WD-130 4024 587 r--P~"--"'- ~...'--------:---_o__ .r ,.. WARRANTY DEED ,TO CORPORATION' FORM R. E. 34 w D-/3~ PA.N AMIIKICAN PRINTING CORPORATION MIAMI. FLORIDA m4h1 lttbtttbttt. Made lb.. 30th day of July A.. 'D, 19~BETWEEN WILLIAM L. GREENFOGEL wife his of the County of Dade ..nd State of Florida. part.ieJl of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal ~,. corporation , ~xi8tingunder the laws of the State of Florida . having ita principal place ~f bUlin618 in the Connty of Dade ..nd State or Florida and lawfully authorized to trBDIact blllinell in the State of Florida, party of the eecond part. WITNESSETH: That the laid part ies of the first part, for and in consideration DC the IlUII1 of One ($1,00) Dollar and other valuable considerations ~.~ to them---.in hand paid by the IBid party of the lecond part, the receipt whereof i~ h6reby i1ckno~- ledged. have granted, bargained and &old m the IBid party of the _d part, ita 8I1CCet18Ors and ueigO., Corever, theCollowing dlllClrlbflli land, situate, lying and being in the Connty of' Dade ....d State or Florida, to-wit: The Easterly 2t feet of Lot 6, Block .29, and the Easterly 22 feet of the North 25 feet. of that certain closed portion of 76th Street lying between the west line of Dickens Avenue and the west line of said Lot 6, Block .29, __--..., produced southward to the point of intersection thereof with the west line of Lot Six, Block 30 , ALTOS DEL MAR #3, all of the1"Oregoing being as shown on plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 8, at page 41, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above-described property shall be used for street, sidewalk or highway purposes, In the event the Grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for the use aforesaid the title to the propeI'ty shall revert to and immediately :r>evest in the Grantors, their heirs, successors or assigns, And the said part..i..ea of the first part do_ hereby fully warrant the title to IBid latid, and will defend the lame againlt the lawful clainII of all pereoDl whoD18Oever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the laid p~ of the fim part have hanE and eea~ the day and year above written. here.mto eet- their (Seal) (SeaH STATE OF FLORIDA. } CoUnty of__._..__.._____..'...._.._ I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thil clay penonaU, appeared before me, an oallal md take aeknowledJIDeDl8, officer dul, audoorbed to aclmilliater . to lI1e well!mOWII to be the pel'lOD.-- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me th.. executed the llIJDe fnel, and voluntarily for the purposel therein expreeeed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the laid . !mOWD to, lI1a to be the wife of the laid , on a oeparate and private esaminatio~ taken and Ib8de. by and before 1I1e, .epantely and apart from her oaid hueband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to eaid deed for the purpose of renoWleinlo re1inquishiRll and conveying all her right, tille and interellt, whether dower, homeotead or of eepante property, etatulory or equitable, in and to the Imds described therein, and that .be executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, eOllOtraint, appreheneion or fear of or from ....r said husband. WITNESS lilY hand and official leal a' , Co~ of ...d State of Florida,tJ.i. ell' of . A. D. l~ :::::,.:;:::.~-~_.._-~-,_.,.,-_._- } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day penonally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to admlni_ ....___e acknowledJIDeDtt, William L. Greerifo~eland Sarah Greenfogel' :"'~Ri ";.,~.", .;, . r.t."''''.. . .. <":'.";1 <",' ,., .~~.... - ..', ~',' ... . -, , ...._'m~,~l1.:bo_ to he the peno~ deecribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me (f'~~t P,ltfiiY,. executed the lame freel, and Toluntarily for the purposee therein elCpressed. '. '. ~... my hand and official oeal a' Miami Beach . County of Dade ~Q , ,.. \.' r' .. I /:::>~ 'llll- J 1 - tFJ!Ib\llltate.:bfFlorida, thi. ~"7-D L .byof U Y C A. D. ~ 953. expires :Nov ,26-,-19'5.5 ~)~liC:~t~~~1rirla at Large ~ I '.~ i.,g~ S ,-::: '8 '="Cl g2l:l rI1~ ~uO '~ .clo;>_ ~.,... ~ 0;> oS,~ . -d'.. Q'S i;'Q;stZ ~!2~6.cl_=~< ,~os u.... i'll 0 :E .,~.cl'O"Cl~'" U ffi Sl .... '.. ~o II) "Cl :PilSs:!: III oS'~ ~ ;J9 ~ ~~ ~i~~j ;: ~ ~"Cl ~1 i~~ ~ ~ Sr.; os '" c:: Ul ~ .... .... as "tJ bf) Q ~ ..". ~ C it fo",os=~"CloS! CD o 'S"Cl-j ~ os ~. ~..!l =~ .cl'Qcii iii ~ ....-el jl: 0 l>-. 't: ~ o~~:s~ s.,g~ ~ ~~ II l'I) U -< ,$ os I ,a i U 0 Notary Public, State of My commiu\on expires IQ ~ ~ I.t ~ =~ '+-t 0 =~ f(j8 k~ k- f(j 1M ~t J 1 i I Ul ~ Iio< o I ~ .. ai .: ~ ~ e 'iil Q N ~ f~ i:5 go: G\ .'": 0 i~ "- (.) w !i ;~ g::: go: tic 0 It.O .... -..".; ~~ Q -c """ \11' '..... '; ~, < .f c-;.,.I', vI . ~ :S .. i .. ; .; 0: o U ~ Z ;:: z ii: .. z ~ i< .. .. .. z ~