QD-57Prope~ Search Application - Miami- n1,de County Page 1 of 1 (:.~ OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY APPRAISER Summary Report Property Information Folio: 02-3226-049-0760 Property Address: Owner CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Mailing Address 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DR MIAMI BEACH FL 33139 USA PA Primary Zone 9701 RECREATIONAL Primary Land Use 8080 VACANT GOVERNMENTAL VACANT LAND-GOVERNMENTAL Beds I Baths I Half OIO/O Floors o L1vmg Units o Actual Area O Sq Ft Living Area O Sq Ft Adjusted Area O Sq Ft Lot Size 2,971 Sq Ft -- Year Built o Assessment Information Year 2017 2016 2015 -- Land Value $29,710 Building Value $0 XF Value $0 Market Value $29,710 !Assessed Value I $29 710 Benefits Information Benefit Type 2017 2016 2015 Municipal Exemption $29,710 Note Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (1 e County School Board, City, Regional) Short Legal Description M B IMPROVEMENT CO SUB PB 5-7 STRIP OF LAND BOUNDED BY EL Y SIDE BY INDIAN CREEK DR ON WL Y SIDE OF INDIAN CREEK ON NL Y SIDE OF Generated On 10/6/2017 Taxable Value Information ~()~17\ 20~ 2015 ~~ County I Exemption Valu~ $29 7101 Taxable Value I $0 School Board ~ Exemption Value $29,710 Taxable Value $0 City Exemption Value $29,710 Taxable Value $0 I Regional ~E_x_e_m_p_t1o_n_v_a_1u_e~~~~~~+--~~-$-29_,_7$1__,o0_______j_____J Taxable Value _______J_____J Sales Information Previous Price OR Book- Ouahñcation Description Sale Page 10/20/2016 $0 30421-3577 Corrective, tax or QCD, min constderation The Office of the Property Appraiser rs continually editing and updatmg the tax roll This website may not reflect the most current mformation on record The Property Appraiser and Miarm-Dade County assumes no habthty see full disclarmer and User Agreement at http //www rmarrudade gov/info/d1scla1mer asp Version http://www.miamidade.gov/property search/ 10/6/2017 This instrument prepared by, or under the supervisión of (and after recording, return to): CFN: 20170086909 BOOK 30421 PAGE 3577 DATE.02/14/2017 12:27:19 PM HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK OF COURT, MIA·DADE CTY Raul Aguila City Attorney City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (Reserved for Clerk of Court) THIS QUJ'f~CLAIM DEED. marle as of this 2-iJ day of 6)~bi(2016 (the Effective Date), by The Alden Hotel Condominium Owners Association, Inc., a Florida Corporation whose address is 2925 Indian Creek Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33140, first party, in its legislative capacity, to. the City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida second party, in its proprietary capacity: (Wherever used herein the tenns first party and second party s.hall lncludo singular and plural, heirs, legal representaëves, and BSlllgn, of individual~, and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires). WITNESSEm, that the said first party. für and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable conslderatlcn ($10.00) in band paid by the said second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the said second party forever, all the right, title, interest. claim and demand which the said first party has ln and to the following described property being situated in Miami-Dade County, Florida. and legally described as follows: That strip of land bounded on tbc Easterly side by ludian Creek Drive. on the Westerly side by Indian Creek, on the Northerly side by the Nortberly line of Lot 14, Block 12, extended Westerly, and on the Southerly Side by the South line of lot 15, Block 12, Extended Westerly. See attached composite Exhibir ''A,, (the Property) (from Official Retord Book 21621, Page 37S5t 3827"3832) TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the same together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. It is the intent of first party, by thís instrument, to convey to second party the Property described above. and in Exhibit uA" hereto, subject to and contingent upon the tenns and conditions approving and granting first party's vacation of the Property to second party, as provided in City of Miami Beach Resolution No. 2016~29584. 1 CFN: 20170086909 BOOK 30421 PAGE 3578 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said first patty has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) n Hotel Co ominium Owners Assoc. Inc. f.-1) A <J e , c..t. e AJ o l\J &A , -Prlntt.fame. <:p {2.e:.;?. l-\::::) ~ td"t- - Title: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t D day of i)e.,c e:. M Q li! iz. 2016 by f"'1 •h.1 ti u., o "-' o" o A who is personally known to me or who bas produced ~__,_..,.,,,,.~"~"'~tification and did (did not) take an oath. My Commission Expires: • RAfAEL p A.QUIMO •1i MV COMMISSION# ffD91091 EXPIRES JulY 08, 2.020 .CGlll 2 CFN· 20170086909 BOOK 30421 PAGE 3579 EXHIBIT "A'' DECLARA TJON OF CONDOMINIUM THE ALDEN HOTEL, A CONDOMINIUM LEGAL DESCRIPTION Book21621/Page3827 Page 53 of 124 CFN: 20170086909 BOOK 30421 PAGE 3580 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DUSCRIPl'ION !..01~ 14 and 15, in Block 12. of OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY, or THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION, according 10 the Pla1 th<:rL-of, as recordëd in Piat Book 5. ac Pages 7 and 8, of the Public Records of Dade C"oumy, Flè.>rida. QUIT-CLAIM Also d1at srnp of land bounded on the Easterly side by Indian Greek Drive:, un the: Westerly side by lrtdian Creek, on the Northerly side by the Nonhcrly IJnc of !..Qt 14, Block 12, extended Wesccrly, and 011 lhc SoutMdy side by the South Ime or l...q1 IS, Blóc:k 12, ex11..ndcd Weslerly. Book21621 /Page3828 Page 54 of 124 CFN: 20170086909 BOOK 30421 PAGE 3581 EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT ltß" DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM THE ALDEN HOTEL, A CONDOMINIUM SURVEY-PLOT PLAN-FLOOR PLANS Book21621/Page3829 Page 55 of 124 EXHIBIT "A" CFN. 20170086909 BOOK 30421 PAGE 3582 -HW. lit STllQI', 111.1111! 202 ......., nø.ot.:nin 'mVllOtec,cllllal.- ,AA:Øllll2"4m M>.W,f l'f¡ *ølltt ~urøeuør.ø }Jnt. LANO SURVE10RS 2·0002498 1"!1111 "°'--..1,L...._.QI". .!J SE! PAGE 3 Ol" 3 POR LECAL l>ESCltIPrIOR . ( Property-Address: 2925 INDIAN CREEK DR, MIAMI 9EACff, FL 33140 For: KINNERET Rl!:P.LTY L.L,C,, I\ FLOR.IDA Cat:e: 03/0S/2002 'Situated in 2onè1 AE Community/Pane~/Suffix; 120651·0184-J Date of Firm: 07/17/1995 Base Flood Elevation: SFT Certified to, ICIN'NERET REAI.,TY L.L.c., A FLORIDA L!MITSD ~':t!ô~S• TITLE INSURANCB FCNt>, INC. LlABil.ITl' COHPAHY W COHMEllCI'.AL BANI: Ol' FJ..Oltlllà, rrs succzssoas AND/Oll ASSlCNS • =LºsºrÄ::,íl'l=O=N=S=KE"r::::;:C:::::H~ -----t I Z----==''-- e " s: .& ,... .. , ~ hf! ~~---+-...-..~·--~...--i,~~;;,..~~ I) IZfl lv!'f ~ S' ,f s ;I I Seate 1• ~ /Ill'? • - -1 -- .! J ..... ' . ~ ~ I ~· .r, I I !!) .. Book21621/Page3830 Page 56 of 124 wooon~C!. CHAIN Ulll< ,11N<:f. e 11.S. WIJ.LIC.llWJ Ellr.111110 ELEV~TIONS. l'l10!'0Sl0 E\EVAnQtlS lllllltmliUJllW:.1~ Jt ll()Mf. 9(AllMI IJ'/ll. iæ,[ßl'lø IOJ.ll~UUMEDl'Ul!Wl.91 IA.Ol'IAT .. DEllHCIV110HØ''IHl!,-f"1'Y .NJ,, TletlllAlmll!M!NÆllllm'ITJCQ#ltf T_,_ 11-• ll'CNH, mn,_""" llDÈllll(010 :l,%iYD.c. ,m. ruv _ ~ IH$~ A ll'W'1C NIPOll SUIW:Y. :..==INljEllUCWlf~ll 111rl10WCQIV\';Tlll.t 'IMI~- Ol'ntCP~IY~-ØI.~ fllR HHll.Y~MClllllO~ tl<CCftMf SU'!lMlllCfl.COlftlUNfHTHI! lil,lf.UI ttt:IOCAl.llAICWIØS ~RT fOlllltØ 'IHI! ~lllWID Of MDfEJ:llCNll. UJø _ .. CIW'ftftllllll ... NlllØA -!MtClllllil'lllllSUMlf YOm.S rr,~r.tMllTU '" (Jt, w ~..ß.ø'f.. .;,~=~~ lfATlllf'Pl.OllDO.l"Al.IOCCflUDOlltlM'll'fl'ftU. 1111>11Dll-~fl#'ll<l!l'!11!1'flt«JW., u,mo,,¡. lla!llD..._ ~ ~"'''---~-------- H II SEAL EXHIBIT "A" QUIT-CLAIM CFN: 20170086909 BOOK 30421 PAGE 3583 • • ;2.o. BQUNDABY S,URVJ;Y Sca•e r .. - .f;,e,. ) I /c,f/. t,t/ .Nnua ¡,u.rue,ør.ø )ht.e. LANO SURVEYORS SllllVl'l'NO - (7-! •J!1'p4 . :z. .ø ltR l!ltí/J.___o,_ "·Id . ~ • r I :¡ ,· ' :§ ~ ~ ~ 'i ,, .t:.or-t'.:l'I .[!øOt,-t!Z. '· ,I ,, . ' ' , k \'j ~ Book21621/Page3831 Page 57 of 124 CFN: 20170086909 BOOK 30421 PAGE 3584 EXHIBIT "A" ,Nnua Í'~tu.e1Jørø )Jne .. LAND SUAVEYO,tS wtrl(Y ll0-!¥.:::...4.t.. :?.d. .. lfffllO_J __ c,~- I \~ 1 • Í I r~ I .. • r I, ~ ' .... Lot 14 and IS, ln Block 12, ofOCEAN P'ROJ'IT PltOPERTY, Of'TI IE MIAMI BI!ACll IMPROVBMBNT CO.MP ANY'S SUBDIVISION, øecord/ng lo lbe Plat lhcreor, ø..s reeonled in Plal Dook S, ni rages 7 1111d 8, of the Public Rcèordi¡ of Oncle Cnu111y1 Fioritla. Also lhul strip oíluud bo11ndcil un the l!ll$h:rly :;itle hy lmlinn Creek Prive. un tite QUIT ~CLAIM---..,---t Westerly aida by Jndl1111 Creek, on 1110Norll11:111• Bido by Iho Norfüœly lina or Lot 14, . ¡ ;1 Block 12, ~tended Wcsletly, and on.the So1.tllmrly sido by the Soulh ll111::ofl..ol IS, 1 .Block 12, extended Wcslerly. Book21621/Page3832 Page 58 of 124