WD-137 C 480 309 CS-' " QUIT-CLAIM DEED FROM CORPORATION FORM R. E. 42 PAN AMERICAN PRINTING CORPORATION MIAMI, FL.ORIDA BETWEEN wqi,a lhwruturt If"'" dar ., - r _4.- FORTY -FIVE TWENTY -FIVE " IN " .\. D. 19--%i Made tJU. a corporation e~ting under the laws of the State of Florida I party of the first Part. and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal cort>oration of the County of Dade And State of Florlda , pll1't-L of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the f4'st part, for and in considCl'l!-tion of the sum. of ~~~ ~~~l'~n~ ;a~~ble-c~n;l~e;atl~n~ - - - ~ - - -- - Dol~ in hand paid by the said parL....Y- of the second part, the receipt whereof it! hereby acknowledged, hath remised, released and quit.claimed, and by these presents doth remise, release and quit-claim unto succeSSors the said parLX.- of the second part, and 1 ts 'lC1I1lil.. and assigns forever, all the estate, right, title. lien, equity, interest, claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described lo~ piCCC-..B., or parcel of land, situate, lying and be~g in the County of DI:ll;A I State of. Florida J to-wit: Those certain unnumbered "out-lots" lylng westerly of and opposlte to Lots Four (4), Five (5) and the northerly fifty (50) feet of Lot Three (3) of Indian Beach Corporation's Subdlvislon, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book Eight (8), at page Sixty-one (61) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florlda, which said "out-lots" constitute a strip of land on the easterly shore of Indlan Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indlan Creek on the west, and between the northerly 11ne of sald Lot Flve (5) produced westerl~ to Indian Creek and a line parallel to and flfty (50) feet northerly of the southerly line of said Lot Three (3) produced westerly to Indian Creek. . TO BA VE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto be- longing or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title. lien, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the pa~ of the second part, 1 ts SUCCeSS~and assigns forever. , I'" ~ I r '", ,; ciJ".,. 't - r::;"'''-",,' : ~I '._" \.... ._._'. 1'_ -.. V .. .,. v - "" "J .- ~J.-"":_ c..."'....: ":. ~.,...,~'....."".,:~.~. Q .~-,.,~;:' 1}'.. '!)'~~\L,~c.n'lt:.~. L" ","", :'~:'-""" :J -o..~~ . : .'0_' ([),J q _., c :p".~ . ~~ tn).......,):J: z :: ~ ~ to, Ul.o;.C'At'\ ..../ r :..", "Y I , ", (l;.~te '*. .. ,~ ..;.. v.' "-i:..~'Ir"_~"\ -, "! .:' i.I.. ' , ~ ~ , l (. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its President, and its corporate seal to be Secretary ,~, aEfixed, attested by itll the day and year above written. ) By President. Attest: .~:::: Secretary STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF ~~~~ } ss. of the FORTY -FIVE TWENTY -FIVE, INC.; president and a corporation mtder the laws of th~ State of Florida ; that ~id persons so appearing before me are the individuals and the officers aforenamed of said corporation described in and who cmecnted the foregoing deed; and that then and there said individuals as said officers acknowledged before me that the seal affixed to said deed is the corporate seal of said corporation, that their namee of. ficially are by them reepectively subscribed thereto, that said deed was signed, sealed and delivered by said corporation in the presence of two subscribing witneeses pursuant to law, and that the same is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at ~ ~ /..5 .,-- . .. ".-" <~". ' ~!,,- \'.911Hllill \,,,,,~ Ii U 'if. ! ,'" ~ . .L"'~J:'" '. "".."..~_Cl."'''I'.i - ........." ,'" :~........ /-.:'". '1-')' ;> " . I -, .w~ , . .., ~ . 0 l' A.~.'~ ~.f i . : \.~ ~ ~ .....'. . :: ....... : '. ':: ~ V~ u 1lYi.. ~~~..~on expires: "....', '.,.... ~ ~:3't1T~ i? 'J:'...llINOtw>....~'lf~~.. t.at'!~f. Florida at Large. It: I"l 11l!;c:...~i..,.)jon expires Oct. 3, 1956. ~ ~ V~~ _,. ~.~/_I~!.!.f~!..'..!.~':1~~~ ~ml!l~jca~ fll.e & Cdsuzlty Co.- ..,..,,....--;:....~\"'~..~..-~._--';-------~.--;-., ~l'i;r:::-= ~ . (t C ~ . ~? 0 """ ~ . ., ~ '" . E""'" ..... ; < ~ ~ ; ~ ('tl: 1>1 \~a:.~8 II \ t::: ,,' "'- .... ~tJj ~!~~ \ ~ !~ """ i r; \ cr . ~ 1 0 ~ 0"'" I:l >."j "'d '(=; :.- ..... 4l ?-- .r~~ : ~ C- .- :~ - ;;;,: u:. l-' \01'>- Q. ~ So o ~ - c.o ~ ... r i i \ o ~ ("J ... .... ~e... , .. . ~ r- ;. day o III .. ("JrJ> 0-'3 r:::> :z ...., . ..:3 t'i ';f-<O .... ~ Cf) __ ... "'" M'j =~~ " -:) ;:; C-j ~>~ a v,:? ~ t~ ~~ ~ "--,---' [fJ ~ ~ '" ..... ~. ..... '" """ ..... o .... .... " '" c .... "'" .... ..~ ~..a.~ - . ~ in the ~..._-~-- I 0 II) ~ H I-" ~ ~ 0 I-" Ii 0 ..... ~ Ii P. ..... 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