WD-137 8001< '408i PAGE 4,73 QUIT.CLAIM DEED FROM CORPOR....TION PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 42 PA~CO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 3:2, FLORIDA m4t9 3Jubtntufr Made thi. 26th day of FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL CORP.~ October >\. D, 19~ BETWEEN a corporation existing under the lawI of the State of Florida , party of the first part, and....-QITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation Dade Florida , partll..-- l'nd State of of the County of of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of thefiret 'part, for and in cOllllideration of the 8UlI1 of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and otMr. valuable considera.tions ftl;1Ia&lII'. in hand paid by the said pa~of the sec:ond part, the receipt whereof. il hereby acknowledged, hath remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these preeen~ doth remise, release and. quit-cIaim unto . successors the laid partY---of the lecond part, and it.:1/ 'lh&~ and aSligns forever, all the e8ta~ tight, title, '(, lien, equity, interest, claim and demand whiQb the said party of the first part b:~th ill .and m the following deacribed ~ parcel of land,. situate, lying and being in the County of nadA , State of Florida , toowit: That certain unnumbered "out-lotll lying westerly of and oppOSite II to Lot IIAII of Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivis1op. accord1ngto the r~ Amended Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 8, page 61 of the Public _. Records of Dade County, Florida, which said 1I0ut-lotll constitutes a strip of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west and between the south line of said Lot II A" tirodUce"d...tiI:es:tel'ly 'tG~"Imiian Cr~~!U).d the northerly line of said Lot I All produced westerly to Indian Greek.' - ,~~~, '- TO . 'RAVE AND 1.'0 ::U:OIh' iJieBaD1e. together ~itball and singular the' appurtenances thereunto be- longinri or in anyWise appertaining, lUld all the eatate, right, title, lien, interest and claim whatllo6ver.of the said party~ftbe first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the pa~ of the second part, :l- ts F1l1CnAFlFlOT'F1l1i16Va and ..signs forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the 8!lid party oCthe fint part haeeaused these i"\l " <. "'"":"''--'"\\\ ",' ~... " ,,' ~ -,' -,' --~ -' ""\' ," ~l 'if' .. .II.'-'....~.. -}.. v" , .. (' J!" 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