. 1954, betHeen DAVID SHUMAN and FRANCES R. S~, his wife, parties of the first part; - ,CAROL LEE APARTMENTS, INC., a Florida corporation, Lessee by virtue of a 99 year lease covering the premises herei~ter described, seoond part y of the i.m4. part, and CITY OF MIAJ:lI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the ~ third part, WIT N E S 9 E T H : -,..-------- and seoond That the said parties of the first/part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten (~~lO.OO) DOllars, and other good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt 1,rhereof is hereby e.clmmTledged,. have and released, relinquished and quit-claimed granted, bargained and sold/to the said party of thi3:'d the ~ part, its successors and assigns forever, the following described land,. situate, lying and being in the City of Ilia..'11i Beach, County of Dade, Florida, described as fOll.oHs, to 1Jit: The easterly two and one-half (2i') feet of Lots 8 and 9, Block 11, ALTOS DEL MAR NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ..,.~ BOUr, .~012 PAGE 421 - I ... '. . SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of 11:iami . Beach, Florida, and taxes for the year 1954. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property' shall be used for sidewalk and highvray purposes. In the event the grantee, its successors or assigns shall ab andon the said prope rty for sidewalk and highway purposes, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the grantors, their heirs ~~..~~ and assigns. legal representatives And the said part iea of the first part do here~J fully vJarrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the lmJful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN 11lTNESS 1<!HEREOF, the said parties of and second the first/parts have hereunto ~et their hands and seal S the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Us: ~~ David Shuman ~.11~ (LS) CJ:fi; -;!ff~ p As to David Shuman and Frances R. Shuman (LS) '" By .". ~ . "~r'~ ,,;.. J '. ~ .. BOOK 4012 PAGE 422 . STATE OF I~~ ~ . COUNTY OF f ~ ) SS.: I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknot-1ledgments, DAVID SHUMAN and FRANCES R. SHUMAN to me well knotm to be the person s described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same free~y and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. at HI'INESS my hand and official seal PAJ.J~ ~Q..' or f ~ . , and state of ~. this :l./~ay of ~~ ,. A. D. 1954. County 11~l:!~ r~. . 1"';0'1 ,~~':.\~ \\ tl J Ii .'';IJ'~-JI ....' ^ V .............. :.f~ ,. ,."":,,.. ..... -...;' ...... l v.... "" .........-;,. ..''''.. ,q.. (.) \'.J-~' .'.....: ...'~ I - :';:.-; 2'-:"-' -4 <..1:: : u1 ~ C;) ~ ,"> ;, .\ ...., -"" :,~.., ~,~~ ~ :~~. ,~. C'l '."'" '-'. ' :l ,..~.. " ......'0 ~,$' "'..( ........"'llo... '",'t..Jl_*....II~.....,.....~ j i~, ", ',l. ';i,'H.tj"" Ny commission expires:' MY COMM'n'.N 0"'''" II&I!rDlK" et '..7 . '. <-.;, , " ~... ' ..~'!i'/ . ~. ,/~ i;;" ,~~' . , ';,;' ~ .!"< .-1 - BOOK 4012 PAGE 423 ...... -. :.. STATE OF ~ ) COUNTY OF n I HEREBY CERTIFY SS~: that on th1~ day pe:rsonally appeared b~tore me,. an officer duly author!~ed to r oaths an<l take acknowledgments, ftll,,~. ~. and President. and Secret1U7 CAROL.LEEAPARTMENTS,. INC. respectively, of , a Florida corporation, to me N'ell know to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing deed~ and duly acknowledged before me that they executed the smne for the purposes therein expressed,. and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said deed is the act and deed of said corporation. ':TITNESS my .,;,;.0..{ at in the County of and state '<,~ i' i~ t, II ' ,/t,';;;jfJt "'''':''-'", ;i(' 'ii;, >~~ ;':;w--'.."... .Ii ',' State of Florida, County of Dade. ThIs rnstnJl,nent wa~ filed for record th6...~L~d8J.. of..~ 1954 at2.&.r.~_M. and dUlY recori.'fld 1ft ~ Book_.._~~/ ~on Page..Z'~_~..t I,t( N~ D'D~L;f.:~g.i-.5- E. S. LEATHERMAN CIerI< Circuit Court Du. ~ ~~ -1 ~ ._.D.C.