Heidi Tandy Application PackageTandy Heidi HNAME: Last Name First Name Middle Initial 4825 Lakeview Drive Miami BeachHOME ADDRESS: Apt No.Home No./Street City Florida 33140 State Zip Code 3059262227 3055386361PHONE: Home Work heidi8@gmail.com Email Address Miami Beach Street 1691 Michigan Ave. City Florida State 33139 Zip Code Address: Heidi Tandy, Attorney At Law Position:Business Name:Attorney Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. YesƔ5HVLGHQWRI0LDPL%HDFKIRUDPLQLPXPRIVL[  PRQWKV Ɣ'HPRQVWUDWHDQRZQHUVKLSLQWHUHVWLQDEXVLQHVVLQ0LDPL%HDFKIRUDPLQLPXPRIVL[  PRQWKV Ɣ$UH\RXDUHJLVWHUHGYRWHULQ0LDPL%HDFK Ɣ 3OHDVHcircle one): I am now a resident of: Ɣ,DPDSSO\LQJIRUDQDSSRLQWPHQWEHFDXVH,KDYHVSHFLDODELOLWLHVNQRZOHGJHDQGH[SHULHQFH3OHDVHOLVWEHORZ Ɣ$UH\RXSUHVHQWO\DUHJLVWHUHGOREE\LVWZLWKWKH&LW\RI0LDPL%HDFK" Yes Yes Middle Beach No I am an attorney with familiarity in real estate, particularly residential and small commercial real estate on Miami Beach. I have b Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices will be observed by the City Clerk’s Office. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 1: Choice 2: Choice 3: Board of Adjustment No2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: No Years of Service: ages, and which programs. List below: if yes, please list the names of your children, their CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM * Board members are required to file Form 1 – "Statement of Financial Interest" with the State. If you seek appointment to a professional seat (e.g., lawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Board or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently-effectively license, and furnish the following information: Type of Professional License_______________________________ License Number ______________________________ License Issuance Date ___________________________________ License Expiration Date _______________________ Name Title NoƔHave you ever been convicted of a felony:If yes, please explain in detail: ƔDo you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes:No If yes, please explain in detail: ƔDo you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money:No If yes, please explain in detail: ƔAre you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees:Yes If yes, which board? Board of Adjustment ƔWhat organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? ƔList all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: Property 4825 Lakeview Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33140 ƔI am now employed by the city of Miami Beach:No Which department? The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. FemaleGender: Physically Challenged:No White Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino.No NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members. These laws include, but are not limited to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26). o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. “I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article VII – of the City Code “Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members.” I Heidi Tandy agreed to the following terms on 12/1/2017 5:53:55 PM Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No. Date Heidi​ ​Howard​ ​Tandy,​ ​Esq.  1691​ ​Michigan​ ​Ave.,​ ​Suite​ ​360  Miami​ ​Beach,​ ​FL​ ​33139  (305)​ ​926​ ​2227​ ​​ ​​ ​​heidi@heidi8.com    Attorney Private​ ​Practice​ ​on​ ​Miami​ ​Beach;​ ​also​ ​​Of​ ​Counsel​ ​at​ ​Price​ ​Benowitz​ ​​(Washington,​ ​D.C.) Prior​ ​firm​ ​experience​ ​includes​ ​Ziglaw;​ ​Gunster;​ ​Carlton​ ​Fields;​ ​Ruden​ ​McClosky;​ ​Stroock​ ​&​ ​Stroock​ ​&​ ​Lavan Lead​ ​attorney​ ​on​ ​proceedings​ ​at​ ​US​ ​Trademark​ ​Office’s​ ​Trademark​ ​Trial​ ​and​ ​Appeal​ ​Board,​ ​and​ ​at​ ​WIPO Lead​ ​IP​ ​attorney​ ​in​ ​trademark​ ​and​ ​copyright​ ​infringement​ ​proceedings​ ​in​ ​Federal​ ​and​ ​State​ ​Courts Lead​ ​IP​ ​attorney​ ​in​ ​settlement​ ​negotiations​ ​for​ ​plaintiffs​ ​and​ ​for​ ​defendants Manage​ ​intellectual​ ​property​ ​portfolios​ ​for​ ​a​ ​range​ ​of​ ​entertainment​ ​and​ ​technology​ ​clients​ ​with​ ​focus​ ​on trademarks,​ ​copyright/takedown​ ​issues,​ ​licenses​ ​regarding​ ​user​ ​submissions​ ​and​ ​brand​ ​management,​ ​social media​ ​and​ ​FTC​ ​compliance​ ​policies Draft​ ​and​ ​negotiate​ ​contracts,​ ​including​ ​license​ ​agreements,​ ​assignments,​ ​terminations​ ​and​ ​settlements Create​ ​best​ ​practices,​ ​handbooks​ ​and​ ​policies​ ​including​ ​Privacy,​ ​Terms​ ​of​ ​Use,​ ​employee​ ​agreements,​ ​sweepstakes, and​ ​marketing​ ​policies;​ ​hosted​ ​seminars​ ​and​ ​clinics​ ​for​ ​clients​ ​and​ ​their​ ​staffs​ ​regarding​ ​same Develop​ ​and​ ​write​ ​position​ ​papers,​ ​internal​ ​memos,​ ​blog​ ​posts​ ​and​ ​documentation​ ​concerning​ ​business​ ​and​ ​legal issues Train​ ​clients’​ ​staffs​ ​and​ ​contractors​ ​in​ ​ethics​ ​and​ ​legal​ ​issues​ ​concerning​ ​Terms​ ​of​ ​Use,​ ​FTC,​ ​DMCA,​ ​Fair​ ​Use​ ​and content​ ​creation Pro​ ​Bono​ ​Projects Organization​ ​for​ ​Transformative​ ​Works​,​ ​2007-present Founding​ ​member​ ​of​ ​Legal​ ​Committee;​ ​manage​ ​DMCA,​ ​domain​ ​name​ ​and​ ​trademark​ ​issues;​ ​draft​ ​filings​ ​with Congress,​ ​Copyright​ ​Office​ ​and​ ​as​ ​​amicus​​ ​in​ ​Federal​ ​Court​ ​proceedings. FictionAlley.org​,​ ​2001​ ​-​ ​present​ ​(nonprofit) Managed​ ​volunteer​ ​staff​ ​of​ ​100+,​ ​supervised​ ​development​ ​of​ ​content​ ​management​ ​system,​ ​forum​ ​and​ ​content​ ​policies and​ ​best​ ​practices,​ ​marketing​ ​and​ ​advertising​ ​program,​ ​podcasts​ ​and​ ​live​ ​events;​ ​developed​ ​sponsorship,​ ​mentoring and​ ​scholarship​ ​programs.​ ​Created​ ​groundbreaking​ ​podcasts,​ ​content,​ ​and​ ​partnerships. HP​ ​Education​ ​Fanon,​ ​Inc.​,​ ​2002​ ​-​ ​present​ ​(nonprofit) Served​ ​on​ ​Legal​ ​Committee​ ​and​ ​developed,​ ​managed​ ​and​ ​served​ ​on​ ​senior​ ​staff​ ​for​ ​annual​ ​events;​ ​each​ ​hosted​ ​over 200​ ​hours​ ​of​ ​educational​ ​and​ ​entertainment​ ​programming​ ​at​ ​events​ ​for​ ​600-1900​ ​attendees. EDUCATION University​ ​of​ ​Pennsylvania B.A.​ ​awarded​ ​in​ ​1992 Washington​ ​College​ ​of​ ​Law​ ​at​ ​American​ ​University J.D.​ ​awarded​ ​in​ ​1995 Recent​ ​Writings FIC:​ ​Why​ ​Fanfiction​ ​Is​ ​Taking​ ​Over​ ​the​ ​World​ ​(chapter​ ​author)​ ​(2013) FYeahCopyright.tumblr.com​ ​(2013-present) Presentations​ ​and​ ​CLE​ ​Lecturing ABA​ ​Social​ ​Media​ ​Law​ ​Basics​ ​(2017) INTA​ ​Professors’​ ​Luncheon​ ​Feat.​ ​Speaker​ ​​ ​(2016) Vidcon​ ​(2016) South​ ​By​ ​Southwest​ ​(2012,​ ​2014,​ ​2016) San​ ​Diego​ ​Comic​ ​Con​ ​(2008,​ ​2009,​ ​2011,​ ​2013-2017) University​ ​of​ ​Pennsylvania​ ​Intellectual​ ​Property​ ​Law​ ​Group​ ​CLE​ ​(2013) Princeton​ ​University,​ ​Fans,​ ​Fanfiction​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Media,​ ​Publishing​ ​and​ ​Entertainment​ ​Industries​ ​(2015) Women​ ​of​ ​Tomorrow,​ ​Miami​ ​(2013-2017) Webgrrls/Cybergrrls​ ​(1997,​ ​1998) A​ ​Selection​ ​of​ ​Quotations The​ ​Wall​ ​Street​ ​Journal​,​ ​​Vampire​ ​Writer​ ​L.J.​ ​Smith​ ​Bites​ ​Back​ ​(April​ ​17,​ ​2014) The​ ​New​ ​York​ ​Times​,​ ​Please​ ​Don’t​ ​Call​ ​It​ ​a​ ​G-Rated​ ​Dispute​ ​(April​ ​14,​ ​2005) USA​ ​Today​​ ​(July,​ ​2003) New​ ​Statesman​,​ ​Is​ ​This​ ​the​ ​Year​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Fan?​ ​(July​ ​31,​ ​2014) MuggleNet​ ​Academia​,​ ​Rights,​ ​Copyrights,​ ​and​ ​Playwrights​ ​-​ ​The​ ​Legal​ ​Side​ ​of​ ​Rowling’s​ ​Magic​ ​(August​ ​24,​ ​2016) Outline​ ​of​ ​Syllabus​ ​for​ ​​SOCIAL​ ​MEDIA/TRANSMEDIA​ ​LAW​​ ​Class Summer,​ ​2016 Heidi​ ​Howard​ ​Tandy,​ ​Esq. ​ ​heidi8@gmail.com Primary​ ​Course​ ​Texts​ ​will​ ​be​ ​selections​ ​from​ ​​Advertising​ ​and​ ​Marketing​ ​Law​ ​Casebook​ ​​by​ ​Rebecca​ ​Tushnet​ ​and Eric​ ​Goldman​ ​(DRM-free​ ​PDF​ ​download)​ ​​ ​and​ ​Sarah​ ​Jeong’s​ ​​The​ ​Internet​ ​of​ ​Garbage​.​ ​Course​ ​text​ ​components will​ ​come​ ​from​ ​law​ ​journal​ ​articles​ ​including​ ​Mark​ ​Lemley’s​ ​​IP​ ​In​ ​a​ ​World​ ​Without​ ​Scarcity​,​ ​Annamarie​ ​Birdy’s Copyright's​ ​Digital​ ​Deputies:​ ​DMCA-Plus​ ​Enforcement​ ​by​ ​Internet​ ​Intermediaries,​ ​​current​ ​news​ ​and​ ​cases,​ ​and recent​ ​caselaw.​ ​Skype​ ​presentations​ ​by​ ​practitioners​ ​who​ ​work​ ​in​ ​corporations​ ​and​ ​NGOs​ ​will​ ​provide​ ​a​ ​variety​ ​of perspectives​ ​on​ ​developing​ ​issues. Class​ ​1:​​ ​IP​ ​and​ ​Internet​ ​Overview/Basics May​ ​16 This​ ​session​ ​will​ ​include​ ​an​ ​overview​ ​of​ ​all​ ​the​ ​subject​ ​we’ll​ ​be​ ​covering​ ​with​ ​a​ ​focus​ ​on​ ​ascertaining students’​ ​knowledge​ ​of​ ​employment,​ ​trademark,​ ​copyright,​ ​social​ ​media​ ​and​ ​contract​ ​law​ ​in​ ​general,​ ​as well​ ​as​ ​privacy​ ​laws,​ ​fair​ ​use​ ​concepts,​ ​defamation,​ ​rights​ ​of​ ​publicity​ ​and​ ​employment​ ​law​ ​issues. Due:​ ​​One​ ​recent​ ​case​ ​or​ ​article​ ​on​ ​online/social​ ​media​ ​content​ ​creation Readings: Class​ ​2:​ ​​Intermediary​ ​Law May​ ​18 We​ ​will​ ​look​ ​at​ ​business-related​ ​issues,​ ​from​ ​Terms​ ​of​ ​Use,​ ​privacy,​ ​COPPA​ ​and​ ​DMCA​ ​issues​ ​in connection​ ​with​ ​social​ ​media​ ​in​ ​walled​ ​sites​ ​like​ ​Facebook,​ ​mobile​ ​sites​ ​like​ ​Twitter​ ​and​ ​Instagram,​ ​and live​ ​video-streaming​ ​platforms,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​more​ ​traditional​ ​websites.​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​look​ ​into​ ​questions involving​ ​how​ ​these​ ​contracts​ ​and​ ​their​ ​multi-purpose​ ​protective​ ​measures​ ​satisfy​ ​investors,​ ​users​ ​(and​ ​their parents),​ ​the​ ​media​ ​and​ ​the​ ​misinformation-filled​ ​hysteria​ ​of​ ​social​ ​media​ ​and​ ​blogging​ ​sites​ ​like​ ​tumblr. We’ll​ ​also​ ​look​ ​at​ ​best​ ​practices​ ​for​ ​onboarding​ ​users,​ ​employees/contractors​ ​and​ ​content creators/managers,​ ​and​ ​how​ ​licenses​ ​like​ ​Creative​ ​Commons,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​the​ ​laws​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Public​ ​Domain​ ​and Fair​ ​Use​ ​allow​ ​the​ ​re-use​ ​and​ ​re-purposing​ ​of​ ​content​ ​into​ ​follow-on​ ​works.​ ​This​ ​class​ ​will​ ​also​ ​cover​ ​crisis management​ ​from​ ​a​ ​trademark​ ​and​ ​copyright​ ​law​ ​perspective. Readings: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/2016/04/supreme-court-wikipedia-violates-copyright- posting-photos-public-art/ https://web.archive.org/web/19990117030150/http://www.nytimes.com/info/help/agree.html#sect 2 https://web.archive.org/web/20001216234100/http://www.nytimes.com/info/help/linking.html https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-ar e-asking Memorial​ ​Day​ ​Lull​ ​-​ ​Readings http://www.thefader.com/2015/12/03/on-fleek-peaches-monroee-meechie-viral-vines https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20151205/18290332998/shittiness-ip-law-has-taught-public-that -everything-is-stealing-everyone-is-owed-something.shtml Mark​ ​Lemley’s​ ​​IP​ ​In​ ​a​ ​World​ ​Without​ ​Scarcity​​ ​at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2413974 Copyright​ ​and​ ​Consent​ ​by​ ​Rebecca​ ​Tushnet​ ​at http://cdn.harvardlawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/vol128_Tushnet.pdf Tushnet​ ​Book​ ​P.1,​ ​6-10,​ ​34-53,​ ​62-64 Google​ ​Books​ ​ruling: http://www.ca2.uscourts.gov/decisions/isysquery/b3f81bc4-3798-476e-81c0-23db25f3b301/1/doc/ 13-4829_opn.pdf Sgouros​ ​v.​ ​TransUnion​ ​Corp.,​ ​No.​ ​15-1371​ ​(7th​ ​Cir.​ ​March​ ​25,​ ​2016) YouTube’s​ ​Four​ ​Factors​ ​at https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright/fair-use.html#yt-copyright-four-factors OPTIONAL:​ ​http://ncjolt.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Hostetler-Okada_Final.pdf Class​ ​3/4:​​ ​Impacts​ ​of​ ​Globalization June​ ​6/8 We’ll​ ​look​ ​to​ ​possible​ ​changes​ ​to​ ​the​ ​law,​ ​and​ ​the​ ​governance​ ​challenges​ ​related​ ​to​ ​those​ ​changes, including​ ​a​ ​review​ ​of​ ​proposals​ ​currently​ ​and/or​ ​recently​ ​before​ ​Congress​ ​(including​ ​treaties​ ​like​ ​the​ ​Trans Pacific​ ​Partnership),​ ​the​ ​Copyright​ ​Office​ ​and​ ​the​ ​US​ ​Patent​ ​and​ ​Trademark​ ​Office,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as multinational​ ​organizations​ ​like​ ​WIPO. Due​ ​June​ ​6:​ ​​Draft​ ​of​ ​proposed​ ​thesis,​ ​or​ ​outline​ ​of​ ​one​ ​of​ ​the​ ​student’s​ ​two​ ​proposed​ ​policies Due​ ​June​ ​8:​ ​​A​ ​how-to​ ​(narrative​ ​or​ ​flow​ ​chart)​ ​on​ ​either​ ​DMCA​ ​takedowns,​ ​the​ ​counternoticing​ ​process​ ​or responding​ ​(with​ ​at​ ​least​ ​4​ ​footnote​ ​citations​ ​to​ ​different​ ​cases​ ​and/or​ ​law​ ​journal/review​ ​articles). Readings​: https://www.oculus.com/en-us/legal/terms-of-service/ http://www.franken.senate.gov/files/letter/160407OculusLetter.pdf https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/4057/text https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2782119-PLAW-113publ4.html#document/p83/a286 864​ ​ONLY​ ​page​ ​83 https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/4740/text ​ ​​+Three​ ​of​ ​the​ ​following: ●http://tushnet.com/comments-cta-co-1201-3-3-16/ ●https://tushnet.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/512otw-submission.pdf ●http://tushnet.com/public-knowledge-section-1201-comments/ ●http://tushnet.com/jointlibertarian1201comments/ ●Annemarie​ ​Birdy’s​ ​U.S.​ ​Copyright​ ​Office​ ​Section​ ​512​ ​Study:​ ​Comments​ ​in Response​ ​to​ ​Notice​ ​of​ ​Inquiry.​ ​​Available​ ​at​ ​SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2757197 Class​ ​5/6:​ ​​Social​ ​Media June​ ​13/15 Twitter,​ ​tumblr,​ ​Facebook,​ ​Snapchat,​ ​YouTube,​ ​Google+,​ ​and​ ​more:​ ​How​ ​do​ ​IP​ ​laws​ ​apply​ ​to​ ​users,​ ​to​ ​the businesses,​ ​and​ ​to​ ​corporations,​ ​charities​ ​and​ ​schools​ ​that​ ​use​ ​these​ ​platforms​ ​to​ ​communicate​ ​with​ ​their audiences?​ ​How​ ​can​ ​sites​ ​-​ ​and​ ​schools​ ​-​ ​draft​ ​viable​ ​policies​ ​and​ ​how​ ​can​ ​policies​ ​shape​ ​the​ ​way​ ​a​ ​site, app​ ​or​ ​tool​ ​is​ ​used,​ ​and​ ​the​ ​audience​ ​that​ ​develops​ ​for​ ​it?​ ​We’ll​ ​open​ ​a​ ​look​ ​into​ ​Best​ ​Practices​ ​regarding community​ ​management​ ​and​ ​agreements​ ​with​ ​volunteers,​ ​consultants​ ​and​ ​paid​ ​staff. Due​ ​on​ ​June​ ​15:​ ​​Students​ ​must​ ​read​ ​at​ ​least​ ​one​ ​Terms​ ​of​ ​Use​ ​policy​ ​for​ ​a​ ​US​ ​site/company​ ​and​ ​mark​ ​up archaic​ ​legacy​ ​issues,​ ​internal​ ​contradictions​ ​and​ ​other​ ​issues;​ ​students​ ​will​ ​draw​ ​site​ ​names​ ​out​ ​of​ ​a​ ​hat​ ​to determine​ ​who​ ​reads​ ​which​ ​policy. Readings: The​ ​Internet​ ​of​ ​Garbage​ ​Sections​ ​1-3 https://support.wattpad.com/hc/en-us/articles/200773104-Copyrights http://dearauthor.com/features/essays/qa-with-professor-rebecca-tushnet/ SHOULD​ ​PROSECUTORS​ ​BLOG,​ ​POST,​ ​OR​ ​TWEET?:​ ​THE​ ​NEED​ ​FOR​ ​NEW RESTRAINTS​ ​IN​ ​LIGHT​ ​OF​ ​SOCIAL​ ​MEDIA​ ​.​ ​Emily​ ​Vance: http://fordhamlawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/assets/pdfs/Vol_84/No_1/Vance_October.pdf Social​ ​Autopsy: http://nymag.com/following/2016/04/how-social-autopsy-fell-for-gamergate-trutherism.html https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3TGA-UEAAq5ur.jpg https://www.scribd.com/doc/306121568/BWP-Media-v-T-S-Software-no-vicarious-liability-pdf https://www.lib.purdue.edu/uco/CopyrightBasics/fair_use.html#analysis http://www.yalelawjournal.org/terms-of-use Just​ ​added​:​ ​http://boingboing.net/2016/04/17/sanders-campaign-accused-of.html Class​ ​7:​ ​​Harassment​ ​and​ ​Safety June​ ​20 Submission​ ​policies,​ ​nonexclusive​ ​licenses,​ ​and​ ​what​ ​happens​ ​when​ ​a​ ​site,​ ​app,​ ​project​ ​or​ ​resource​ ​starts up,​ ​what​ ​happen Readings: The​ ​Internet​ ​of​ ​Garbage,​ ​Sec.​ ​4​ ​through​ ​Conclusion​ ​(inclusive) THE​ ​LAW​ ​OF​ ​REPUTATION​ ​AND​ ​THE​ ​INTEREST​ ​OF​ ​THE​ ​AUDIENC: https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/schools/law/bclawreview/pdf/52_4/04_heymann.pdf Unfriending​ ​Censorship​ ​-​ ​an​ ​EFF​ ​Report: https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/onlinecensorship/posts/pdfs/000/000/044/original/Onlinecen sorship.org_Report_-_31_March_2016.pdf?1459436925 A​ ​History​ ​of​ ​Online​ ​Moderation: http://www.theverge.com/2016/4/13/11387934/internet-moderator-history-youtube-facebook-redd it-censorship-free-speech Trolls​ ​and​ ​Online​ ​Moderation: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/apr/13/trolls-trampling-political-discourse-abus e https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfVV9mRMmTg​​ ​from​ ​Uplift,​ ​filmed​ ​at​ ​VidCon​ ​2015 Class​ ​8:​ ​​User​ ​Ownership​ ​and​ ​Control June​ ​22 Submission​ ​policies,​ ​nonexclusive​ ​licenses,​ ​and​ ​what​ ​happens​ ​when​ ​a​ ​site,​ ​app,​ ​project​ ​or​ ​resource​ ​starts up,​ ​what​ ​happens​ ​if​ ​it​ ​closes​ ​down,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​user​ ​use​ ​of​ ​​ ​IP​ ​created​ ​by​ ​other​ ​people​ ​or​ ​businesses.​ ​Is​ ​there any​ ​privacy​ ​when​ ​everyone​ ​has​ ​a​ ​video​ ​camera​ ​in​ ​their​ ​pocket,​ ​on​ ​their​ ​dashboard,​ ​or​ ​in​ ​their​ ​eyeglasses?​ ​If there’s​ ​no​ ​privacy,​ ​how​ ​can​ ​IP​ ​laws​ ​and​ ​rights​ ​of​ ​publicity​ ​assess​ ​and​ ​manage​ ​third​ ​party​ ​usage​ ​of someone’s​ ​content?​ ​How​ ​can​ ​individuals,​ ​and​ ​sites/social​ ​media​ ​created​ ​by​ ​businesses,​ ​nonprofits,​ ​schools and​ ​government​ ​entities​ ​avoid​ ​liability​ ​for​ ​violations,​ ​and​ ​avoid​ ​violations​ ​in​ ​the​ ​first​ ​place? Due:​ ​​Draft​ ​​Outline​ ​​of​ ​paper,​ ​or​ ​of​ ​both​ ​policies Readings: Tushnet,​ ​Ch.​ ​13,​ ​P.​ ​300-305,​ ​329-338,​ ​342-346 https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/2016/04/supreme-court-wikipedia-violates-copyright- posting-photos-public-art/ Additions: 1.https://www.buzzfeed.com/leticiamiranda/this-artist-said-snapchat-never-asked-to-use-this -his-art-fo?utm_content=bufferc21f0&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&ut m_campaign=buffer&utm_term=.jtlQLAMAgZ#.odQZMogoBj 2.http://www.isfanficlegal.com/post/92481884824/hey-teen-wolf-fandom-mtv-has-somethin g-for-you In-Class​ ​Viewing:​ ​YouTube​ ​Copyright​ ​School​ ​videos​ ​-​ ​the​ ​archaic (​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InzDjH1-9Ns​)​ ​(and​ ​fair-use​ ​inclusive​ ​follow-on​ ​work (​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdVWW8qMwfU​))​ ​and​ ​relatively​ ​recent (​https://youtu.be/OQVHWsTHcoc​) Note:​ ​VidCon​ ​is​ ​June​ ​22-26 Class​ ​9:​ ​​Brand​ ​Protection​ ​and​ ​Usage June​ ​27 Counterfeiting​ ​and​ ​Watching​ ​Services,​ ​DMCA​ ​takedowns​ ​and​ ​counter-notices,​ ​and​ ​how​ ​they​ ​can​ ​be​ ​used to​ ​protect​ ​and​ ​control​ ​user-created​ ​and​ ​corporate-created​ ​content;​ ​we​ ​will​ ​also​ ​look​ ​to​ ​how​ ​US​ ​Customs, Google​ ​and​ ​non-US​ ​laws​ ​can​ ​each​ ​help​ ​in​ ​various​ ​different​ ​ways​ ​when​ ​trademarks​ ​or​ ​content​ ​is​ ​being infringed​ ​-​ ​or​ ​is​ ​noninfringing​ ​because​ ​of​ ​Fair​ ​Use. Readings​:​ ​Tushnet​ ​Book,​ ​Chapter​ ​11,​ ​INTA​ ​Powerpoint Guest:​ ​​Josh​ ​Wattles,​ ​GC​ ​of​ ​DeviantArt Class​ ​10:​​ ​​Startup,​ ​Development​ ​and​ ​(Bi-)Annual​ ​Review​ ​Steps June​ ​29 We​ ​will​ ​create​ ​checklists​ ​of​ ​what​ ​needs​ ​to​ ​be​ ​done​ ​for​ ​a​ ​startup,​ ​a​ ​developing​ ​company,​ ​and​ ​any​ ​business with​ ​any​ ​employees​ ​or​ ​an​ ​online​ ​presence​ ​on​ ​a​ ​biannual,​ ​annual​ ​-​ ​and​ ​even​ ​quarterly​ ​-​ ​basis.​ ​Also,​ ​we​ ​will look​ ​at​ ​Federal​ ​and​ ​state​ ​regulation​ ​of​ ​advertising,​ ​including​ ​the​ ​FTC’s​ ​Children’s​ ​Online​ ​Privacy​ ​and Protection​ ​Act,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​criminal​ ​laws​ ​concerning​ ​piracy,​ ​predatory​ ​behaviours​ ​and​ ​implications​ ​of anonymous​ ​users​ ​on​ ​defamation.​ ​Gamergate,​ ​doxxing​ ​and​ ​harassment​ ​issues​ ​will​ ​be​ ​discussed. Readings: Money​ ​-​ ​​http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/04/cashless-society/477411/ Data​ ​Collection​ ​- http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/04/how-big-data-harms-poor-communities/477423/ Celebrity​ ​Harassment​ ​- http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-mysterious-instagram-spat-between-demi-lovato-and-stalker-sarah?ut m_source=mbtwitter Stolen/Famous​ ​-​ ​​http://www.gadgette.com/2016/02/18/stolen-resurrected-as-famous/ Class​ ​11:​ ​TBD​ ​based​ ​on​ ​developing​ ​topics​ ​+​ ​peer​ ​review​ ​of​ ​class​ ​papers July​ ​7 Due:​ ​​Final​ ​paper​ ​or​ ​policies;​ ​they​ ​can​ ​be​ ​turned​ ​in​ ​up​ ​to​ ​15​ ​days​ ​after​ ​class​ ​ends Class​ ​Review​ ​Deck:​ ​https://haikudeck.com/p/c45ec9973b Students​ ​will​ ​be​ ​graded​ ​on​ ​(1)​ ​class​ ​participation,​ ​(2)​ ​the​ ​assignments​ ​due​ ​in​ ​Weeks​ ​3​ ​and​ ​4,​ ​and​ ​(3)​ ​either​ ​(a)​ ​a​ ​research​ ​paper on​ ​an​ ​approved,​ ​class-related​ ​topic​ ​(must​ ​be​ ​approved​ ​by​ ​June​ ​22)​ ​or​ ​(b)​ ​two​ ​policies​ ​-​ ​one​ ​concerning​ ​user​ ​content/behaviour and​ ​one​ ​concerning​ ​employee/contractor​ ​content/behaviour​ ​-​ ​for​ ​a​ ​corporation,​ ​government​ ​agency,​ ​NGO​ ​or​ ​school. Extra​ ​Credit: 1.Standard​ ​licenses​ ​contained​ ​within​ ​ToUs 2.Best​ ​Practices​ ​for​ ​social​ ​media​ ​policies​ ​at​ ​companies​ ​with​ ​both​ ​employees​ ​and​ ​contractors/freelancers 3.Letter​ ​to​ ​Congress​ ​on​ ​how​ ​social​ ​media-related​ ​IP​ ​issues​ ​​ ​should​ ​be​ ​included​ ​in​ ​a​ ​new​ ​Copyright​ ​Act,​ ​Lanham​ ​Act​ ​or updates​ ​computer​ ​security​ ​law 12/1/2017 Member Profile – Heidi Howard Tandy – The Florida Bar https://www.floridabar.org/directories/find-mbr/profile/?num=HeidiTandy 1/2 MEMBER PROFILE Heidi Howard Tandy Member i n Good Standing Eligible to Pract ice Law in Florida Bar Number: 163864 Mail Address: Price Benowitz Heidi Howard Tandy 1691 Michigan Ave Ste 360 Miami Beach, FL 33139-2572 United States Of 12/1/2017 Member Profile – Heidi Howard Tandy – The Florida Bar https://www.floridabar.org/directories/find-mbr/profile/?num=HeidiTandy 2/2 The Find a Lawyer directory is provided as a public service. The Florida Bar maintains limited basic information about lawyers licensed to practice in the state (e.g., name, address, year of birth, gender, law schools attended, admission year). However, The Florida Bar allows individual attorneys the opportunity to add personal and professional information to the directory. The lawyer is solely responsible for reviewing and updating any additional information in the directory. The lawyer's added information is not reviewed by The Bar for accuracy and The Bar makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied. The Florida Bar, its Board of Governors, employees, and agents are not responsible for the accuracy of that additional information. Publication of lawyers' contact information in this listing does not mean the lawyers have agreed to receive unsolicited communications in any form. Unauthorized use of this data may result in civil or criminal penalties. The Find a Lawyer directory is not a lawyer referral service. County: Miami-Dade Circuit: 11 Admitted: 04/14/1999 10-Year Discipline History: None Law School: American University, Washington College of Law, 1995 Sections: Entertainment, Arts, & Sports Solo & Small Firm Firm: Price Benowitz Firm Size: 11 to 20 Firm Position: Of Counsel Firm Website: pricebenowitz.com